Post pics of teens

post pics of teens
no cp



>I have to mention no cp hoping someone will do it

Fuck off pedo





Fuck off pedofag



that would be Hebofag .. get it right

pedos are people atttracted to prepubescent children
get your facts right


bruh u got more?

love the one in grey socks


these threads say no CP, but in reality they're baiting pedos to post CP to quickly download.

Or maybe it's different now in 2017.


>implying thats any better
Get a grip faggots, you're fucked up.










It's like they are trying to look retarded

fuck, none of this is illegal so far

Doesn't matter if they put out I guess

>Hate on pedos
> Be the first to save and fap

I don't think you're allowed to post pictures of young girls without their permission. God knows what you'll do with them.