>Helena Bonham Carter, Mindy Kaling and Awkwafina also are joining the ensemble heist film, dubbed 'Ocean's Ocho.'
>Warner Bros is moving forward with its all-female spinoff of Ocean's Eleven, this time dubbed Ocean's Ocho, and has filled seven of the eight titular spots, The Hollywood Reporter has confirmed.
>Sandra Bullock and Cate Blanchett — both of whom have been long rumored to star in the movie — will head up the cast of the Gary Ross-helmed heist film that is scheduled to begin production in October in New York. hollywoodreporter.com/news/female-oceans-eleven-cast-sandra-918642
Will Sup Forums chimpout over this like they did with Ghostbusters?
I post in both sci and tv Should I average my score?
Anthony Thomas
This sweeping and indiscernible revisionism has to end. It's literally totalitarian. Female holocaust when.
Austin King
Ayden Morales
cry more man babies
Dylan Howard
Dominic Myers
I'm not at all surprised by the bottom four.
Luis Evans
I don't normally like gender swapped stuff but this seems like one more where it could actually be better. Sexy women conning and thieving from people.
Levi Allen
>Why is /x/ so low, I've not been there in a while, I thought it was just people that liked Spooky stuff
>Help me summon a demon /x/
Fucking hell I nearly ruptured a lung laughing
Owen Hernandez
But Sup Forums is comprised of tasteless, bovine adolescents Chart dismissed
Isnt that some dolphin popstar from Bojack Horseman?
Nolan Peterson
Its hard enough to get 8 bitcjes to work together let alone 14.
David King
Rihanna is a qt3.14 black woman. Very rare.
Wyatt Rodriguez
>le 4ch charts
John Butler
so full of shit, everyone here in Sup Forums with no execeptions is below average, just for being here we are stupid as fuck.
Aaron Smith
1. Not a beloved cash grab reboot of a beloved series 2. The last two movies of this series have been terrible 3.seems like a decent cast.
Jackson Wood
>asian female rapper
you just know its going to be cringeworthy
Connor Peterson
>/fit/ that high
Ryan Jones
Wyatt Mitchell
What if I browse /lit/ and Sup Forums?
Anthony Jones
She's cute in the way Dixie Kong is cute, but I wouldn't want to fuck either of them.
Luis Martinez
>/f/ somehow measured >/f/ above average gr8 b8.
Hudson Young
how long will this 'le women power maymay!' go on for before we come to our senses and stop letting them vote?
Juan Parker
It won't end. The west is finished.
Jace Foster
nobody cares about ocean's 11 can you shills fuck off
Austin Price
>Cate Blanchett respect = lost
Charles Cooper
Wasn't the point of Ocean's 11 that it had a bunch of huge stars in one movie? George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Matt Damon, etc. ? Shouldn't a female version of it have Scarlett Johansson and Jennifer Lawrence, not Discount Beyonce and Female Johnny Depp?
Henry Ramirez
>Tfw RiRi won't lock your little white baby dick in chastity and humiliate you publicly
Aaron Edwards
>That brilliant scene where papparazi accost Topher Grace and leave Brad Pitt and George Clooney alone.
Michael Butler
>shills come here and expect us rage for a all females action film
I for one would unironically love an all female Expendables flick with linda Hamilton, Sigourney Weaver , Michelle Yeoh, Ziyi Zhang , Drew Barrymore, Zoe Saldana, and Lucy Liu
Adrian Richardson
>internet IQ tests
Joshua Smith
Autistic people are actually above average when it comes to iq
Isaac Mitchell
>double-blind cross referenced test
Liam Williams
>Warner Bros marketers trying to start some shit on Sup Forums
Jokes on you, men don't like the Oceans movies anyway!
Michael Ramirez
If you were smart you'd know the answer to that
Grayson Brooks
I totall remember all of those IQ tests we did
Aaron Ramirez
The cast for this film itself is pretty good. If it wasnt for the punchbag I`d actually like it
Joshua Clark
>women having over 100 IQ can you stop posting this meme
Jose Lewis
>tfw /fit/
Luke Nelson
>Rihanna Seriously? Why do they keep trying to shoehorn this talentless whore into Hollywood? She was the worst thing about Pacific Rim -and that's saying something.
Josiah Ortiz
>le butthurt faggot
Jayden Bailey
>She was the worst thing about Pacific Rim
You mean Battleship?
Jason Stewart
Ocean's 11 was kinda fun. Ocean's Eleven was much better, Twelve sucked, Thirteen was okay. I enjoyed it being just guys doing their thing, being good at stuff, no real drama. With chicks it's going to be all drama or unrealistic because all women are are drama.
