Did it kill the franchise?

Did it kill the franchise?

Franchise was already dead, this only proved it.

What franchise.
You can't recreate the factors that made the first ghost busters a hit. it was a weird wild hit.

GB2 killed it. It was on life support when they made the cartoon and games.

GBReboot pulled the plug, shot it in the head, put it on fire and extinguished the fire by hitting it with a shovel for an hour and a half

It aslo pissed on the carcass to mark it's territory

Ghostbusters 2 killed the franchise.
The remake just raped its corpse.

i liked it

No you didn't.

Franchises aren't allowed to die anymore.
In a few years there will be another attempt to monetize on it.

probably not entirely. the concept still works, but it actually lends itself much better in video games where you can bust ghosts yourself. they should've had a game that wasn't horse shit right at release.

>Ghostbusters cinematic universe already cancelled
>our boy Paul Feig thrown in movie jail
It's not fair, this was supposed to save cinema.

They busted it


what franchise

Jurassic World showed that if you resurrect a dead franchize in a smart way by not alienating its entire fanbase, it can be an immense success.

The only Ghostbusters game we need has already been released. I don't really want a sequel to it to be honest, I wish they could just release more content and add a couple of multiplayer modes, but since the game is a bit dated a sequel would work.

> "by not alienating its entire fanbase"
Shouldn't that be obvious?

There's talk of a 2019 animated film, and a 2018 animated tv show. So that will be the test if there's anything else to it.

Thing is though, the main draw of Ghost Busters was its unique premise, which is less interesting if you do it again and again, and the cast.

And it was all done in memory of Harold Ramis.

no it's a botched resurrection

let's be honest: a new ghostbusters was never, EVER going to be good nor would it ever relaunch the franchise. ghostbusters was pure 80s. it would be like trying to make a ferris bueler's day off sequel in 2016. it was just a stupid fucking idea through and through

Or a RoboCop reboot in 2014.

People are still talking about this? In the current year?! Was robocop 2014 any good? Saw a few clips and it looks good (enough).

>Was robocop 2014 any good?


ok then.

>Shouldn't that be obvious?
Sony would like to have a word with you about their amazing marketing strategy.

I don't want a Sony Vaio.

Maybe it should have gone straight to Red Box and shill.

>$70million net loss
>Sony shills & patriarchy busters still think it's a success

Mad Maya
Crocodile Daffodile
Dutchess of the Ring
7 concubines
Rosanna Hood
Harrieta Potter
Iron woman
Three queens
Saving Miss Daisy

I'm glad this movie is failing. IF...and I do mean if another Ghostbusters movie gets greenlit again it needs to open up Peter Venkman waking up from a fever dream (the rebooted movie) and just write it off as that.

Side note: The game from like 2011 is pretty good.

>Mad Maya
Misunderstood Maya

>Dutchess of the Ring
Lady of the Ring

Out of the all things they kept true to the original, why did they make them wear baggy pants? they aren't flattering.

Jurassic World was pretty forgetable

More like 170mil net loss when you account for the shit that isn't included in production budget.