Based Tim heidecker BTFO Sup Forums. Calling out all you alt right fags. Its official, hes our guy.
Thats right cucks, he checked your profiles and saw all your nasty words
Based Tim heidecker BTFO Sup Forums. Calling out all you alt right fags. Its official, hes our guy.
Thats right cucks, he checked your profiles and saw all your nasty words
Other urls found in this thread:
Wtf I hate Eric now
>waaaah call my show and make me relevant again
Libtard cuck entertainers are in full meltdown mode as their fanbase is growing up and growing tired of the played out 2004 tier comedy.
>Hurr durr Republicans are racist hurr durr this is still funny right?!
let's be real tho you're a racist republican.
let's be real tho you're a cuck democrat
Fuck niggers, gas the jews, i love anime. i live in a basement. is that what you want tim? is that enough for you?
Are you feeling less insecure now, tim?
I don't know who this guy is or why he's so mad, but he really sounds like he's about to cry in that voice clip.
he got bullied over the internet by the nazi frogs
He's just mad that based Norm blew him the fuck out.
Read from bottom to top.
Fuck i love norm. get that man a tv show
The butthurt he is expressing here is the first time I have ever found him funny.
sauce for full?
god I love when someone who seems to be really with it accidentally reveals themselves as a total Out-of-it
hahahaha hes done
>listening to hollywood idiots talk politics
>all the people ITT doing exactly what he said they would
nobody fucking cares about tim and eric stop making these threads
Fuck off Tim.
I wouldn't usually but it was just a shock to me to see a guy who i thought was level headed and behind the jokes was a cool guy turn out to be a total faggot. his twitter is full of unfunny cliched trump jokes. the guy is old and finished. maybe he has a career in producing but the comedy is finished.
>all these triggered Sup Forumscucks
really makes u think
Stop squirming tim, you liberal cuck
It's baffling how people try to deny this is a sketch of his.
It's literally an IDENTICAL piece to what he's been doing for the last 10 years.
But now he targets r/thedonald so he's DONE, he's FINISHED, he's LOST IT.
fuck he really needs to lay off the sauce
One of the first of these threads got over 400 replies. I think your wrong faggot. What? you want more suicide squad and ghostbusters threads? shut the fuck up
Can't lose what you never had.
Okay Tim
>talking shit about a website you've only heard of
Makes him more mad if I bait him with my anime or frog twitter account.
Tell me when i'm supposed to laugh
>People who oppose me are living in basements
>You are looking at obese white men between 50 and 60 who are active klan members or members of the aryan nation, and there are millions of them
Holy shit Tim saying "libtard cuck" is killing me right now.
He definitely is one, I still love his work though
>tim is looking at one of my 4chans profiles right now
400 replies over the entire night and then two more failed threads by a couple buttmad 4channers doesnt change the fact that these guys are fucking irrevelant pieces of fucking trash that only a very MINOR portion of you idiot millennials finds humorous.
ill take my ghost buster threads over seeing this guys retarded shit sneer over facebook, thanks
>tfw tim found the sniff sock folder
yet here you are :)
Fuck off tim
by that same definition Tim isn't anti-comedy or meta-comedy either, because he makes people laugh.
I don't think he was talking about Tim. He probably would say the same of his own stuff, viz. anti-comedy
>tfw Tim found your cum collage
hehe hes got a pony tail and hes fat and glasses and he dresses badly, its every Sup Forumsfag amirite? im totally not just ignorant about the things i dislike. :^)
I dont even use pol but i know they aren't all like this. Its just an irrational cliche for people who have different opinions than you AKA: your'e as bad as a Sup Forumsfag
You queers defending that hack are just as idiotic as the Sup Forumstards. You're the same fucking people.
Lmao triggered
why would tim call himself irrevelant you fucking moron
> It's a Sup Forums gets easily triggered episode
Sup Forums BTFO, just look at this thread
>because he makes people laugh.
yeah at how depressing he is
at least norms a hilarious alcoholic
Because he is? why else is he trying to ruffle up shit this election?
>its a Sup Forums thinks its superior than another board while they share pretty much the same characteristics
Tim pls don't open this
>its a Sup Forums now hates a person based on their political standpoints rather than the content they produce episode
exact same shit happened with ricky gervais
Is he being ironic? I can't tell anymore.
