I5 6500 with RX 480 or i5 7500cpu with GTX 1060 6GB?

I5 6500 with RX 480 or i5 7500cpu with GTX 1060 6GB?

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WTF, of course 5 7500cpu with GTX 1060 6GB,

it's also about value, I am more than happy with my i5 6500 and rx480. It runs oculus rift apps with ease and smoothness


The fact that you're not even considering an i7 with hyperthreading ability is fucking stupid.

"Look at me. I'm going to spend a shit ton of money on my computer and prevent it from reaching it's full potential."

I am getting already built computers since i am new to gaming and making my own pc is kinda confusing and complicated to me

Get a 1500x from amd (1600 if you can)
It s much better

RX 480s are similar or better performance to the GTX 1060 and $30-$50 (or more) cheaper.

I just built this computer yesterday and it has an i5-7500 and RX 480. Awesome performance.

Also, if you want adaptive sync, Nvidia cards are automatically $100 more expensive because that's what the markup is on Gsync-enabled monitors.

I've heard rx 480 is better in the long run? What does that mean, nvidia will stop releasing drivers for 1060 soon?

Haven't heard anything about driver support, as far as I know both companies are pretty good about supporting their cards.

Damn im really fucking mad because i've been reading so much things and watching many videos of those two GPU's and still cant decide

The second one is pretty much just my pc. I would definitely recommend.

In DirectX 12, the RX 480 outperforms the 1060. In older games (DX11, 10, etc), the RX 480 and 1060 are almost always within 5% of each other.

I would recommend the RX 480, because where they do differ, it performs better. The only reason to pick a 1060 is if you get a really good deal on one, like under $160.

I am leaning towards rx 480 tbh

you are crippling muti threaded performance by going with a i5. Sure it will suffice for most DX11 games but DX12 makes it easier for devs to use multiple cores and more and more games are optimized around multi threading

There is no much difference in price between a i5 and i7. Get the i7
Its not worth it to get a i5 just get a i3 if you wanna go the cheap route

>$200 i5 vs $320 i7
>"not much difference"

Anyway, the system is going to be bottlenecked by an RX 480 or GTX 1060 anyway. There's no reason to spend an extra $120 to get a faster processor when the i5 doesn't even come close to maxing out with modern games.

6500 and 7500 will need different mobos unless you preisntall an updated bios for the new cpu

Also this. 7th gen Intel processors require a 200 series chipset motherboard OR a BIOS update on 100-series, which requires you have a 6th gen processor to boot.

There are certain games which are hindered by the lack of hype threading. Planetside 2, Crysis 3 comes to mind
Its about the future when more and more games will use multi cores. A CPU lasts you an entire generation and more depending of when you upgraded
A GPU is is only good for the tier you bought for 2 years tops

People who bought a i5 2500k instead of a 2600k felt really bad considering how well the 2600k aged and how bad the 2500k did

Underage ban requested

I am 24 tho

So is it cheaper to buy PC component by component?

>So is it cheaper to buy PC component by component?
Quite a bit, yeah. There's a shit ton of PC build videos on youtube: youtu.be/rrzp_fS1GRY Computers are just fairly expensive puzzles with 7 pieces.

>expensive puzzles with 7 pieces
Most apt description I've read. It's really not too difficult to build your own, OP. Just follow along with a video like that

Not quite a bit. Best buy has prebuilt pcs that nearly match the component costs. The extra 50 bucks or w/e is worth not having to put that shit together or having to return faulty parts and waiting for reshipping.