Doug creator who based the show on his life, revels his real life reunion with the real Patti
>It’s my ten-year reunion, and I didn’t go. I was in New York working like crazy as a freelancer and just trying to make it there. And I got a phone call in New York and it’s Patti. The real Patti. And my heart’s beating fast. She’s like, ‘I was at the reunion! You weren’t!’ and I was like, ‘Yeah…sorry…I had to work.’ And she goes, ‘I found out you live in New York. Guess what—I do, too!’ And she told me where she lives. We lived across Central Park from each other. And she says, ‘Why don’t you come over for dinner?’ >So now we’re in a Doug show. I’m like, what do I wear? What will she look like!? All that’s happening as I’m walking across Central Park to her apartment, just wondering and just hoping, all those things. I was, at the time, very available. >I get to the door, and you get buzzed up in New York, and so I walk up to the apartment and I hear the lock turn—it’s getting ready to happen—and she opens the door, and she’s perfect. Just perfect. She just looks spectacular and she’s so happy, and her arms fly up and we hug, and I’m just like [frightened guttural gasping noises]. She backs up and she goes ‘Look, Jimmy! Boobs! I got my boobs!’ [Laughs.] It sounds like I’m making this up, right? And I’m like, ‘Yeah… yeah, uh huh!’ ‘Yeah, they always used to call me Flatty Patti, but look!’ And she was just funny and fun and innocent, but it’s like Doug and Patti together again, ten years later, right? >So this is all wonderful, right? And then she wheels and goes, ‘Oh, Jimmy, I want you to meet my husband.’ >And I don’t even remember the rest of the evening.
Yeah that's kind of how I expected Dougs life to turn out.
Brayden Martinez
explains this comic though
Cameron Gray
I felt sorry I read this.
Owen Evans
Had my ex oneitis do this to me, felt bad man. Her sister told me later she did it on purpose because she still hated me for asking her out to prom infront of a guy {unknown to me) that she wanted to ask her
Tried to make amends but long story short people change
Xavier Smith
Grayson Ward
>it's an OP cuts too close to home for Sup Forums episode
Ryder Nelson
She went OUT OF HER WAY to CONTACT the guy. She obviously wants him as a friend.
And if he's romantically interested why not just be there for her? Who the fuck knows what will happen? Maybe nothing will happen but maybe something will.
Come the fuck on dude.
Leo Green
This is the most beta advice I've ever read
Easton Baker
You can't deny that she's interested. She contacts the guy and then focuses his attention to her tits. Unless you're autistic you can't miss these signals.
Joshua Howard
Doug was such a bad example for young kids.
Thomas Hernandez
If he's as obsessed with her as Doug was with Patti, being friends is the absolute worst thing he could do. He will constantly alternate between miserable and frustrated and she will constantly alternate between pity and disgust.
Samuel Phillips
feels bad man
Jonathan Rodriguez
Real life, not even once.
Jordan Howard
Girl wants attenction=/= girl wants to pork.
Landon Hall
Joseph Nelson
I knew it. I knew what the fucking ending was going to be and I read it anyway. What a stupid fucking cunt. LOL LOOK AT MY BOOBS GUY WHO HAD A CRUSH ON ME BTW MEET MY HUSBAND CHAD
Hope she dies in a car crash desu
Ryder Lewis
You make a good point. The guy seems genuinely autistic.
Jackson Long
She knows he was always interested and wanted an ego boost.
Austin Miller
"Betas" don't actually exist in nature, outside of Silverback gorillas. Wolf packs actually consist of the offspring of a male and female wolf, the "dominant" wolf is simply the dad being a dad toward his cubs. Unless you want to compare yourself to a gorilla, which are known for literally tearing each other limb from limb and cannibalizing each other to become the dominant male, this is a misleading slang term.
Luis Edwards
This desu. Nothing worse for oneitis than a bitch who knows you want the puss and insists on "staying friends" and reminding you of her forbidden vagina. Fucking women LOVE doing that shit.
Andrew Cook
Andrew Harris
Fucking this. No wonder there are so many numales this generation
Grayson Davis
>Betas don't exist in nature... Why are you here then?
Brody Allen
bretty drew, whenever he had a confrontation with roger or an actual life problem he'd just autistically imagine himself as a superhero in a diaper and internalize his frustration
Nathan Parker
Chad always wins.
Blake Rivera
It always felt wrong, man. Now we simply know why.
Cameron Murphy
>being this butthurt about being wrong
gorilla detected
Blake Hill
Landon Sanders
my soul hurts
Henry Foster
No one is wrong but you. You can argue yuour """""fact""""" endlessly. Reality is still reality.
David Reyes
>butthurt >not rustled
You had one job.
Jordan Sullivan
Eeh Eeh
Grayson Cruz
Doug was always a fucking loser
Ian Mitchell
Did he meet Rodger too?
And there really was a Mr. Dink?
Ryder White
>oh hey, old friend who made an entire cartoon about being in love with me, why not come around for dinner >ah, now that you're here, let me introduce you to my husband!
I've never understood why women can be very intelligent in many aspects and then when it comes to this kind of stuff, seem suspiciously retarded. Maybe it's just because I've never gotten off on hurting others, so it's just an alien concept to me.
Nicholas Lopez
Jason Fisher
>women can be very intelligent in many aspects
Elijah Reed
Yeah sure it's her fault.
Matthew Murphy
They aren't retarded, they just don't value the feelings of others.
Ian Ward
Roger is the husband. Or Skeeter.
Parker Martin
>Reality is still reality
It sure is, you dumb gorilla, it sure is
Andrew Anderson
my ex's would never do this to me because i used to slap them around when they got outta line
they know if they tried something like this to me their bodies would never be found
Brody Bailey
>>I've never understood why women can be very intelligent in many aspects and then when it comes to this kind of stuff, seem suspiciously retarded. That's because of two wrong assumptions: you think they're people, and then you think they're good people.
