Arnold Schwarzenegger and his stunt double Peter Kent on the set of Commando - 1985

Arnold Schwarzenegger and his stunt double Peter Kent on the set of Commando - 1985.

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2much testosterone in the picture

Epic XD I saw this on Reddit too

> when your stunt double is less jacked than you are

>did steroids
>needed a stunt double

He really was all "smoke and mirrors", wasn't he? What a fucking LOSER.

Lifting doesn't just magically give you the skill to do stunts

>Stunt double

Fuck you Arnold, not even Chris Farley needed a stunt double

And Chris Farley's dead. So which one has it figured out in the end?


Bodybuilders actually have no endurance. It's kind of sad really when a fatass who carries a bunch of shit all day can outclass one of these body sculpting people in terms of stamina.

pffft, he's not even close to arnie. they couldn't find someone who's body was similarly jacked to be his stunt double?

shut the fuck up nu-male faggot. arnie is a better person than you in every conceivable way. hide your jealousy better loser.

why do you just take posts from reddit and copy and paste them here? is there a possibility that you can take the clorox thats in your house and drink it?

wow, i'm totally going to comission thesaltystudios for a freelance project or even a full time job after this epic image!

he has a really doughy face lol

>Greatest action star of all time
>Greatest bodybuilder of all time
>Governor of a state in a country he wasn't even born in

What have you accomplished cuckboy?

Arnold's always did a lot of his own stunts. It was only the really dangerous stuff that they used a stuntman for. It's not really a big deal is it?

Anyways, fuck anyone who dislike Arnie.

>shut the fuck up nu-male faggot. arnie is a better person than you in every conceivable way. hide your jealousy better loser.
In what world does sucking the dick of some really masculine guy on the internet pass for manliness? You're just as much a faggot as a person who tries to belittle Arnold and his achievements because he can't handle that other people are greater, in some aspects, than he.

In short, you're a "nu-male" faggot too, buddy.

You're an idiot.

Really him becoming governor too is amazing.

Literally stolen from reddit

NaOCl + NH3 = your destiny

>reddit filenames

there are two types of nu-males.

whispy, pale neckbeard betas and masturbatory image obsessed, supplement chugging gym twats.

they're as tragic and as far from masculinity as each other.

a real man isn't ripped because he lives on a diet of protein whey and a strict gym routine, he has a job that is a natural workout, likes a beer or four in the evening and eats what he wants when he feels like it.

how do you know?


My guess is that it was also a studio thing. They're going to lose a lot more potential revenue if their star breaks his legs or his neck vs. some unknown stunt guy.

>t. someone who is morbidly obese

Keep telling yourself that tubby.

Just a reminder Arnie will die in your lifetime and youwill never lock arms with him Predator style.

Honestly, this will be one of the very few celebrity deaths that will actually upset me.
Feels bad, man.

in what way am I sucking his dick you fucking idiot?

The filename. It's literally saved from

Also everytime an image like this pops up on Sup Forums for the first time, it's already on the reddit frontpage.

>I'm not a faggot beta nu-male, I swear! : the post

>"""action""" star
he wasn't much of an action star if a stunt double was the one doing all of the action

Why can't men look like that today?

Go to bodybuilder gyms and they do look like that.

>I have never lifted before

Not really. Bodybuilders today look too big and bloated because of steroids

Damn, he lost a good amount of mass for the role and still looks like a hulk.
I wasn't even born in 1985, this is incredible!

I train at Gold's Gym Venice, sorry faggot.

Yeah the ones in Olympia sure.

He doesn't even look that big yet is on copious amounts of drugs. Natty training is suffering

In that OP picture? Arnold doesn't look big? I mean sure, if you compare him to modern Olympia he does't look big, but if that guy came across you in a street you'd notice him

how do you know what reddit filenames look like
u reddit too?

>tfw stupid strong without any training at all
>tfw insane buff-up after a week of lousy 7kg 5x5's
>tfw flexible like an acrobat
I kind of hit the muscle-genetics lottery. I don't care much about lifting though.

Yeah, I mean by today's standards. If you posted that pic in a /fit/ current body thread you'd probably get told you're too small and too fat

>Bodybuilders actually have no endurance.
He routinely ran in the jungle and competed against other actors (all beefy fuckers)
And got them to smoke those cigars

This is M60. He's got my back!

wtf i hate muscles now

>complaining about Reddit

So let me get this straight, if it were posted here ONE MINUTE before it was posted on reddit, you guys would've been OK with that wouldnt you


This sounds like me. I work in construction but still like to lift barbells. My job pretty much allows me to eat whatever I want

Yeah no.

me on the right

So Arnold does cocaine via his stunt double? Then he's really got it figured out.

depends, did you get those muscles from working heavy machinery and eating steak or holding a mouse hunched over a computer screen for 9 hours a day sipping at your powah wey before a 90 minute dedicated self improvement session surrounded by people in leotards?

Why does Arnold make numales so nervous?

It's an imgur filename retard, not from reddit
but redditors almost always use imgur so it's the same thing

>he has a job that is a natural workout

So you're saying anyone in this world who is remotely successful and has a good, higher education job is a numale?

