Sup Forums... how do i get a girlfriend with this acne problem?

Sup Forums... how do i get a girlfriend with this acne problem?

all my friends have girlfriends, and they make out with them and go out to the movies and shit, and I just stay inside playing on my PSP and posting here.

i am tired of being a lonely Sup Forums. how do i gf?

you shave ur skin off

how old are you?
is your dad rich?

Wash your face 3 times daily.

Underage b&

Grow up faggot

you should talk to a doctor about acutane. it'll dry your skin out really bad and you might have depression side effects but it'll probably clear up your acne

You dont

Stinky Grapes

wash your face with a few drops of tea tree oil on a wet washcloth. Rinse... moisturize... Profit. Do this shit once to twice a day.depending on how dry your face is. Also stop picking at that shit.

a friend of mine used tetracylcine or erythromycin....years ago....his face had as much acne, but never as scab-ridden as yours.

looks like you are picking at it, or is massively a worse case than his.

wear a creative in its something that looks like a skin-tone latex mask.... or gold or black or white.... maybe the Guy Fawkes mask pattern but only a few millimeters thick

also some piercings to give it cred

Yeah you've basically got two options here bud, sorry. Number one, try to clear that shit up with powerful medicine. Number two, try to find a girl with a similar facial condition who is otherwise attractive. She'll immediately feel a bond with you because you know what it's like to walk in her shoes.

copy pasta

> with this acne problem

This is your mistake OP. You can't fix the problem without actually fixing the problem.

You need to cut off your dick so you don't feel the need to get a girlfriend.

Master a musical instrument

It's 5 fucking times I see this thread. 4 chan had become fake?

You dont
Your own reply

nice pasta faggot

Seamen is really good for fighting acne. Legit. Have a tug and rub it on your face. It worked wonders for me.

Dog. Go to a dermatologist.


OP, go to a dermatologist. To avoid having to touch or look at you, they'll most likely immediately prescribe Tetracycline, which is the greatest medication for acne ever. I would know, I'm on it now. What you have on your face, I had on my back, until about a month ago. I can't get rid of the scars, but by god did I get rid of the acne. It's gone OP. All gone. I included a picture of my back as it is now. I don't have a before pic. I tried to take one but the camera lenses kept shattering so I gave up.

I'd pay good money to watch you try to shave that shit off.

stop posting this shit on Sup Forums every fucking day. start to wash. then STFU and go back to 9gag. maybe better stfu first.

Probably said before, but here is my treatment advice.
1: go to a dermatologist
2: start using topical creams with benzyl peroxide 5% or 10% for the face melting anti acne shit. but i guess you have probably tried that.
3: The derm will probably start you on a broad spectrum antibiotic, a tetracycline.
4: if antibiotics dont work accutane is the nuclear option, this might fuck you up but will defiantly get rid of your acne.
5: lube up your butthole for the anxiety problems and social loneliness youll endure in highschool

>stay inside

Well there's your problem.

Go out and get some fucking sun and exercise and get a social life outside your fucking playstation

Roaccutane is fine. I'm on 40MG right now and it completely cleared my skin up. Granted it's dry as fuck now, but it works 99% of the time. Just get a creme made my the same company that created the medication. It works perfectly.

Go see a Doctor...yes.
See a specialist and determine exactly what your skin condition is before you start using any creams or acne rememdies.
Stop getting your medical advice from Sup Forums.
Wash your face...often...but you must also moisturize after EVERY wash.
You don't need special soaps or moisturizers.
Cheap, over the counter, basic skin moisturizers will do.
The goal is to clean your skin, and then moisturize to stop your pores from overproducing the necessary oils (that have been washed away during normal cleaning).
Most acne sufferers make the mistake of washing their skin a lot and making the problem worse.

Buy Luvos healing earth Type II
>R.I.P. Acne

Why the fuck haven't your parents taken you to see a doctor?

List of foods and drink in your diet. That will let you know.

First of all your acnes are not external cause. they wouldnt be that big and dark. there is probably something wrong with your liver, i guess it cant burn fat and pushing them out from ur skin (happened to my back) i had bacne long time. went to dermo and got strong medic which dried up my whole body, even eyes. but it solved.GO AND SEE A FUCKING DOCTOR!!

with money

also all those scabs in OP look so satisfying to pick off

stop picking at em and if you have low standards anyone can get a girl


sage sage sage sage

1.Cut out dairy
2. Drink ONLY water (aim for at least a litre a day)
3. Clean your face twice daily (with actual face cleansing products) and try and change pillow casing often.

Dramatic changes in a month if you stick to it, but you HAVE to stick to it