Wyatt Butler
Didn't Roger soften a bit over the course of the show? That can happen to some bullies, I wonder if that's how it went with the real Roger, if he exists.
Christian Walker
Get the fuck outta here with that bitter beta bitch bullshit. It's Dougs fault for being a middle aged single loser.
Jonathan Roberts
What a beta you must be
Levi Hughes
It's obvious you've never had a long term friendship with a girl.
Thomas Baker
Got a source on your """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""fact"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""?
John Morgan
That is him? Jesus he even looks like Doug
Henry White
Liam Brooks
It's his problem, yes, but if genders were reversed the man would do his utmost to let her down gently and immediately. Not everything is alpha and beta, you need to accept different genders have different mindsets.
Matthew Kelly
Stop being a beta and they are powerless
Adam Foster
Give proof of an alpha beta dichotomy outside of gorillas. Meanwhile the wolf thing is based off of scientific data that is over 40, bordering on 50 years old and is now considered obsolete by the very guy who coined it.
>Males who get female attention from multiple sources don't milk it Yeah, keep telling yourself that
Xavier Diaz
> Yeah that's a fitting name after reading that.
Samuel Kelly
>Sup Forums suddenly hates Doug What in the fuck happened to this place?
Eli Edwards
You men's rights rights faggots make me sick.
Jason Peterson
That happened before the cartoon aired numbnuts
Parker Butler
>focuses his attention to her tits
Yea because she knows he's not gonna do shit and he's completely harmless. It's just like Jessica Beil changing in front of Adam Sandler in that movie. She thinks he's gay so it's no big deal. In this story Patti sees Doug as the harmless friend.
Wyatt Murphy
>Prove Me Wrong Fuck off Beta Cuck, burden of proof is yours.
Adam Carter
I've always thought Doug was just genderbend Cathy
>hey Doug we're going on a field trip >oh no >OH NO >OH NOOOOOOOOO
Camden Robinson
Christopher Bennett
Oh also, there is evidence suggesting "alpha" gorillas don't even get more sex.
The lengths you're going to seems like you're pretty personally invested. You're still beta.
Cameron Bennett
I've noticed this has become a thing, people are so desperate to reject the whole "bitter beta manchild friendzone" thing that they pretend women are innocent victims of the attention of weirdos and never do wrong. You can find a point in the middle, you know? You don't have to pick one extreme over another. I don't think it's fair for dorky, awkward guys to feel entitled to affection but I can also acknowledge women do love playing mind games.
Jeremiah Brooks
>‘Oh, Jimmy, I want you to meet my husband.’
holy fucking shit do we have any pics of her? This is by far the best thing I have read today
Oliver Green
i see a person who socializes with humans in real life besides his family members
Daniel Ross
this is her from the 80's
Jace Cook
>Married man inviting the wallflower that was crushing on him in school to his home and yelling "Look Sally, my dick finally grew! LOOK HOW BIG MY DICK NOW IS! REMEMBER HOW EVERYBODY USED TO CALL ME SHORT SEAN AND ONLY YOU WANTED MY SHOT DICK?? WELL NOT ANYMORE, LOOK AT ME WIFE TIFFANY! >his wife being ok with that
Pick one.
Aiden Rodriguez
Where did I say women were innocent?
Desirable females and males both have their pick. Both play around with their suitors.
Brayden Hall
So? Men do it more before settling down.
Henry Hughes
I don't get the "Honk honk" part
Thomas Myers
did the loser dip his banana in pizza sauce?
Brayden James
why did he have a crush on this hamplanet? although betas do like fat chicks most of the time
Brayden Adams
This is him. He is 63. That event happened almost 35 years ago long before Doug aired.
And he still named the character Patti
Samuel Morgan
This, I was expecting a little heart warming tale, instead I get maximum keks.
Bentley Russell
Then you never watched the show
John Lee
You said men and women do the same thing, that women aren't guilty of anything exceptional. That isn't true. If you simplify it all to "playing with suitors," sure, but that's oversimplification. Men are much more straight forward, even at their peacock-est, than most women.
Adam Ramirez
Nothing wrong with that if you are single and upfront about it, turd.
But doing shit like that while being married is just beyond tactless.
Jonathan Fisher
t. gorilla
Kevin Morris
>Men are TOTALLY innocent and never hump and dump, not like those evil women who smiled at me but never loved me. Ok champ, I can see you aren't bitter.
Benjamin Mitchell
I always thought patti was some kind off Hispanic? This bitch looks like some no chinner that crawled out of the bayou.
William Watson
>63 >still single >his company went defunct last year
Hunter Harris
Rodger is the husband. >hey Jimmy! guess who's dick is also bigger >*Jimmy starts imagining himself as quailman
Asher Sanders
a sense of attainability usually
Brayden Price
That is not her you naive dupe
Aaron Bennett
Why did Doug Walker hate this show so much? It wasn't that bad.
Josiah Bennett
>When Men play mindgames its ok Not really. >Saying men do it too is saying women are innocent victims Why can't you cunts process shades of grey ffs...
Juan Williams
He have a spouse and two childs
Ethan Turner
There we go, like I called, it's a reaction against bitter friendzone stuff. Do you overdo this because you were the former when you were younger? I accept the goofy stuff I did as a pre-teen and have no bitterness against women, I just don't pretend women are playing the same game as men.
Chase Nelson
>can't even quote properly
Lincoln Cruz
he's GAY
Joshua Bell
After 10 years I would expect recently divorced if she was looking up past people.