>Actor Will Smith used a recent press conference in Dubai to speak out against Donald Trump and Islamophobia.
>Smith was there promoting his new film "Suicide Squad" when talk turned to American politics.
>The "Fresh Prince" had a few things to say about GOP nominee Donald Trump.
>"As painful as it is to hear Donald Trump talk -- and as embarrassing as it is as an American to hear him talk -- I think it's good," Smith said. "We get to hear it. We get to know who people are and now we get to cleanse it out of our country."
>Smith said anti-Islamic sentiment is one of the reasons he wanted to travel to Dubai. >"In terms of Islamophobia in America, for me, that's why it's important to show up," he said. "I'm in Dubai and I'm having fun and I'm tweeting and I'm showing pictures. Hey, doesn't look like they hate me does it?" >"Suicide Squad" opened domestically on August 5 and has since been premiering abroad.
his "son" would be stoned to death in saudi arabia.
the constant mental gymnastics of a liberal must be exhausting.
Nicholas Ward
hol up
Brody Edwards
Zachary Cook
You are retarded. Sup Forums has you convinced that it is left vs right when its all about poor vs. rich.
After a certain amount of income all people are the same. It's only poor shitters that think that it is race and religion that is keeping them down.
Jaxon Barnes
>>"In terms of Islamophobia in America, for me, that's why it's important to show up," he said. "I'm in Dubai and I'm having fun and I'm tweeting and I'm showing pictures. Hey, doesn't look like they hate me does it?"
They will once they hear the rumors about what you and your wife do.
>"We get to hear it. We get to know who people are and now we get to cleanse it out of our country."
A true liberal speaking.
Jason Scott
He would be pressed into indentured servitude for being a dumb nigger and his son would be stoned for being a degenerate.
His daughter would be married off to a 60 year old politician and repeatedly raped.
Ryan Hernandez
Are you implying Islamic countries don't have appauling track-records when it comes to the treatment of sexual minorities/women?
Jacob Smith
>Dubai So the Arabs hired a movie star to read a speech. One of the most backwards and racist nations on earth are complaining because people are wary about their ways.
Asher Turner
This sounds more like a quote from Stalin.
Kevin Wilson
>his "son" would be stoned to death in saudi arabia.
Not him, but I assume that he's implying that it doesn't apply to rich people that can be flamboyant degenerates all they want.
None of the things you will describe in this thread, would happen to Will Smith son, or any famous actor direct relative, because money, and you know it.
Christopher Howard
>Are you implying Islamic countries don't have appauling track-records when it comes to the treatment of sexual minorities/women?
I was with you until you mentioned sexual minorities. I don't give a shit of homos, like I don't think they should be stoned, but if you're dumb enough to get caught doing gay shit in public then you should be executed not for that but for stupidity. But yeah, the way they treat women and religious minorities is pretty appaling.
Whats interesting is we've seen a huge shift in who left and right support now. Nowadays you see the right wing mostly has support from poor working class blue collar workers who work in the industry sector and earn less. Like support for Trump and brexit.
Hillary gets support mostly from big banks, rich upper class, white collar workers, those who work in the services sector. They are in the same class as the rich oil sheikhs funding ISIS and islamic extremism.
Leo Mitchell
>I'm in Dubai and I'm having fun and I'm tweeting
Good for you, Will
Just step off your helicopter into your penthouse suite, when you're that high up you won't smell the filthy hordes of Dubai's pseudo-slaves.
Luke Rodriguez
Tyler Rivera
Isaac Flores
Thanks for correcting the records
Jack Foster
Is that one of Nate Bronze's maps?
Angel Jenkins
>le islam is bad because extremists exist wewlad here we go again
Robert Rivera
>traveling to fucking dubai to examine what muslim society is like >people who you pay hundred thousands of dollars lick your boots for some reason god damn i didnt know he was this fucking retarded
Juan Miller
At least he's making the point that free-speech is necessary. The whole point of it is that people hear from differing views and decide accordingly what they do or don't agree with.
That's a good thing.
Bentley Fisher
All these retarded hollywood fuckers need to be tossed in a middle-east warzone
In Dubai he wouldn't last a day if he were an immigrant.
Ian Harris
>only extremists are making islam look bad sorry ahmed but islam is inherently shit
Henry Gutierrez
>People hate muslims >so I'm going to that one part of the muslim world where they put on a show in order to extract money from tourists and I'll choose to ignore the literal slaves that are used to make it possible.
Cooper Myers
Every country is safe and welcoming when you're rich and famous.
Cooper Martin
Can we stop pretending Will Smith is a thing? He's not a thing anymore.
Brayden Rivera
Im liberal and hate islam, fuck you.
Henry Jones
Luke King
>inplying republican scum shouldnt be cleansed
Owen Bennett
>I think it's good," Smith said. "We get to hear it. We get to know who people are and now we get to cleanse it out of our country."
Wait, is he talking about a purge? Are the lefties gonna pick up guns and shoot anyone to the right of them?
Brayden Peterson
Liberals know how to use apostrophes, Cletus.
