What's next for her career?
What's next for her career?
Blacked.com obviously
Real Talk
Tell me you wouldn't I double dog dare you
I wouldn't. She looks way too young.
>real talk
is this actually a thing? Who the fuck wouldn't be completely honest on an anonymous imageboard?
Stranger things
I now have an interracial fetish because of Sup Forums.
sucks to be you
Good goyim.
Yup. The weird thing is I'm asian but I like black on white due to blacked.com spamming. I almost never look at asian porn.
I'm not antisemitic yet though.
It's not a fetish dude. There's nothing wrong with viewing interracial porn. It's just a guy and a girl having sex.
>It's not a fetish
This applies to just about every usage of the word "fetish."
If he absolutely needed one of the participants to be black in order to achieve an erection, then sure, that'd be a fetish.
light work as she right now hitting early puberty. Can't do movies when her body changes on a week to week basis.
Isn't it? I fetishize the black dude as beastly, super horny, physically superior and intellectually inferior. And I fetishize the white girls as precious, fragile, supposed-to-be-pure. Maybe I'm using the wrong word. What would be a better one?
You fucked in the head dude.
And this come from someone posting on a mongolian image board.
It's not cuckolding though.
Racist fantasies are far from the worst thing around here.
Raffey Caffey :3
whats with this board and blacked?
Freckle faced bitch.
autism, mostly.