If you happen to find a woman who loves you, and if you happen to get married and have kids with her...

If you happen to find a woman who loves you, and if you happen to get married and have kids with her, eventually THIS is what your wife's vagina will turn into.

Right around the time your wife's vagina begins to look like this, she will reach her sexual peak. She'll be as horny as an 18 year old boy. She will want to have sex with you every day, for hours.

And you will not want to, because you reached your sexual peak 26 years ago and her vagina is too lose.

Why do you boys believe it's homosexual for me to get my nigger gardener to fuck my wife for me, so I don't have to do it?
Would you want to stick your dick in this vagina for hours a day?

I sure don't. And not wanting to doesn't make me a homosexual.
It makes me a straight man who wishes my wife never had gotten old.

C section... My wife is tight!

>Would you want to stick your dick in this vagina for hours a day?

>not eating that pussy like you're on death row
let me fuck your wife op you faggot

It's patently obvious you have never actually seen a woman's vagina in real life.

My wife and I have had 2 kids, and she was in labour for at least 12 hours with both of them. They were both natural but both were fucking torture for her, with screams and extreme blood loss on both occasions.

We are both 44 this year,m and she still has the tightest, neatest pussy ever formed by thr wonder of evolution. Sex is pretty fucking sweet too

You just happened across a picture of CP 'victim' Laura (as in Uncle Gary) who is now 19, but obviously still hasn't looked into having labioplasty done

i dont mind some flippety floppity flop pussy.. its my fetish

you need testosterone replacement therapy. or let her fuck a nigger if youre a fag i guess.

Ask the doctor to add an extra stitch after labor, keeps it tight

I have three daughters and have been married for years. Your theory is completely wrong. The size of the labia is determined by the levels of testosterone and estrogen during puberty. My wife has a tight pussy and I even fist her sometimes. Maybe the problem is you have a small dick? I don't think there's anything wrong with swinging or having an open relationship, but your ideas are fucked up OP.


>not going for anal
Fucking beta. Die, honkey.

Fuckig youngfags. That pussy looks good.

Just a reminder that OP is a beta faggot and cuckolding is the most pathetic thing for a man to have happen to them.

Enjoy being a non-human OP. Even trap fuckers are less broken than you are.

Kill yourself.

haha disregard. i suck cocks

Is this why 90% of cuckold vids depict 50 year old women?

It all makes since now. This is the best explanation of cuckolding I've ever heard.

These nigger cuck threads keep getting even more elaborate...

Nope, got two kids and her pussy is different, but nothing like this.

You don't deserve a woman if you're gonna be such a fag about it

I would fuck the hell out of that perfect pussy. As many times a day as I could.

lies. too many to count.

cuck threads are getting smarter

Sup Forums has nothing better to do tbh

gross picrelated

same, bwahahaha

Wait, how do you know it's Laura? I mean apart from the obvious..

Probably a lying cuck thread, but in the event it isn't, op needs to get balls deep in that vag and stop letting a nig dick her. Bet beta op thinks that he can give an excuse by saying she is too loose when really he likes to see mandigo's ass and balls whilst he fingers himself.

>too many to count
>6 statements
>can't count to 6

>not getting your bitch to do kegels so she stays tight

you're a cuck. even worse than a faggot. least faggots can be men.

Got any of those deflated flapjacks?

What's wrong with that pussy? I don't get it.


it totally makes you a homosexual for not wanting to fuck your wife. your gonna want some tight shit so you'll end up being that old creepy guy who fucks 20 year old guys at the local spa because you realize how tight an ass is. do you wife and kids a favor and kys OP

female clitoris actually gets larger with age

only reason it really looks like that in the picture is because they're aroused and have larger labia majora than the average woman

has nothing to do with being loose

yes it does. It has everything to do with being loose.

Instead of being a faggot and tolerating your woman fucking another man, why don't you just trade her in for a newer model?

That's what divorce is for, dumbass.