>"I lost one family, I'm not gonna lose another"
>Literally met these people like a day ago
Why is El Diablo such a clingy bitch?
>"I lost one family, I'm not gonna lose another"
>Literally met these people like a day ago
Why is El Diablo such a clingy bitch?
To Mexicans family is a term interchangeable with criminal organisation.
Wouldn't be surprised if this was the case desu. Sort of like the old Mafia except with more tacos.
War brings people together. Prison does too. Villainy the same.
If you've ever formed social bonds IRL you might get it.
Really makes you think
You're thinking of Italians
Wait, are Italians just euro-Mexicans?
>it's an American thinks Italians are all like New Jersey lower class Sicilian emigrants epidsode
More importantly why did Boomer came back?
Oh wow, contrivance in a DC film, no waaaayyyyyyy
Because he rang
Are they /ourguys/?
Italians are a very accommodating and relaxed people, barring the really hardcore Catholics and the kikes.
It's Italian Americans who are scumbags.
>new jersey lower class Sicilian emigrant detected
>misusing greentext
new meme or just a newfag?
>wojack with flame powers
>degenerate powerdrank-swilling aussie shitposter brony
Yeah, I guess.
The richest and most powerful Mafia is the Ndragheta or some shit, it's Italian
The american mafia was Sicilian Mafia (Cosa Nostra) but in america, literally same shit
Italy alone has 3 or 4 notorious mafias known for subhuman behavior, it has nothing to do with americans
You're right they're all Muslims now.
Judging Italians by the scummiest, dirtiest Sicilians is like saying that some inbred hillbilly is representative of the average American
Fuck off stupid yank, your opinions are worthless. Don't you dare reply to any more of my posts.
'ndrangheta in calabria
camorra in naples
cosa nostra in sicily
you have mafia for every region
And what do all those regions have in common, fucking retard?
they are full of italians
It's called local government you globalist shill
Boomerang was literally useless