Jose Harris
wtf I hate Will Smith now
Levi Green
Hes just confirming what we all already know DCCU is numale liberal propaganda
Ian Howard
Nigga thats a childrens show why are white peoplen so sick in the head? Fucking sno nog pedos
Camden Gonzalez
>rich asshole flies to a rich muslim country and declares all muslims peaceful because he wasn't immediately beheaded upon arrival
Fucking piece of shit. Go get dumped in Iraq, Libya, Syria and Afghanistan and then tweet about Islamaphobia there.
Thomas Green
Why are you such a sexually insulting little redneck shithead?
Jose Evans
Snyder would have drop kicked that nigger if he was the director
Isaac Richardson
Snyder himself is a numale liberal pleb
Jaxson Miller
Im not a redneck, you fucking granmer nazi bitch.
Nicholas Carter
The only plebs are you christian bitchs in this thread. To be fair though, islamic scum need to be purged along with you christ loving retards.
Isaac Hernandez
no he's not. he would dropkick himself
Jayden Wright
>bitchs No one will ever value your opinions, online or otherwise. Time to stop pretending.
Lucas Davis
Everyone in Hollywood should be rounded up and machine-gunned into a mass grave.
Alexander Morales
Ill make them care when there teeth are on a sledgehammer.
Jordan Adams
You mean like... some sort of shoah?
Dominic Collins
>you say this on Sup Forums Sup Forumstards gtfo. This board isnt for right wing scum like you.
Colton Morgan
indeed, those fucking nazi's and commies were on to something.
Nathan Wright
Daniel Garcia
I'm not going anywhere you muslim loving gigantic fagnigger.
Jason Fisher
gb2-reddit bb
Leo Thomas
Reminder that "polls" had Brexit's Remain winning by a large margin.
But go ahead, get complacent.
Xavier White
psssh Naw say whaaaaaatttttt awww naw trump don't know nuthin bout no wiggity wild wild politics *fresh prince dances*
Mason Long
>Sup Forumstards Its Sup Forumseddditors and /r/Sup Forums tourists too scared to post on Sup Forums
Brandon Gonzalez
Ill break your face in and stomp your teeth out, christian bitch. Same to you, fuckface.
Julian Reyes
they are scared shitless of that board. it's like mordor to them, but it's really not that bad just a lot of blowing off steam and trolling that fools take seriously
Bentley Rodriguez
>every right wing is christian Nice try Amhed.
Mason Lee
>Sup Forums is satire meme
Andrew Lewis
Im not islam, christian scum.
Jayden Torres
snyder sucks feminist clits
Ethan Nguyen
Who made countries like Iraq, Libya, Syria and Afghanistan a shithole?
You're in a DC thread. Dont open your mouth unless you have something intelligent to say, marvelcuck
Ethan Myers
>"I'm in Dubai and I'm having fun and I'm tweeting and I'm showing pictures. Hey, doesn't look like they hate me does it?" Oh wow, maybe because you are a Hollywood actor starring in massive blockbuster productions, you dumb nigger.
It's no wonder actors are almost always liberals when they're this sheltered from real life.
Joseph Jones
>2016 >still watching the tell-lie-vision
literally turning yourselves into dumb slaves watching mindrot brainwash propaganda as if it was entertainment.
When was the last time any of you were actually entertained?
David Brown
The Bushes, Clintons and Obama did.
Let's not repeat the same mistake.
Nolan Perry
You are human scum. You are the ture degenerates in the world. You lot are backwards, cousin fucking, wife beating, brainless retards, that think an abusive god and the glutinous rich "deserve" the wealth and power that they abuse and stole accordingly. Your all submissive slaves to the status quo, and as such will be slaughterd with your shit ideals and bastard facsist masters.
Sebastian Rogers
>Afghanistan wasn't a shithole before Bush Damn you're dumb
Brayden Reyes
this is Sup Forums user No one actually watches TV here.
Gavin Phillips
Jesus that is some poor word choice
Colton Cruz
I come here to call out jewish propaganda.
Oliver Bennett
yesterday when i watched evolution by lucile hadaihalilovic
Nolan Powell
No they didnt
Christopher Howard
nice memes
leftists are the ones that are pro-incest, pro-gay, pro-pedo, pro-bestiality.
There is no degeneracy that the left doesn't support. You faggots literally picked Hillary Clinton to be your leader.
Tyler Kelly
>mock god >Protect people who kill people who mock god You retarded hypocrite. All you and your ilk do is quote from same ideals that the schools brainwashed you into believing. I heard the same quotes from your racist political masters who only know how to race bait.
Owen Edwards
>leftists are the ones that are pro-incest, pro-gay, pro-pedo, pro-bestiality. >implyinng any of thats bad Sex hating fucks will be raped into loving sex.
Gavin Bailey
I come for the frogposters and stay for the CTR shills. They're more subtle on this board and I like to pretend I'm actually arguing with a real leftist.
Jacob Nguyen
No, your the retarded fuck. Because unlike you, i can spell, and i dont support muslim scum like the other pacifistic liberals. All religious filth must be cleansed.
Thomas Jenkins
You post on Sup Forums You are pro-pedo just by adding +1 to this boards post count, tourist
Dominic Carter
Ill be honest, i got a little hard reading that.
Isaac Barnes
>We get to know who people are and now we get to cleanse it out of our country But that's what Trump would say, you silly nigger..