Other urls found in this thread:
Why does he wear his shirt like that?
He's really fucking gay
For instant cuckolding(TM) access
>Joker has always been a blonds man
The deepest lore
>the previous scene where she's a stripper/gogo dancer and she uses the chain as a machine gun
Shit was cash
Does the Joker enjoy the films of Blacked?
J-Man's got a touch of the jungle fever himself
I thought he said HUNKA HUNKA, like he was calling the guy a hunk.
>They both approach a childish genre like adults — and that’s what annoys the Marvel kids, whose bad rap on Suicide Squad has already gone viral. If DC is the conservative comic-book universe to Marvel’s pseudo-progressivism, it couldn’t be more unpopular among kids who enjoyed the ludicrous platitudes of Avengers: Age of Ultron.
He did. Sup Forums are idiots
It's the whole hunka-hunka-burning-love Elvis thing, but none of the millennials around here would know that
It’s like an entire generation picked up an extra chromosome.
Seriously how the fuck did they butcher a character like the joker so much.
Now he's forever tainted as a cuck.
I don't understand user, where's the problem? There's nothing wrong in being a cuck.
yeah, what's the issue here?
I liked that scene in the trailer. Does it play as well in the actual movie?
he just played with that nig
>touch Harley
>don't touch Harley
Oh yeah I agree, I'm very disappointed they made the Joker a racist.
>missing the entire point of the scene
>Das naht tru
Damn, Will really nigged out for this role