What's your dad's favourite film?
What's your dad's favourite film?
Lol, it's that one
(Not kidding)
godfather part 2
he especially loves the part where michael slaps kay
Pic related I think
Or the LotR trilogy
He watches both at least once a year
He always rewatches this
Man on Fire
My mom's husband isn't allowed to watch movies
Your dad is a basic bitch.
Just asked, he said A Soldier's Story
>tfw my father said he really enjoyed Batman V Superman and liked Jesse's performance as Lex
I forgot the name. I watched it once. It was Clint Eastwood and some woman almost got raped.
Blazing Saddles is essential dadcore
Hes a good man charlie brown.
Pulp Fiction
She did get raped, assuming he means High Plains Drifter. but she liked it
No, just looked it up and recognised the name, it's The Outlaw Josey Wales.
Bourne identity
blade runner and 2001: space odissey
yeah he was a sci-fi nerd
Chariots of fire
>JUST: The Person
El Dorado
The Quiet Man
How Green Was My Valley
North by Northwest or Shawshank Redemption
I can't remember which
This is my dad's favourite too
Goodfellas, I think.
My dad loves all of the John Wayne cowboy films.
My dad is patrician
>Hated bat v sup
>Came out of the theater saying SS was pure trash
>refuses to watch any more capeshit
Fav movies:
The good, the bad and the ugly
The thing
>tfw black
saturday night fever
>tfw Patrician dad
The two Trinity movies are objectively their best collaborations desu
>hates BvS
mom's sweaty vagina - IMAX REAL D 3D
She Wore a Yellow Ribbon
cool hand luke
Dunno. He watches too many for me to have any sense of it - I think he's seen almost everything mainstream that has come out for the last two or so years, and before that every major western/classic action movie/horror/war movie/spy movie.
He still refuses to watch stuff like Rome Open City with though, dad I just want to get into our country's cinema history with you why do you ignore me so
He likes to put the "cadillac of the sky" scene on loop cause the engine sounds make him all hot and bothered.