I dig it.
Michael K. Williams as Black Manta
Manta comin'
ye ye dats kool
but whats his REAL name? kinda slave name he got baka
there can be only one
Is that Omar?
More kino for the kino god
>he's black and has a scar, he's perfect
Nah, too bad Will Smith is too much of a pussy to play a villain
Haha Omar comin yo amirite guys. West Siiiide.
Wouldn't that be a little unprogressive? Manta should be a strong latino woman who don't need no man.
He's a Black Manta, not a Brown Manta
OH MY GOD! That's like saying brown people aren't black!
>i know only one black skinned actor
Why is DC so superior bros?
It's a very tired meme, that's all.
In any case Michael Jai White would be better
jai white would be a perfect manta, so WB will of course screw it up and cast kevin hart
The Rock incoming
I get the feeling they'll go for an unknown, or maybe the Stephen James guy from Selma and Race.
oh shit, Manta coming!
they all look the same what does it matter
but that nigger is gay and speaks like a gay nigger.
no time for candy asses
>more blacks in movies
This is jewish propaganda dont support these flicks
This better happen
>black villain in 2016+
>Implying they are going to follow source material
>Implying its not going to be a blonde blue eyed white male
God gooks are ugly
Star Trek Beyond's villain was black, and Deadshot is black in the DCEU and a villain MUH DAUGHTER doesn't change that he's an assassin for hire.
They won't cast Elba until they see whether Cyborg's a hit or a flop.
If Cyborg's a hit then they can bring Hal Jordan into the Justice League and cast Elba as someone else. If Cyborg's a miss they're going to forget Hal and bring in John Stewart, and Elba's their number one pick for that role.
Cyborg is already a flop since they're not making it, he's now going to be Flash's buddy in his movie like how Falcon is in Cap movies.
I don't mean his film that isn't now happening, the character himself. They're worried he won't catch on so they're keeping a token up their sleeve if they need to replace him on the team.
>black Manta will never call Aquaman a jive ass motherfucker
Cyborg has so much utility now in his present incarnation compared to the past, he can teleport himself and others, he's super strong, he can hack any computer, he can interact with New God technology, create multiple weapons, grow extra arms.
If they don't take advantage of that and he's just arm blasting dude it's their own fault.
Him turning into a swiss army knife to justify why the others keep him around doesn't really make him a more interesting or entertaining character, user. In the comics they take advantage of every power, ability, function, insight, and otherwise he has, and he's still the same old dullard he's always been.
Michael K. Williams >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Will Smith
I think he's pretty cool, I lie how in Justice League he actually sacrificed his last remaining lungs to go save the team without a second thought.
It's pretty much up to the writers to make him interesting swapping him out for John Stewart won't change anything if they such at characterization like you said.
No argument there, point is Will Smith will never commit to playing a wholly evil character, not after Winter's Tale anyway.
Not necessarily, some characters (easiest example would be Batman) have built-in characterisation and history to draw on so even mediocre writers can do a good enough job with them. Stewart's got enough that the same could apply, but with Cyborg it'll be pretty much solely down to the writers to work him out.
But then we are talking about capeshit films so it'll likely be more down to how well he quips.
Black Manta is black though. And he's a villain which by the nature of your post probably strikes your world view.
you gonna see real black bad guys you have to drop capeshit and see real films
OK thanks for posting, fuck off now.
Fuck yes.
And Manta is autistic so it works out.
how about he fucking auditions like everyone else will be
Seems like a good choice, they better make him balls to the wall psychotic though.
>And Manta is autistic
Not anymore, he's just got a hateboner/mancrush for Aquaman
keep Sup Forums on Sup Forums you faggots
why does black manta have to be black? like wtf i cant even
Pretty autistic desu.
So we can all agree that Aquaman is going to be GOAT now that Based Manta is in it, right?
>not a villain
hes already been cast as Black Adam
I'm imagining Michael Jai White delivering this scene in the style of Black Dynamite, and it's glorious.
Context: Black Manta killed Aquaman's family, comes back to gloat about it.
Being a sarcastic nigger doesn't make you a villain, it should get you the chair though.
Would be funny if him being a big bitch on instagram got him dropped, Oded Fehr would be way better.
He's already part of Thor
It's a meme , look at his filename even.
>You make sure you tell ol Aquaman I burned the kingdom 'cause it ain't about that reigon, it's about me hurting his people and messing with his world. You tell that boy he ain't man enough to come down to the ocean with Manta
Does Momoa has a good voice to shout MAAANTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA?
>He's already got the scars
they will save money on scar makeup
dceu needs to learn to start being thrifty
>The name's Bond, Bail Bond
>Black Manta
>He's literally black
How fucking original
>Black Panther
>He's literally black
>Black Lightning
>he's literally black
Why'd you take the bait? It's so telegraphed
michael k williams is such a shit actor
especially Chalky
That would be a great choice.
Fuck off Idrisfag, he is already being wasted on Marvel.
Wow so when manta said he was greasin the union thats what he really meant
I don't think will smith has the acting chops to do a real villain no even a comic book one.
probably more of an antihero, besides repeating 'we're da bad guys' doesn't make you a villain