Is it gay my 70 year old neighbor blows me while I look at tay? I'm only 18 but He's such good cocksucker though

Is it gay my 70 year old neighbor blows me while I look at tay? I'm only 18 but He's such good cocksucker though

yes, unless he's giving you a gummy, and in that case, no.

Top kek when he actually tried that


It's only gay when you stop needing a visual aid.

I agree


It's not gay if the balls to don't touch, so go at it dude.

Balls don't touch but he keeps wanting to talk me into trying prostate massaging and stuff

So do it, unless you are one of this faggots who doesn't like to cum.

I guess I could. He says it feels really good. But I'm a virgin so everything he does feels amazing

This is rapidly approaching gay.
It doesn't feel amazing, his mouth is the means to an end. It's marginally better than a hand. Your focus should be on shooting your goo to Tay, not how awesome the old guy's mouth feels.

True. He puts up a projector or plays his tv with a slideshow of tay and just lets me sit.

You should play her music loud too so you don't hear gramps slurping

He does so. Kek. The amount of times I came to the chorus to her songs kek

Have you fucked him to Tay?

I don't know if o should I think that's slightly pushing it

dirty whore faggot

Brother, you already done pushed it. Why is one hole less gay than the other? Just make sure your balls don't touch.

Any anons get lewd here on rabbit?

I guess. He's brought it up he's said if I've very wanted to fuck him I could. I guess I can try?

bro just get a fat girl geez. dont let a man suck your dick... shits cray. shits gay tho bro. a man aint no girl.

if you live in cali just got to HK in mexico 5min away from the boader and get your pussy there for like 30 bucks to 20bucks. (not talking high end honeys $60~$120)

Fuck him, ride him nice and hard user.


Yeah, instead of going to the neighbor's house to bust a nut, drive to a different country and spend your hard earned money.

again, if your balls aint touching, its not gay.

traveling is a common thing in the U.S. depending on your income i guess it could seem outrageous

if that seems a lot then maybe you shouldn't think of pussy but more like a life plan or business plan.

If the guy lives in Michigan and not El Paso or LA, how is it not outrageous to fly to Mexico for a hooker every time he wants to bust a nut?