Why is "the right" to abort any child you want a thing?

Why is "the right" to abort any child you want a thing?

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I suppose you think double suicide is better?
Child abuse?
Mental Suffering?

>I suppose you think double suicide is better?
>Child abuse?
>Mental Suffering?



>what is adoption

Why is killing someone wrong? the dead person won't even know is dead.

Because pragmatically it makes sense.

Well, you can't abort *any child you want*

I mean, you cant just walk up to any pregnant bitch, shove your hand up her pussy and pull out the baby. That would be ludicrous

humans are a plague. not a popular opinion (naturally) but we as a species are fairly parasitic

You could also make the argument that no human has the right to impose their life on another.

In that case, the mother is wanting the human inside of her to leave, which should be within her right to do.

I'd rather be aborted than grow up with a feminist cunt mother tbf

You cannot abort "any child you want." You can only abort an unborn child that you are carrying.

you can't use a fetus for bait. the fish won't eat it!

>humans are a plague
nigger are a plague


We don't need more humans on this planet.


There's already enough children up for adoption bud.
Differentfag btw

Then how do you feel when you commit genocide whenever you masturbate in a tissue.

>give babby to nuns
>baby spends 18 years in what's basically a prison-like buttfuck institution
>ends up a bum

Abortion keeps crime rates down, fewer single mother popping out babies = fewer babies growing up to be criminals.

I fully accept that a fetus is a child and I am completely okay with killing them, fgt.


I'd say
but I'm fairly certain you'd disagree

kek, true

That's the way I've always seen it.

it's not a child until it comes out of the mother.

so it's ok to terminate it any time before it comes out.

A child is an uninvited tenant, not paying rent for the use of the mother's body, and this violating the NAP. The mother may respond as she wishes to this violation of her rights.

Because fuck your feelings.

You should be able to kill the child up to 4 years old. That's when their personalities finally form. Anything before that is an incomplete pile of cells

Because Niggers that's why.
You fucking retard

because having a baby you can't afford are incapable of taking care of, is much worse than offing the little thing.
why make someone intentionally live through a shitty life?

why? what is this magic barrier it passes through that makes it "alive"?

if i was c-sectioned a day before my actual birthday i would still be alive and functioning as i am today. there is no arbitrary condition that is checked when you are brought out of your mother, the day you come out is completely random.

best answer lmao

or are*

because killing babies is funny.
and abortion is legal, so you can have funny murder and not get in trouble

(((They))) want to kill White children

>E D G E

A lot of people should die and babies aren't even people

I'm pro-abortion.

think about the mom on the day before her child is born:

does she pay for 2 movie tickets, or 2 plane tickets?


can she drive in the carpool lane?


therefore, since the child is not recognized as an entity before it comes out, it is not a person until it comes out.

so it's ok to kill it.

Men should never hold the right to what a woman should do with her body. Men can't even get pregnant so there is no reason we should have any input on that situation.

Also, anti abortion means that there is a bold possibility of a mega Hitler or mega evil human being born.
A child shouldn't be born without a family who can properly raise them.
Abortion is an important thing that shouldn't be done away with.

I do what I want.

> Magical barrier
Not him but when brain activity begins. I say that should be the cut off point for abortions. Because at that point it's no more alive than when it was mindlessly swimming around daddy's ballsack. Once brain activity begins, so does life.

>that no human has the right to impose their life on another.

damn mom im really sorry you chose to have sex and got pregnant with me, i didnt mean to impose.

Go ahead and Abort me, thats certainly not imposing.

Consider a 100th trimester abortion on yourself. It will be funny.

Wanna bet?

Haploid cell, not a diploid.

If it doesnt have a unique set of human DNA its not human

Because the argument is about aborting any child you *don't* want, OP


Do you really think this is a human bean?

cool joke

Why do you care? There's too many fucking humans as it is. You actually care about human life? You're a fucking idiot

Fetuses really have this complex of a thought process?
Wow user, never knew.

u dont abort children, u abort pregnancy.
Why do u want to give foetuses the right to use somebody elses organs without their consent?

no thats an elephant

amaturetube.info/web-cam-chat/ live burnet masterbating bump this must get this out

Hitler had a family that raised him and men are more capable of making rational decisions than women. Eat a bag of dicks, cuck.


so racist

Stupid fucking answer and a ripoff of a joke

bodily functions occur almost right after the zygote forms, i suppose you raise a good point with the brain but it should be noted it's still alive.

legally you're correct, scientifically and (arguably) morally you aren't.



embryo =/= human

At which point, in your mind, does the sperm cell and egg become a human? At the moment of conception? When organs have started to form? At first heartbeat? When the brain starts to form?

