Has an actress ever been a menacing scary villain on screen?
Like nurse Rachet or a fembot terminatrix
Has an actress ever been a menacing scary villain on screen?
Like nurse Rachet or a fembot terminatrix
Lena heady in dread?
Biel detected.
Dredd fucking auto correct
Menacing, yes. Scary, no.
you just answered your own question
also Kathy Bates in Misery
You just answered your own question, you thundering retard.
Gone Girl.
Seriously, I'm never getting married after watching that movie.
The lady from Misery was absolutely terrifying.
Not really into feet but those are nice, would do the art of foot puffing to
I concur. I have a PhD in Feet Worship and my diagnosis is that those feet need an intense lick & puff session ASAP.
>the community longs to know
every time
He really should write a short book.
call it ''Of Foot Worship''
Well the female character in Antichrist was fairly menacing in the end - or maybe it was just the way she castrated Dafoe and stuck a millstone to his ankle that got me.
My bridget regans feet
I could recognize those bad boys anywhere, they belong to Bridget Regan.
Having the foot connoiseur known as Windows 2 The Sole acknowledge them is a badge of honor for her.
literally the hulk
>implying you wouldn't
what's wrong with john goodman
He's a bad man.
She's like a bigger Donna from That 70's Show. gross
Honestly this movie is underrated, and would be much more renown if Fincher hadn't gone too far with the gore.
Nichole Eggert in the brood was pretty scary.
Scary? Yes. Menacing? No.
This was talked about non-stop after its release.
She has small shoulders, who cares if she is tall?
>tfw no biel wife to take out the trash and mow the lawn while you make dinner
but what if you burn the roast?
The usual. Parade me around town naked on a leash on all fours.
>she will never beat the everloving shit out of you
jesus christ why even attempt living
too far with gore? wasn't it just blood? a knife wound (even a fatal one) and blood is not gore. Blood is not gore.
Honestly this was great for exactly this reason. The fact that women like this could (and probably are out there) is honestly terrifying.
This is just child abuse
love her feet
Came here to post this.
dont you weirdos feel sick and ashamed to have a waifu who could literally beat your ass?
Charlize Theron as Aileen Wournos, literally the best female performance ever
I thought Lana Parrilla was pretty great as the Evil Queen in Once Upon A Time before the show turned into shit.
I never thought she was really menacing but I was surprised at how well she conveyed the petty, unstable violence of the character in the first seasons.
Yes. I mean No.
I didn't know you could safely fuck a Redwood tree.
Last act of this was like a horror movie for me. Even though she was chained to Kurt she scared the shit out of me. No clue why.
Menacing yes scary debatable.