I will tell you an insight about your future, if you tell me your first name

I will tell you an insight about your future, if you tell me your first name.

The purge begins.


You will have financial discomfort throughout next week. Worry not, you will go back on track shortly.






There aren't many dark paths throughout your journey in life, however, it's for your best interest if you somehow spend more time with the family, for a member in your family is dealing with a sickness.

> Not a single prediction about the state of my pick-up truck
What's the fucking point of you


You should really change your name to Viktor. It would make you look like much less of an autistic virgin.



You are dealing with a anxiety issue, deriving from the subconscious. You will start feeling it's effects throughout next month, it is, however, easy to deal.
You will feel alone throughout the year, occasionally. It is not crippling, for you will obtain a powerful tool, to attract people.
There aren't anything revealed for you. There is a rival that is driven by sorrow, and the feeling of retribution. Exercise caution.
The financial situation of your close family will improve only after the summer.


>The financial situation of your close family will improve only after the summer.
Neat, that'd be nice.


>You will feel alone throughout the year
Holy shit, you're good at this.

Not OP but that's a pretty name.



Kevin, hook me up

They call me Johnny, Johnny.


Thank you user less than three

There won't be much of a change throughout quite some time in your life, you will feel afraid to make a change in your life. Brace.
That change won't happen, however he secretly loves your comment.
You will have a minor tendon injury throughout this year, exercise with caution.
A happy news will be brought by a friend next week, it will make you obtain a small financial power.


Well, Johnny. It's not looking good. Cancer. In the ass.

Antony, insight on me



I'll tell you what, Johnny. You have many years of good fourtune ahead of you.



Clay, lets see what you got user.

Robin. Give me something that is not completely vague.

Thank you!

Pls be true I want qt3.14 gf



You're due for a surprise that you won't find very surprising, Johnny.

The future is vague and murky, but I can see this: Tread carefully in the days to come, Johnny.


A situation will let you down soon, but with caution, it can be prevented.
You will definitely have to tackle a dermatological problem in August. Won't be much of a problem for you.
Your future will only improve by the power of the people you meet along the way, pay good attention to the people you will meet next month.
There will be a fight you will get involved in June. Remove accessories throughout the month, to minimize the damage.
You are developing a minor liver problem, get your lipids checked. Also, there will be a good revelation next week. You will be amused.
You have a concern that I am unable to see, it will bother you until February 2018, it can't be solved before.

Don't answer the phone when your cousin calls you to go bowling, Johnny









Can't do Jews, Johnny.


I'm a scot you imbecile




Says the Jew spy. I know they planted you in Scotland, even if you don't


Your owner is going to buy your favourite kibble and a squeaky toy tomorrow.

Truman. Lay it on me OP


There will be a minor financial loss throughout the upcoming months. However, life seems peaceful for now.
You are enrolled in a form of study, it will proceed rather well throughout this year. There mere concern is that your lungs weaken throughout the year, slowly. Consult an expert.
You will meet many women who would show interest in you, throughout this Summer. Do not engage in a long term relationship with any of them.
During weekends, you will end up in a funny place sometime next month. It will amuse you, and bring you a new acquaintance, a good one.
A family member will be quite angry during the winter, this year. Do not retaliate, kill it with kindness in order to avoid a major loss.
There will be a nutrition related problem during August, however it is hard to determine if it is about you, or someone you are very close with.
There is a dark outcome.
There will be a minor self loathing bout you will have during the summer time, pertaining to a mistake that is not revealed. It will have a very good outcome on you, you will be very determined.
I am unable to adjust the imagery that is revealed. However, there is one certainty that you will be amused with. During next month, you will meet with a very important person, it will reveal you ways to obtain more. Do heed his/her advice. It will probably be a male.
It is going to be an absolutely enchanting week, this one is certain.
There is a dark outcome of your wrongdoing, it will strike by next month. It will strike at nighttime.







Get thread? Get thread.

The power slowly fades.

The Purge shall continue, when the power reemerges. I will remain in the thread, but can't perform any longer.

Thank you for the patronage.


Matthew pls



Delete this faggot thread you autistic attention whoring shithead

also kevin

Just a little too late




Very dire.
But, it is the truth.

Dire? Nah, I'm just pissed off that as soon as I post my name, you pack up and quit.

But whatever. When the power fades, it fades.



I am but a messenger, however, we will have a bout in the following days, that I am entitled to foresee.

Man i was tryna see if my plans for world domination would succeed

Im matthew btw



It was good patronage.
It is joyful.

For some, the dark is revealed.

When is next thread G

The future constantly changes. It is never dormant.

Do what you must, and it is a yes.

When it pleases, it will arrive.

Sweet imma go nuke north korea

Perishing comes, if you will it.



