Liberalism is mental disorder.It makes people irrational, overly emotional and anti themselves

Liberalism is mental disorder.It makes people irrational, overly emotional and anti themselves.
Pic related.

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How do you know they are "liberals"?
Bruce Jenner is a repug and he is a part of the LGBT community.

no one cares about your silly personal problems


Please please please visit sharia law country

"LGBT AGAINST ISLAMOPHOBIA". Hell, that's like "CATTLE FOR MORE SLAUGHTERHOUSES". Those people are just fucking idiots.

You have to turn even kids cartoon in to sexual ones?

Fucking idiots. They'll be the first to be thrown of buildings and beheaded by their brand new friends

If, or when that happens. I won't do a thing to stop it.

Stop Islamophobia! We only want to behead you!

Truly a mental disorder


This protest was just 3 streets away from THIS protest 6 years ago.
Makes you really think



B...bu....but diversity!

give liberals their own country and let them see what happens. sick of this shit


Let's face it. He's just don't it to keep up with the times and stay relevant.

Just send those fuckers to the Middle East. Problem solved.

No shit. Like imagine if they tried to do this in islamoland. They'd probably be killed for trying to parade for them

Jeeze. You're one of them huh that just yells out random words that you don't know meanings of

