Just watched this last night.
What are the best /vikingcore/ movies?
Just watched this last night.
What are the best /vikingcore/ movies?
>What are the best /vikingcore/ movies?
Mel Gibson's Viking epic.
This fucking movie
Always makes me feel like a viking afterwards. Damn I'm happy to be Danish (fuck you sweden)
That movie is scarily inaccurate, but still pretty entertain
Fuck yeah! never understood the hate for this movie
You mean historically inaccurate? I just think it's a really solid adventure movie.
Wasn't that the movie based on Michael Crichton's book Eaters of the Dead, about a Spanish Arab from Al-Andalus that traveled to Scandinavia and adventures with Beowulf? I read the book, never saw the movie adaptation.
A movie with fucked up literal monsters is inaccurate? What the fuck? They couldn't get a consultant to sort that shit?
Fuck you Denmark!
>Wasn't that the movie based on Michael Crichton's book Eaters of the Dead
Nah. It's more like a remake of The Seven Samurai, but with an arab and set in Scandinavia.
He's right, it WAS based on Eaters of the Dead.
>Still mad after 500 years
Your danish tears are so sweet.
Not a movie and not great, but it has some good characters and cool action. Three episode arc trying to siege Paris in Season 3 is pretty awesome though.
>Best characters
King Ecbert
Jarl Borg (RIP)
vikings is innacurate bullshit for nu male beta cucks. fuck off
how so?
You fucking idiot Beowulf was from Götaland in Sweden
The Last Kingdom is better. The writing anyway.
Everything about the Last Kingdom was better.
Inaccurate but it shows a viking chief willing to learn to read arabic
Like it's a little flick but it give a little depth to it's character, in my opinion it's kino
The protagonist ain't even the hero
Friendly reminder that the Danes were the first to pussy out and go christian.
The movie made by the author of Jurassic Park and director of Die Hard with cavemen cannibals isn't accurate?!?!
how so is it innacurate? The English are christian (almost every single common person wasn't a christian), the shitty leather armour that looks like something a biker would wear, the absence of colour, shieldmaidens who never existed, a norseman with an asian, the rest of the costume design is completely innacurate, etc
it's loved by beta males and cucks.
If you seriously think vikings is accurate then kill yourself
It shows a shieldmaiden and there's not enough rape. Clearly numale shit.
this movie is kinda entertaining
i read theres like 2 hours more of the movie but it got super fucked up in both production and editing
i think they went through like 3 directors or something?
fired GOAT mcteirnan
>waaah waah muh accuracy
Sci-Fi Beowulf was fun as fuck.
I really want to watch this. The concept alone sounds fun and fuck, and it has godtier John Hurt.
Let's just forget the things that divide you guys and focus on the things that unite you, the fact that you're both fucking cucks who get taxed to shit to pay for niggers raping your mothers, ohhhh the irony,ohhh the irony. Hundreds of years after raping and pillaging europe you're getting the same treatment from Somalia
Beowolf would end himself if he saw this shit. Hy from Tunisia btw, coming over soon
fun as fuck*
What did he mean by this?
>mfw I watched it the night before last
Lo there do I see my nigga!
>best viking of all time is Czech
Banderas in his prime was pretty awesome for a spic
I got so bummed out when they killed him off early on Vikings. I thought he'd get to shine again.