With this girl in my arms I'm unroastable

With this girl in my arms I'm unroastable

Looks like a whore.
Her I got nothing against.



you look like a gay nigger from outer space in whiteface

You are threatening a girl with a gun to take a picture with you man wtf

Wow that's a pretty cool tattoo on your hand. Did you point that at her n you kidnapped her?

don't know who has a worse taste, you for your tats or your "girl" for being w/ you

Its great your sister is supporting your decision to look for your missing chin and jaw.

She's going to show this picture to her daughter one day with the warning "this is why you don't do meth in Reno."

The worst meet and greet Bella Thorne ever had was when she got her hair stuck in a junkies knock off watch.

>Likes tatoos
>Likes jewellery
Post again when you've started your gay porn career

Her eyes man... Is she latina?

lucky bastard.

Dat girl got tranny lips nigga ahahahaha

the arms of unemployment strike again

She's Croatian bro

Haters gon hate

roast what?

ur awesome tattoos that say "hey, im a fairly stupid person"

that by looking at you i can tell you didnt go to college?

that sweet 80 dollar watch?

that youll be poor ur whole life?

and ur chick is whatever, but clearly the best ur gonna get

Yea, she is deffo a tranny mate

I'd only need enough gasoline and an ignition source to roast you.

these fat fucks hatin' cos they are fat lazy fucks. Does she have sister or relatives who look as cute as she? hook me up bro.

have fun being controlled by a lukewarm sweaty mucous-oozing hole

Hahah too right my man and yeah she's got a 19 year old sister who's single

foil is unroastable and that shit gets used and thrown away

your a fucking tool

You look like James McAvoy with Downs syndrome

You guys are great and look great together. That being said i think she doesn't look too happy to be with you, so i'll try to help you. Here OP, have a nice day.




Shit tattoos, meth face, shit taste in girls


I don't care.

Oh this is the guy with the fart fetish who recently got out of jail