I'm considering fucking a trap. What are the pros and cons?

I'm considering fucking a trap. What are the pros and cons?

pros none
cons you get aids and you will be a faggot

Just remember not to fuck hookers.

I would think they'd really know how to handle a dick. But then on the other hand, unless it was a really good tranny on years of hormones and shit, it would probably feel and/or smell somehow male, and that would be unfortunate if you're not into that. I'm certainly not.

pros: they have a dick
cons: they have a dick

well you'll be officially gay afterwards. not like that's much of a problem for you, faggot.

This thread is now dedicated to post numbers with repeating digits at the end of them.

Pros: romance is always good
Cons: Bunghole is pooey

Pros: you get to fuck
Cons: it's a trap

Intant regret after ejac

>Pros: romance is always good
Why do you say this? Aren't trannies absolutely fucking insane?

Pros: 0
Cons: you fuck a guy

How'd you get the beans above the franks?

Well I suppose gender dysphoria is an illness, but we all like cuddles! Doesn't really matter if our brains have strange hormone imbalances

Fuck them from behind, reach around and pretend it went all the way through

99% of the trannies are mentally ill aids ridden faggots so



More trips, fucking checked.


Excuse me gentelmen, maybe its inappropriate for me to notice, but does this guy have his balls above his dick?

Why are your testicles on the wrong fucking side? They're supposed to be behind your dick.