I'd be flattered if I got hired to be Arnie's stunt double. Hiring someone to be Arnie's stunt double is basically the same as telling them "Bro, you're as ripped as Arnold Schwarzenegger".


>being ripped means you're a nu-male
Fuck off nu-male

welcome to Sup Forums

>thinking studios would risk their star getting injured or killed

fucking retarded numales

no, not really.

if you've got a job but play a lot of sports that's one thing. if you box, surf, climb or whatever and get a body that can enable you to do those things better than that's all good.

it's people who work out in their specially allotted masturbatory get ripped sessions, protein shake in one hand and men's health in the other to build vanity muscles they'll never use.

sad cunts with ultra feminine lifestyles.

and yet they get laid more than you

got a wife and kids mate.

opposite of those roid shriveled microcock numale gimps who put themselves about and have full all to show for it.

embarrassing really.

Fuck you man. I'm a computer programmer and can outlift you

>lying on an anonymous Taiwanese knitting forum

>got a wife and kids mate
>implying that doesn't mean the opposite of getting laid
>implying that doesn't make you a nu-male
>falling for the marriage meme

Frankly, you sound like you are a morbidly obese NEET. No regular person who has a successful career has the time to go fucking surfing and rock climbing after 8+ hours of work, you imbecile.

i used to work as a lifeguard, seen sad cunts like you every summer. they'd turn up on the beach gym fresh with a spray on tan and buy the biggest, most plastic mass produced shitboard they could and would spend their entire time waxing it on the beach.

good thing too cause if they ever took it out they'd have no idea what to do with it and it would snap in two as soon as things got heavy.

definition of numale. all veneer and nothing underneath. you can buy muscles, but you can't by manhood.

>you can buy muscles
You actually can't. Unless you mean implants which look dumb as fuck.

Not just "a" Governor, No, *the* governor. Cali is by far the largest populated state, and despite only being a state, is by itself one of the worlds largest economies. Arnie is sick. Had he been eligible for candidacy, he'd run for president, and win by a landslide.

m8, he was Mr. Olympia 7 times. He won Mr. Universe at 20.

You sit in your underwear masturbating 3 times a day to tranny porn and shitposting on Sup Forums

lol wasn't he the mayor of newcastle or something whilst simultaneously being on a reality tv show?

Hello, numales!!


Reading is also for fags by the way

>not liking Junior

Life choices.

Where did it all go so wrong for us?

>You sit in your underwear masturbating 3 times a day to tranny porn and shitposting on Sup Forums

I like how nobody replied to this thread because he's right

Too real, user.

>Greatest action star of all time
Bruce Willis
>Greatest bodybuilder of all time
>Governor of a state in a country he wasn't even born in
Literally who cares

>lift weights

Congratulations, you now have both size and endurance, you fucking retard.

>Bodybuilders actually have no endurance

then i guess his stunt double was having a really hard time doing all those stunts, seeing how he was almost as jacked as arnie.

Go to the gym three times a week for a few hours, and you'll feel better, be more healthy, and be more attractive then people who aren't active.
>a real man isn't ripped because he lives on a diet of protein whey and a strict gym routine, he has a job that is a natural workout, likes a beer or four in the evening and eats what he wants when he feels like it
Get the fuck out of here you pretentious tosser.


I go surfing and play basketball. Get all my muscles from my job at the bodyshop. Gyms are full of greased losers working on their vanity pecs. Bad for the body and soul.

Fuck off. So basically anyone highly educated is a nu-male in your eyes?

And how many construction workers actually look good just from their job? Not many, because most of them eat sausage rolls and bacon sandwiches all day. Being ripped takes dedication, which is far more virtuous than "eating whatever you feel like" and somehow magically being ripped. Only black people can do that.

How is anaerobic exercise bad for the body you retard? It is almost exclusively good for the body. You're lumping every who goes to the gym in the same boat, personality isn't a derivative of being ripped, they are exclusive qualities. I've met many gym rats who are fine people. I powerlift and every powerlifter I've ever met has been a total bro.

so you are a close-minded person who can only think in stereotypes, how sad.

Keep drinking your corn beer, with your corn fed beef on a corn bun with extra corn syrup sauce and a large corn syrup on the side incase you get thirsty

Bruce eggis is shit

if you had said sly.... you'd still be wrong, just less wrong

Sorry Jim Belushi gets an auto 0

>I go surfing and play basketball

fuck, i absolutely lost my shit imagining shaquille o'neal on a surfboard.

there is one type of nu-male.

One that tries to bring down other males just because he can't/ doesn't want to do what they do.

You sound like a bitch

ITT: nu males criticize one of the most successful men of all time

what movie is the green one far left, second row supposed to be?

Nah, that thing with the maid didnt look so good. And I think they were other sexual harassment allegations.

Sick burn. But really, its like you have Xavier powers.

in the 70s and 80s arnie didn't give a fuck, and women where trowing themselves at his feet.
i remember an interview he once gave, during one of his movie shoots (forgot which one) he was in his trailer going down on a girl, and reporters where right outside knocking on the door.
he got up, opened the door and told them "don't disturb me while i'm eating" closed the door and fucked the girls brains out.