Sup nigs, rate my girlfriend

Sup nigs, rate my girlfriend.

Which one is supposed to be a girl?

Who is the girlfriend?

You have same problem?

Ugly ass lesbian couple fuck off

Stranger things/10

Girlfriend? >.> You sure that isn't your sister? Or little brother maybe?

i see 2 lesbians

We actually need a picture of a girl to rate your girlfriend.

"don't talk to me or my son ever again"

Why the hell do you two have the same haircut?

thought they were the same person... still not convinced they arent


This guy Just made a New Theard

Do you have any other pictures where she doesn't look like she's growing outta your armpit?


How about you rate my girlfriend?

Sister "girlfriend"




It is his fucking brother. Asshat OP has another thread.


He made a Third Theard
