Let it out

Let it out

My girlfriends a piece of shit. Shes violent, she acts like a whore, she want to be like a dude and drink all day at bars, Fuck her. Im gonna go fuck someone else and then make her suck my dick after i get another chicks pussy juice all over it.

I long to suck a feminine penis

-MAK'n cheez

I'm such a fucking degenerate

I want to learn things and study to graduate college, but I also want to keep up with 140 yt subscriptions(many of which raised the video output as well as the timespan), and fap to countless titles of hentai of different fetishes, and homemade porn videos, and also watch movies, netflix series, and spend time making the relationship I have with my gf stronger.

There is not enough time

Shut the fuck up. You have no idea what you want. Maybe it's not the smartest plan, but when you beg me for all these things that a boyfriend would do, and my cock, what am I supposed to think? I give it a month before you realize you have feelings for me.

i feel like i'm the only real consciousness in this illusion and other people are just NPCs.


Get out nigger

i really like one girl who is working at the restaurant, but i have no fucking clue how to speak to her and i fell like shit because of it

That is the trait of a sociopath

is that it?
i don't feel particularly murderous.

If I quit this season, I'll still be the greatest funk.

Trump is pushing the biggest tax cut ever. And this is not going to increase the deficit... how?

i love fucking my butt with a sharpie but i can never cum from it

I feel like this occasionally

Literally just start talking to her. As you get comfortable the cocky naturally will come out.

"So whats your name. My names matt"

"You work here a long time"

Get random questions and from time to time chime in with your thoughts. Maybe finish up with "could i get your number" snapchat, email., kik or whatever you chose.

Its p simple bro. After you do this a few times youll soon figure out the best talkers are just doing what you do and the other people are ahy so it makes you feel like a chanp and can wrench your way in and get dat vagina.

Anyway hope this helps, faggot

Just found out last night my 67 yo father is a pedo. There. Fuck. Feels better already.

Fuck your was, slut

-MAK'n cheez

On a different note. I´m pretty happy today.
So to anyone reading this, it can get better, the world isnt as shit if you hold on :)

Idk the pedo dad post was pretty fucking bleak...

I really don't think there's anything wrong with being black


-MAK'n cheez

Throwing around labels you don't understand is a trait of ignorance.

i like sucking big black cock and licking black asshole.

i do more and more often.
fortunately cancelled out the mild social anxiety i used to have.
feels like everybody is just a mindless droid perceived and controlled by my consciousness, kinda like the projections or whatever they were called in inception.

It's just like being a human but having more melanin and having people assume your personality before knowing you. In America at least.


Your beautiful and a nigger all at once.

He said big, not microscopic :^)

thanks user, i will man the fuck up and try it

I feel like shit only doing some meaningless things to run from depressing thinking. Considering that I'm doing pretty well on the outside at least financially, but from the inside, I feel like I'm slowly dying. I don't have any relationships and I'm not trying actively find them because dealing with people was so much trouble for me in the past. I'm living from the day to day only to feel alive when I'm doing some pretty bad shit, but it very rare so in a long time between this times I'm feeling even worse than before. As time pass things that were "attractive" to do to avoid sad feelings stopped to work to some degree. So yea I guess at one point in my future I will end it in this way or another if I will have enough courage to do it of course or something other will happen. Till this time will try to stay here and share from time to time some of my archives.

Oh my bad, I misread it.

I love her, i feel so lost, I hope she never finds out how weak I really am. why should I keep holding my feelings in?? I don't want to risk pushing her away but isn't it worth letting someone know how you feel?

Thank you

Dumb fuck Mass. State Trooper fucked up and gave me his homemade porn pix!

Well, that's not exactly what I feel, but I feel that everyone else around me is just a brainwashed mindless sheep... Not to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but everyone is just obsessed with material things and unimportant nonsense: Buying new clothes... Electric bicycles... Eating at restaurants all the time, new shoes, girls, sports, partying, vacations, etc... So meaningless.

hol' up don't forget the massive dick.

Care to share?

I've fucked almost as many men as I have women (3-9). I'm getting into an engagement with a great girl I love and I'm afraid in the future the lack of man-sex will haunt me / lead me to cheat

I was going to deny it but the trips don't lie

>brainwashed mindless sheep
well you're different then.
for me this doesn't matter anymore because they are not real just part of the dream.

Aren't we all?


I jerk off to pictures of my girlfriend's younger cousin in her bikini.
The cousin knows but my girlfriend doesn't

Also, I'm on a business trip in HK, and just got out of a gay sauna orgy place (look up the Jungle in hk).
I dont know what to do about this anymore

nah, sorry, been holding on to these for years

grow a pair faggot. Bisexuals exist in real life.

I believe that nothing truly matters, unless you want to make something of your life, then go ahead. But life ends eventually, and everything you did when you were alive will be erased forever. So it doesn't really matter to me. We are all part of something bigger.

I masturbate so fucking much i have no confidence or testosterone but i can't stop feels good man and i will forever be a beta cuck because of it I'm weak minded and have no self control and i know i disappoint my parents feels bad man

All lives matter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sure why not this time.

All my friends I made when I moved down to Cali are fake as fuck. Not a single one of them takes the time or effort to call me back or just hit me up on their own fruition. And since all my old friends live in Washington including my family, well I get really fucking lonely.

I have been pushing friends and family away from me because I am slowly considering suicide more and more...

>I believe that nothing truly matters, unless you want to make something of your life, then go ahead. But life ends eventually, and everything you did when you were alive will be erased forever. So it doesn't really matter to me.


>We are all part of something bigger.
i can't believe this. unless you mean we're just a fragment of some oversoul that tries to get different experiences through its parts.
either to unite them again or for no fucking reason at all just keks.

