Sup Forums... how do i get a girlfriend with this acne problem?

Sup Forums... how do i get a girlfriend with this acne problem?

all my friends have girlfriends, and they make out with them and go out to the movies and shit, and I just stay inside playing PS3 and posting here.

i am tired of being a lonely Sup Forums. how do i gf?

First, don't go to Sup Forums for real advice, but I'm being nice so look into accutane.

Hey :) 18 m here. You can get rid of your acne with "Accutane" which contains "Isotretinoin". write me in kik if you want to know more about it

kik: terqueslan

There are girls with that acne problem too. Look them up.

Get rid of acne. Then go to a therapist to help get through the mindset that you're an ugly freak. Then be an interesting cool person.

If you're ugly, shy, and not very personable then you'll never get a gf. Work on those things.

i bet you eat pringels all day...

why the fuck would you want a girlfriend with that kind of acne? Do you need a beekeeper for life partner or something?

>Pour pail full of kerosene
>Dunk head like an Oreo
>Light self up
Acne problem solved

All of you don't realise this is just a repost
come on guys

I think a straight razor over the mess will solve things more effectively. I've seen it work irl. girls flock

There's a treatment for your case. Go to the dermatologist and he will recet you a pills called "Roaccutane", is very very good, lasts 8-12 months, it depends of the severity

I can just give you one tip: Wash your face three times a day with soap. Not this creme soap but the hard one.


Get an appointment with a dermatologist... are you retarded?
There's an entire profession dedicated to fixing that shit how do you not think of doing that.

Differin. Anti acne retinoid gel, works really well. Over the counter, no prescription.


It's a repost, but accutane is actually proven to cause diabetes

ginger tea. drink it and rub the shit in your face. better than any fucking shit you can buy.

fuck off! fucking shitposter

Tough luck buttercup, You'll die a virgin unless you pay an escort 800 dollars to touch your ugly ass, Meanwhile alphas like myself drown in top tier pussy. That's life.

Saw that thread like 3-4 times this week. Fuck you OP


Stop popping the zits for a start
Wash yourself everyday
It will go itself in a few weeks

Keep popping and you'll have scars

>Meanwhile alphas like myself
having to declare yourself an alpha makes you immediately not an alpha.

moisturize with your own cum

>Grow a beard.

Salty virgin manlet detected.

for the time being id recommend make up to hide the acne.
go see a dermatologist.

accutane works but can cause a lot of other serious side effects.

What the fuck??

Acne like that doesn't go away by washing your face...

grow a beard

also DON'T pick the pimples. it will only make it worse.

And I forgot to say that if you keep eating sweets and fat food it well only get worse
The shit in the food leaks out through your skin and clogs it up

You don't

Look online and talk to women in fetish groups they will be one that will want to lick your face while you take her to pound town

I can comfirm that. lack of conficence and 0 social skills will not get you gf.
24yo kissless virgin here.
cheer up pal

If you want to change your acne you gotta change the way you sleep, eat, drink, and shower

A few problems.

Get new pillows, and get mite guard cases for them. Use a clean pillow case every week. Use a new CLEAN towel every day. Avoid sugary drinks.

Kill yourself OP


alpha on Sup Forums

< pic is you


I doubt it's possible user it will be like trying to grow watermelons in Ethiopia Kek

stop eating dairy. Give that a try, I know it cleared my acne up almost immediately. Could just be hormones tho if you're a youngfag.

thats not acne. seek medical help, seriously

Is this an other website? Sup Forums doen't have an Archive, does it?

get a q-tip and a small amount of Listerine (the travel sizes are the best)
soak the q-tip in Listerine
dab it on all the acne you have
should at the very least get better in about 2-3 days

That pic is from thebarchive also archives Sup Forums

sun (vitamin d) and saltwalter.

Thats great thanx!

>massive faggot