>no macho men in media anymore
No macho men in media anymore
Why is this board so homosexual ?
Usually it's just OP, he sure is one humongous cock smoking faggot.
>why is OP a faggot?
First day here?
Because it doesn't have any good role models.
There's no 'macho men' in the media because they have characters to which you faggots can relate.
You're not the muscular, fearless man who kicks ass, fights bad guys and gets the girl. You're the skinny barista, with wayfearer non-prescription clear glasses who can't stand violence and sucks dick.
Yeah but at least I try ya know?
Every day I go out there and give it my all making the best possible coffee I can and sucking off dudes like a human vacuum.
>no beautiful smug 15 year old boys in anime anymore
Anno pls stop with the godzilla and get back to 4.0
As long as you draw shapes in the foam. The mark of a true coffee artisan.
What about Chris Pratt, Chris Hemsworth, Chris Evans, Michael Cahill, Daniel Craig, Ben Affleck, Matt Damon, Tom Hardy, Christian Bale, the dude who's playing Aquaman, etc?
they're on their way back, don't you worry, don't you fucking worry user
They're just muscular. They don't emphasize the character aspects of machoness like stoicism or quiet determination.
Bateman was a nutbag.
Stoicism and quiet determinism describes characters like James Bond, Jason Bourne, Batman, Bane fairly well I'd say
What about Non Compos Mentis Maximilian?
That's some vague fucking bullshit.
Just admit that you wanted to complain about something that is not even an issue.
>stoicism is manly
it's the cuck ideology though
Being a dumb frogposter, you don't deserve any.
no. Stoic is not the same as passive.
Stoic is being calm and in control but making the one critical action that is completely necessary.
Being a passive cuck is just letting whatever happen, happen.
There's a trend in culture now where normies associate confidence with being as loud and obnoxious as humanly possible. Couldn't be far from the truth. The loudest people I know are the also the most insecure.
The numales won
Ooooooohhhh Yyyyyyeaaaa
He died years ago user, he's elbow dropping angels and snapping into ambrosia slim jims now.
pic related is OP
Movies and tv shows are mostly made for people who watch it on their compurter/phone while doing something else like chatting and shit. That's why people explain shit that shouldn't have to be explained in movies now, and why they do it more than once. A stoic character would be well received by that crowd.
Tell em brother! 1488!!!!
tbqh i'm glad, unrealistic standards for men to achieve