What are some good movies starring Mel Gibson?
What are some good movies starring Mel Gibson?
Fury Road
The Cuckold (2009)
Want Women Want
Bird on a Wire
Machete Kills
wtf I hate Mel Gibson now
Mein Kampf
Birth of a Nation
Tho holocaust hoax
Triumph of the Will
What Women Want
Lethal Weapon 1-3
The Patriot
everything he's in
Forever Young
Angry Maxwell
Deadly Gun
Things Females Like
Young Mel in WWI
All of them.
As part of the "films women will never understand" starter pack
One Man Holcaust (2008)
I liked lethal weapon when I was 12, dont know if my opinion changed.
All of them
well, not signs
I just saw it for the first time the other day at 24
Thought it was ok, I was expecting something slightly less light hearted
You're a bad guy
Signs is a great movie though?
> (OP)
Lethal Weapon 4 was better than 3
for me it's mel's worst movie, just no tolerance for m night famalam
Signs was pretty good. It wasn't the scariest movie ever, but the cast (especially mel) does a great job of conveying realistic responses and emotions to what is happening around them (which helps sell the horror elements) and It's definitely not M Night's worse movie.
Chicken Run is pure kino
Get the Gringo.
payback is probably my favorite
all of them.
the man can do no wrong.
I just watched Lethal Weapon for the first time last week.
I don't know why Shane Black decided it needed to end with a 10 minute fist fight, but i'm glad he did
oh wait i forgot he didnt star in that movie
*saxophone plays*
>Not even one mention for EDGE OF DARKNESS.
Pretty good film and goes hard to the conspiracies.
>that ending
Lethal weapon 5 was pretty good too.
>that futile run
Road Warrior
Braveheart. Just watched it again the other week. Still holds up as one of the best epics in cinema.
>director kills person
>everyone forgets about it
>director molests underage boys
>everyone forgets about it
>director says something about jews while drunk
>career gets killed
He did also beat his wife and there was a recording of him saying that he hopes she gets raped by a "pack of niggers." If I were a guy in charge of a studio, and my choices involved an old alcoholic racist with a ton of bad press and not that guy, I would go with the latter.
How has nobody said "Get the Gringo"?That movie was good. Best movie since the 2006 incident and golddigger shit.
There is literally nothing wrong with beating your wife.
And what's wrong with hoping she gets raped by a pack of niggers? It's very progressive.
God i fucking love this movie. And ive never been so uncomfortable in a theater as i was when they were smashing his toes with a hammer.
1 through 3 are on netflix. I watched them again for the first time in a decade or so and i think i like them even more. The second one is pure buddycopkino, and hnnng@ that sexy ass south african bitch's perfect nipples.
For some reason i keep putting it off.
Go for it, it's mexikino.
Certainly hope you mean the rogue director's cut and not the butchered Gibson cut
We were soldiers
What women want
kek, WWW is actually good? I like Gibson as an actor but I keep skipping over WWW because I doubt he could fit drama like that.
You'll be surprised
Guess I'll give it a shot someday, thanks.
I hope he can someday direct his Viking film. It's a long shot though. He doesn't like even directing.