>It is good that you have never wondered what lay beneath her robes, if her alabaster skin was as white and unblemished as her face. Or if perhaps she bore the scars of slavery... and if that would stir you more. Perhaps her deferent tone would change once you held her by the throat, and showed her how far a Jedi can fall.
It is good that you have never wondered what lay beneath her robes...
This isn't Sup Forums.
Visas is best girl.
>this one game has better writing and better story than any of the movies
Films are a joke.
greatest star wars story of them all. I wish it will get adapted as a mini series but it will never happen
also best girl
Shit taste.
>not wanting to have a taboo threesome with your old teacher and a queen in a palace
its like we played different games
I always wondered, was Kreia blind or also a Miraluka like Visas? Why were her eyes completely white?
Just finishing kotor 1, is 2 just as good? Do you still play as Revan?
Oh, it's better, from a writing point of view definitely, although you need the restoration mod for it to run good
Dark side > light side
Male MC > female MC
now back to Sup Forums OP
She looks different in The Old Republic.
without the mod it's really average though. and the crucial factors (like kreia's motivation) are weird and all over the place.
She's not blind she just trained herself to see through the Force and over time lost sight in her eyes as a result.
I mean she's not a Miraluka*
Am I the only one here who likes TORtanic?
That trash is not canon.
Oh god print that shit and gas it then shove it in a furnace. Fucking Biowaste/EA.
not everything needs an adaptation. Voice acting is top notch, art direction is top notch, writing is top notch. An adaptation can't improve on those, it can only try (and fail) to be as good.
i'm playing it for 3 years now. the vanilla stories are nice (IA is the best). everything after that was either meh or just shit.
Also, there is no Kreia without Sara Kestleman.
i've definitely played worse f2p mmos
>writing is top notch
yeah, with the restoration mod. without it
>G0-T0 is fucking useless
>HK-47's quest is never resolved
>Kreia's teachings are as good as BvS script
>dark side
I hope you get raped with a metal tube by an elderly mother figure
just like KotOR 2.
>no atris
i want her to give me an angry clumsy handjob tbqhmm
nigga she got her face smashed to a fucking wall and then got double teamed by siths, it's not going to end pretty.
Go back to plebbit, biodrone.
She got raped but the game didn't have the animations or the guts to display it onscreen, it is implied.
do you even realize what the current canon is, retard?
Did Sion or Nihilus even have dicks?
Nihilus doesn't even have physical body. Sion's dick probably fell off long time ago.
There's no word on what is canon about the old republic era and what isn't. SW TOR is just trash and shouldn't become canon.
It was just some sort of vague demeaning savaging and some pervert aspies insist it's rape. It's more likely they just force-whatevered her over and over and turned her into a rag doll.
I've bought 4 copies of KotOR 2 over the course of the past 8-10 years and none of them have worked on any of the 5 computers I've tried to install each of them on.
0/10 game, would not recommend to anybody
Literally the best Star Wars character all time. Disney couldn't hope to properly adapt her into the Disneyverse.
>There's no word on what is canon about the old republic era and what isn't.
>all KotOR 1, 2 and SWTOR were canon before Disney reset it
>none of this is canon now
What's wrong about SW's or IA's story in SWTOR? Or many quest storylines, like Oricon?
I don't need to know the SW TOR stories to know it's shit. Now fuck off autist.
>those nipples
Uh... OK.
Its ok but not as good
That being said, probably the most underrated facet of the game, is that the crunch is ten times better. Every build and stat is viable and the combat is much more dynamic in the end game.
>I'm a retarded fuckface
you realize that the reason those mods existed in the first place is because people revered the game in its released state ? It's far from polished but saying the writing was bad before restoration... how new can you be
>I eat dog shit and my mom's a dirty whore
I never said it's Obsidian's fault, you idiot. And YES, if a major plot line leads to nowhere or just doesn't make sense, it does make the writing on that particulat version (before the restoration mod) bad.
Best girl coming through. Her voice made me hard as fuck
It is simultaneously better and worse than Kotor. The writing, gameplay, atmosphere and characters are all better, but the game is incredibly unfinished and needs the Restoration Mod to be played properly
Fuck you. Handmaiden will always be best grill. Grey Delisle is best voice.
Fuck that shit. I don't know what pisses me off more: that biowaste insisted on reconning every inch of Kotor 2 with that shit game because they knew that they couldn't write better, or that their idiot fanbase lapped it up.
>implying it's "BioWare fanbase" who play SWTOR
>tfw other developer writes better story than you
>retcon it all to hell
thnx bioware you fucks.
Also Revan looked like Anders.
no it makes the writing disjointed, not bad. It's like if you were watching a great movie but had to answer an important phone call for 10 minutes in the middle of it. Sure, you missed something important and need some time to get back into it but it doesn't make anything before or after not as good. The droid planet is hardly a major plot line, it's not essential to that story. It's just additional events / subplots to keep things interesting
>lapped it up
Eveyone i know of includig myself is still buttblasted that they betrayed us by making a shitty MMO instead of Kotor 3
Only drones play the massively singleplayer online game.
>Never have you wondered what it would mean in the Echani rituals if the two of you sparred and fought - and you won, completely and utterly? If perhaps she would give in, surrender herself to you? Few are the thought that can hide in the shadows of your mind, exile, and such passions are not strength, but erosion."