This is the big disconnect between pro-life and pro-choice. Nobody believes in killing babies, people just have different opinions on when it's a baby.

Around 9 weeks after conception is where the general consensus is that the embryo becomes a fetus. But then the question becomes when is a fetus a baby and thus can't be aborted.

Personally I believe that if the fetus can't survive outside the womb then it's not a baby yet and so it can be aborted. But I can understand why people think it's earlier in the pregnancy.

>Completely missing the point

I'm sorry you grew up so misinformed and lacked education to make a decent human being of you.

Lol kys dumbass.

Funny how liberal faggots think capital punishment is barbaric and has no place in civilized society but think murdering babies is perfectly fine.



Why do you give a fetus that can't survive without the mother's body more right over the mother's body than the mother herself?

Why do you fail to realize there's no guarantee a fetus will even be born (miscarriages happen, yo).

Why do you fail to realize a zygote is not a human. How about we wait until they have a brain/nervous system fully formed enough to be defined as such?

Fucking cuckservatards.

wow, that's great!

I don't think user knows how to use that word.
Autism confirmed, abort convo naow.

You can be charged with double murder for killing a pregnant woman though.

Also unborn children can definitely be a legal entity.

I was legally named before I was born for the sake of my mothers divorce at the time.

Is a human bean. Is bean human.

So I don't become a dad at age 18, thank you very fucking much.

>Personally I believe that if the fetus can't survive outside the womb then it's not a baby yet and so it can be aborted.

Thats because people want infants not abused kids with PTSD

Let's put it in terms you can understand. Let's say you're the perfect blood match for a person that, without your blood, would die.

Can I force you to give blood because if not the other person would die?

Same fucking thing.


I clearly addressed both points you made. Eat two bags of dicks.

Shut up, cuck

>abort any child you want

I could support this. Will vote for O.P. for president of planet.

Little shit kicks your seat? Abort it.
Ruins your nice quiet meal or movie? Send the little fucker to hell.


why be pregnant at all, then? Just toss the ball into an oven and then u r stuck with it, fag. Why would u want the incubator to not be used by this foetus?

Except you chose to have sex and risk a baby you mongoloid

If you subscribe to pro-life under the idea that all life is precious, I hope you don't eat meat and care for every living human equally. That includes Muslims, homeless people, LGBTQ people, feminists and so on. If you don't then all life isn't precious after all, and you're being massively hypocritical by putting an unthinking ball of cells above a fully conscious human.

i personally argue a child is not a person, until, like 10yo

At that logic, masturbation is also murder.

Your example a (pic related) : a human being.

I believe the early stages to the mid stages of conception create a mildly active bundle of cells. The mind doesn't come into play for a while, and until that point abortion should be legal.

Yeah that's about right.
Also, humans were a scientific mistake from another species that would be considered our God(s). We were obviously dumped on a planet where our overlords would observe us from their lunar and Martian base of operations. We were never meant to leave this planet, just to be observed.
So when we figure out how to sustain human beings in space voyages for a prolonged amount of time, we will probably be marked for extermination, as any intelligent and enforcing species would see humans as a Galactic threat(we are creatures of war and death), and that we are a spreading cancer that should be eradicated.

I think you misunderstood that post.

My point was "Viability" is too ambiguous a criteria to decide. The fact premies have survived being born before their abortion limit proves that.

Because we have enough pieces of shit on this planet already. Do the planet a favor. Abort.

if we r arguing its human, cuz it has human dna, i can easily go that far to call every1 a mass murderer for flaking skin cells or bleeding.

to prevent such genetic mistakes like you from living


Nope, you're literally a shit for brains retard.
Again, sorry you lacked a proper education and are a confirmed autist.
Good luck eating shit for the rest of your life, buddy boy.

now that's stupid

Yeah man having sex is a "choice".
Just pure coincidence that every single person on the planet makes the same "choice".
You choose to breathe, so you deserve all bad things that come to you while you purposely extend your lifespan.

>Morally incorrect
Say more words fag.

>If you don't then all life isn't precious after all, and you're being massively hypocritical by putting an unthinking ball of cells above a fully conscious human.

Whats hypocritical about it? Some value some life more than others.

I dont see how its hypocritical to value innocent human life more than the wants of the human that chose to have sex and risk a pregnancy in the first place.

Probably what user looks like.
AKA, fuqboi.

Why are you calling a foetus a human rather than just foetus you weirdo
Like you don't call a tadpole a frog

Because sometimes murder is justified.

Kek what a fucking retard

If you are against abortion then you're living in a fantasy world.
