Find a flaw.
Find a flaw
Daisy Ridley > Felicity Jones
Doesn't show her feet enough
She's a Mary Sue without flaws.
She isn't sitting on my face right now.
Is a xenomorph in the Star Wars universe.
She has none.
Not much, she was a well written, well cast, and well executed character for a simple intro film.
The ball is really in Rian Johnson's court now. All the cards were laid out perfectly for him to give us the new ESB or to completely fuck it up.
>brown eyes
Practically a nigger
her lower teeth are impossibly long. I think she may be reptillian.
that ass cancels out the teeth
Will not get BLACKED!
>can't act
>got a little chubby after TFA
I'm sorry OP I can't
Those pearly whites are one of the best parts.
got a little THICC
Post a good pic of her feet so I can judge her worth.
horrible skin. horse teeth. huge forehead. elf ears. the only people who like her are virgins and neck beards.
she isn't sitting on my face
>horrible skin. horse teeth. huge forehead. elf ears. the only people who like her are virgins and neck beards.
So star wars fans
>she was a well written, well cast, and well executed character for a simple intro film.
My second time watching this movie, I realized what annoyed me about her. She's overacting in EVERY scene. She always has this expression on her face like she can't fucking believe what she's seeing or hearing, even when it isn't called for. Add to this the fact that she was constantly fumbling her way into being perfect at everything, and it made her an extremely unrelatable protagonist.
Finn was decent, though. Poe was fun, too.
You go girl ! make those ugly female forms disapear once and for all !
working on dat ass...nice, nice. She should go heavier though.
she's got the curly-q's but where's the yarmulke?
Enjoy your fucked upper back.
women never ever go heavier unless they are among the most serious lifters
lmao exactry
>tfw you will never get to smell her clothes post-workout
>just cut off my arms and legs and kick me into the sea bros
gigantic forehead and shitty hairline
I love her teeth tbqh
>Finn was decent, though
He wasn't.
She kind of looks like young Anakin, are they related?
You're right, he was more than decent, pretty great actually too bad they didn't double down on the Finn/Poe teamup
>those meme plates
>she's probably not lifting more than 115lbs
Could she have been a decent Lara Croft?
That's not an argument
she's not a particularly good actress, so probably not. But it's a lara croft movie, so maybe.
>all those shitty meme exercises
So desperate to make your token colored boy be relevant
any man who looks at that woman and says, "I would love to tie that down and raise children with" deserves to have their genes removed from circulation.
>tfw she will never tear into your flesh with those teeth
she has a smile like the Mask, cartoony almost
She said herself she has a dead stinky pussy
A rotting dead stinking pussy
Oh my fucking god dude what happened to her ass?
she works out a lot
I want her deep inside of me tbqhwy
>Felicity Jones and Daisy Ridley will never take turns nibbling and biting, respectively, my foreskin to circumcise me for the goyum
I want the fuck off of this stupid fucking planet.
>all these stupid exercises
look at dat ass though, it works.
>Find a flaw.
Her diseased uterus that makes sex painful for her.
Turns me on that cuddling would be the limit of our physical interactions desu
wtf I love krager now
perfect xeno
My man. I won't call you a nigger for once
How about, don't talk to newfag.
Get the hell out of here you little shit.
I bet she gives great footjobs
>was cute and small
What went wrong? ;_;
she will get in shape for EP IX
she wanted to ascend past humanity and bulk
really makes you think
no u
hnnnnnggg would massage that back