Ever since my service where I witnessed a suicide bombing, I have had it playing over and over in my head. I am paranoid and I don't trust anyone looking remotely muslim.

>I don't trust anyone looking remotely muslim.
Thats normal, user

I'm lost dunno what to do anymore
Live at home with my parent's in France until I finish High-school then going back to England to live with my granny for a while until I get a job.
Probably won't get a good job so back to college next year.
My parents are total retarded self centred cunts who think they are always right and want to control every aspect of my life

>going back to England in July sick of you fools
>No you're fucking not REEEEEEEEEEE!!!!

18 by the way so I can technically do what I want

The rest of my family is pretty cool especially y granny and cousins and they'd look after me but my granny doesn't have long left and my cousins live in Ireland.

What I'm getting at Sup Forums is I dunno what to do
Should I cut all ties with my parents and hope those psychos don't try and hunt me down?
Just live with there constant shit and try to bear another few years at college?
What would you do?

Not exactly what I meant. Well, I mean that Earth is one planet in our (infinite?) universe, and we are so insignificant compared to the rest of the universe that it doesn't make even the slightest difference if you were to die right now. This world isn't all that there is, there's much more out there, maybe even highly intelligent life forms. And I refuse to believe that there is no higher power in control of the universe.
Anyway, whenever you think about how shitty your life is, just remember that our planet is just a speck in the universe... Life has no meaning, unless you accept this fact and become content with the reality you're in.

i hate my life

i feel that 'reality' is just one version of the multiverse, completely chosen by my consciousness.
and so everybody has their own version of 'reality'.

I got kicked out of high school my last week for a school shooting joke that a teacher started. Not only that, but I'm banned from the entire district until 2025. Fucking 2025. Now I've sent out 30 job applications, all of which have been declined, and I'm in a small amount debt due to my mother "borrowing" over $200 from me. I spent my days sitting about making excuses as to why my computer projects aren't done to those who've already bought the systems. I spend my nights overdosing on whatever I can find just to put me to sleep.

I have this deep sense that I just need to give up, but I don't want to because my dogs will be killed due to shelters overflowing.

im a queer furry REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

I really wish Kim Jon Dog Pong in North Korea (the best Korea) would nuke Seattle, LA And San Fran

We all are.

I don't know what to think of that... Seems like an interesting theory.
I hope there will be some new scientific breakthrough before I die which will explain the meaning of the universe. Then I can die in peace.
I have wanted to try psychedelic drugs for quite some time, maybe those would alter my perception of reality and open my eyes. Sadly, in Israel it's not easy to get drugs besides weed. Maybe some day...

I wish i was older or she was younger, so I could marry by beautiful and smart philosophy professor which I am currently dating

Guess where pretty much the same
welcome to real life
Wanna setup a prostitue ring?

I wanna taste some cock

Yep, you know it.

>psychedelic drugs
tfw i never even had weed.

guess we got our first whore!!!

Im a guy

guess a twink or a trap will have to do then

I still enjoy Pokemon Go

En forme sam


I can't triforce for shit.


>be me
>few years back
>hanging with my gf
>watching movies
>as usual things lead to more
>foreplay ensues
>she's grinding on me and gives me a hard on
>we start ripping each other's clothes off
>we go at
>fucking her from behind
>her ass looks incredible
>slowly slide and try to fuck her ass
>no user not there
>keep fucking
>she's going crazy
>I go for the backdoor again
>no user
>punch her in the heat of the moment
>you'll love this baby
>pin her down and get the head in
>fucking tight and she's let's out a gasp
>you're such a whole babe
>start to go ham on her ass
>she struggles and I keep adjusting to hold her
>I'm riding her and she turns to me but I punch her again
>take it baby
>she's crying but it's such a turn on
>I feel my nut coming
>crying, I hear her try to talk
>user...p-p-please...don't forget to walk the dinosaur

i want to be fucked by my coworker, sitting opposite me, its disrupting my work and concentration.

It's called a solipsism

I have severe depression and no one knows it

Welcome to Sup Forums...

▲ ▲

Actually if you had sever depression your psychiatrist would know about it.

quads of truth have spoken. kys you lying sack of shit

checked wiki, yeah it's close enough.. but..
i do believe other minds exist, and they interact/show up in my reality.
but what i perceive of them is just a small part or 1 version of them. so not the whole thing and therefore can not be real.

Go to Ireland

Tu vis où en France ?

fucking kek why the fuck would his psychiatrist know about it maybe we all don't have money for a psychiatrist. I want to kill myself every night as well doesn't mean I have a psychiatrist to bitch about it to


maybe AIDS would bring your life meaning

Je vie a Sarlat-la-Canéda un ptit bled en Dordogne, Aquitaine entre Perigueux, Brive et Bergerac.
3h Est de Bordeaux

Because severe depression is a mental disorder not just a feeling we have. I want to kill myself but I don't go around telling people that I have depression.


True it's the same for me I trust no one

When i was 12 i just wanted to die or see mankind burn.

For some years now i just can't understand how some idiots are forcing succesfully hatred against other humans.
I mean were leaving on a damn sand grean in a huge galaxy, and the are just hate each other like nothing else matters....

survival of the fittest retard

When I was 12 I thought the same....Still do...

Bah si tu vas chez ta grand mère elle te filera peut être de la thune en clamsant, un peu horrible à dire mais tout le monde y trouve son compte: elle a quelqu'un qui s'occupe d'elle, et toi t'as quelque part où vivre et tu bénéficieras de son héritage

Ah damn, got distractet xD
I mean living

I'm in love with my orchestra teacher. Shes married and has a kid.