Adam Gray
Ebin chart, next time maybe enlarge the scale so that reddit fits on there.
Chase Rivera
Ethan Barnes
I was hype for this but from the casting to the directing choice it's going to need to be an amazing trailer for me to pay to see this.
People make mistakes. Get over it. Point is Rihanna is a shit actress.
Evan Richardson
it will bomb just as hard if not worse than ghostbusters
Samuel Perry
>Sup Forums book edition rated highest Bunch of pseud contarians who have no idea what they're talking about are rated highest iq. Whoever made that clearly isnt a /lit/ dweller or an actual /lit/ resident.
Bentley Foster
>the facts don't matter
Typical libcuck mentality, can't even own up to your own retardation.
Ryder Hill
>whoever made this Kek
I browsed /lit/ everyday back in 2011. It was awesome then. It's shit now. ah well
Carson Anderson
>Tons of talented blactresses that could use work Let's cast Rihanna!
Gavin Morris
Why the fuck do they keep casting Rihanna?
Samuel Morgan
Thing is, people actually know what Ghostbusters is.
I doubt very few women even know what the fuck Oceans is and it's been AGES since one came out.
Also, it's full of women, it'll probably be about eighty percent comedy since women being serious just doesn't work well in big groups.
Connor Bailey
No way bro, next you'll tell me Phantom Menace wasn't the original Star Wars movie
Ryan Phillips
The /lit/-/his/ split really was the final nail in the coffin.
Joshua Hernandez
Just like you are a shit poster
Caleb Russell
confirmed 135 checking in
John Stewart
I felt your fat sweaty buttocks under my belly and saw your flushed face and mad eyes. At every fuck I gave you your shameless tongue came bursting out through your lips and if a gave you a bigger stronger fuck than usual, fat dirty farts came spluttering out of your backside. You had an arse full of farts that night, darling, and I fucked them out of you, big fat fellows, long windy ones, quick little merry cracks and a lot of tiny little naughty farties ending in a long gush from your hole.
Jason Williams
Was James Joyce the greatest shitposteur of all time?
Oliver Stewart
Why is it Ocean's Eight? Are women less than men?
Adam Rivera
Robert Phillips
Not here that long m8, been here since early '16. Also mind pointing out my mistake in that sentence?
Austin Gomez
new kind of chimp?
Angel Wright
Some nigger who really likes brand name water.
Jason Nelson
The funny thing is, this movie has potential to be legiti good, but there's ABSOLUTELY NO FUCKING CHANCE they won't shove feminist, uber liberal and pro *insert current social trends* propaganda into it, and alienate a shit ton of audiences. Let's hope someone in upper managment is sane enough to understand why Ghostbusters failed miserably
Alexander Russell
>potential Everything has potential to be "legiti good." It's pretty pointless to ever say.
Ryan Wood
what is weishaupt plateau ??
Daniel Butler
>all female remake >potential
Christopher Mitchell
It's another feminist cunts ruin another franchise episode
Isaiah Williams
Yeah, such a good franchise, none of the sequels were exactly the same as the first one. Good thing we're here to generate attention, that always helps.
Logan Jenkins
>Sandra Bullock and Cate Blanchett — both of whom have been long rumored to star in the movie
Carson Long
Jonathan Perez
The initial cast is pretty good and the source material is a good setup that can be expolited originally, because everyone (other than feminists and the studio execs ) expect this to be a shitshow, but what if they manage to pull off something with a different tone and a bit more gritty. Could be a hit, pham
Colton Wilson
Why would the jews take 2 black tokens ? they need le moon faced gook to reach maximum diversity
Tyler Richardson
Hey, cool, wow haha.
Levi Foster
Also, if they do go in that direction they have a bigger chance with male audience, and female will obviously go for an all female movie regardless of violance or tone, so studios got this one covered anyway
Joseph Jackson
Wow haha yeah.
Owen Bell
Stop it user i'm serious godamn it
Benjamin Sanchez
Whoa, haha
Henry Gonzalez
No, because Rihanna is a total babe
Nathan Reyes
>would have taken 2 seconds to google her you are not a smart cookie
Josiah Thomas
Kill yourself, I'm here because every other website on the planet is for braindead retards who repost click b8 and share disgustingly normal opinions
Brayden James
Nobody made it. It was an aggregate of IQ score tests from an online site. Rating /lit/ that high wasnt a choice.
Online tests are stupid though. NASA as a whole doesn't have an IQ that high.