>being this mad over Sup Forums
what a butt hurt cuck lmao
>stereotyping people's looks is b-bad!
No it's pure wisdom you fucking autist.
What a person thinks and what he looks like are undeniably linked.
>tfw tim found the diapered donald compilation
>Trying to shift the fat fedora athiest look onto the right instead of the left
maybe i'm wrong, but i think this whole outrage at being called a "libtard cuck" is just another bit.
Has Sup Forums ever really liked tim and eric? they have made a lot of content and its rare something of theirs makes me laugh. Their movie was garbage
relax user a lot of us hate him for the content they produce
not triggered enough to draw comics mocking my ideological opponents in an extremely frustrated fashion ;^]
I was trying to find the words for why that comic was so ill founded
You new?
>implying DUDE SO RANDOM LOL people haven't been bashing that garbage since it came out
ever met a Sup Forumstard? they look pretty normal, all the ones ive met on omegle. usually better looking then the ones from /r9k/ and Sup Forums
Yeah but doesn't that pic go against the prior pic? It seems that being ugly is the only element to make someone with opposing views look "bad".
Because alt right kiddies literally can't laugh at themselves or take a joke.
I completely agree with you!
this right here is how the political discourse goes in america
do you know understand why the election has two terrible candidates?
>Has Sup Forums ever really liked tim and eric
no. a couple edgy faggots will try to say they are good because because the rest of us "just dont get it," but we actually realize that what they make is pure fucking garbage.
And lefties can? dont make me laugh
Norm and Tim are mates, they've tweeted each other a few times, here's a recent one for example.
The worst thing about this is how the libtard MSM refuse to report on this major event.
Tim has gone full libtard and even made a joke about Donald Trump and they don't talk about it on CNN. Sad!
your jokes blow, go bend over for a big black strap on with timmy
Maybe because there isn't that strong an alt-right movement and you're just throwing that term around to describe anyone you disagree with.
Well, that proves it then. lol Fucking morons on here, I swear
Norm went on a 2 hour rant on the roosterteeth podcast about how as a black female he's afraid to go out in rural austin texas lest he become another statistic... he's a total sjw
Oh yeah, Sup Forums ms paint comics don't exist. Never seen one before.
norms a massive drunk hes probably just being nice
>Calling out all you alt right fags
calling out as in baiting poltards. it's still funny but not haha funny
so you mean actually in tune with the reality of being black in Texas... got it.
wtf i love norm now
The haha funny part is the reactions
Just saying
Link? I have yet to listen to that and it sounds funny.
Hes not a sjw.
To be fair, Tim always seemed a bit more jaded. Naturally this would lead him to becoming a bit more angry and combative.
>My projections must be correct! They have to be!
Top fucking kek
God I wish he really did that would be hilarious
he used "cuck" (interracial fear) and is obviously a republican.
therefore... racist republican. keep up, conservatards.
Nah I know it's not real, I just wish it was.
Tim should stick to his little stoner comedy show and stop trying to have a fucking opinion because he sucks at that. At least he can entertain stoned people for a living i guess so he's not a complete waste of human trash. He must only just now be realizing that his handful of fans don't actually have any money to pay him for his garbage anti-comedy routine
>i was just pretending
bullshit user, we all know you thought it was real
cuck has been expanded in meaning this election season
it now means country destroying self loathing nu male that would vote for hillary
and libtards know that, thats why their panties get in a bunch when someone drops the c word
>blacks are actively hunted down by le ebil wite pplz and oppressed by rayciss witey in texas
your narrative is a joke, get outside sometime
By alt-righters own definition, will Trump be a cuck when he loses to a woman in November?
Will they start referring to their 'God-Emperor' as 'King Cuck'?
Because that's what he'll be
cuck is the alt rights "racist" or "nazi". Everyone is as bad as each other. The only real way to be cool and non cringe is to be calm and understanding about others views or not give a fuck about politics.
Norm is totally the type of comedian to take the piss like that, for a split second I thought that maybe he really did, but then I remembered he's too busy tweeting about sport to mock black people.
no, well just have confirmed that the majority of men and women in this country hate themselves and want to be blown up and have their guns confiscated, a truly cucked country for all the cuck population