>Rotten Tomatoes aggregates Armond's positive review of Suicide Squad as "rotten"
Rotten Cheating
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Probably because he just talked a bunch of pseudo political nonsense instead of actually critiquing the movie.
an honest mistake considering his history, newfrog
i'm sure a videogame capeshit drone like you wouldn't remember though
>tv still worships this pretentious christfag nigger
Did you even read his article?
>Snyder is constructing a large-scale morally serious epic that portrays modern man’s ethical struggle, giving comic-book characters the spiritual breadth of classical characters.
>Ayer acknowledges this when the Squad, facing supernatural evil, gets gung-ho and promises, “We’re gonna be a chapter in the Bible! Everybody will know what we do!”
>Snyder and Ayer pursue an interest in redemption and sacrifice using the comic-book and blockbuster genres that have replaced the universality of the Bible and classical texts.
>More is at stake in Suicide Squad than comic-book fun.
Read more at: nationalreview.com
Thanks for proving my point.
Armond's critiques are way beyond your intellectual level.
Shouldn't you be reading your bible instead of this blasphemous board
We need intellectual criticism too y'know
>Batman's cape was too long in this flick, and it's too much like the comic book 2/10
There's a bunch that are 2.5/4 and they're "rotten" apparently
who cares about (((critics))) ratings
Armond doesn't use ratings though. It's as if they didn't bother reading his article.
They explain it in the quotations you illiterate nigger.
He liked:
>Grown Ups
>Jonah Hex
>G.I. Joe
>G.I. Joe 2
>Battle: Los Angeles
>The Green Hornet
>Clash of the Titans
>Indiana Jones 4
>Transformers 2
>Death Race
>Fantastic Four: Rise of Silver Surfer
>I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry
>Transporter 3
>Resident Evil: Afterlife
>Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
He disliked:
>The Tree of Life
>There Will Be Blood
>Black Swan
>The Social Network
>The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
>The Road
>The King's Speech
>Synecdoche, New York
>Toy Story 3
>Eastern Promises
>The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
>Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives
>Tales from the Golden Age
>Let Me In
>All Marvel movies
>The Dark Knight
>The Hurt Locker
>Blue Valentine
>Hellboy 2
He also compared Hannah to Kick-Ass because they both have a young female character, thinks I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry is a modern classic, thinks Live Free or Die Hard is the best Die Hard, compared The Road to Resident Evil, thinks Clash of the Titans is better than the LOTR Trilogy, prefers Transformers 2 to Transformers, and thinks CJ7 is deeper and more profound than There Will Be Blood.
>They both approach a childish genre like adults — and that’s what annoys the Marvel kids, whose bad rap on Suicide Squad has already gone viral. If DC is the conservative comic-book universe to Marvel’s pseudo-progressivism, it couldn’t be more unpopular among kids who enjoyed the ludicrous platitudes of Avengers: Age of Ultron.
It's amazed me how DCfags reach a new level of patheticness everyday.
Sounds like the film taste of an ape.
first post is always right, and trips don't lie.
yeah but it wont push the Sup Forumseddit meme narrative i've been trying to push for the past month
stop spamming this nonsense and type your point like a real man
perfect way of putting it
DC is Trump
marvel is shillary
In other words, both are terrible.
>Gave Dirty Grandpa a fresh mater
He cannot be stopped
>DC is Trump
>turning a blond haired white man into a shit skin that saves white people and apes white fisher man sensibilities
You fucking capeshit numales are adorable. Stick to videogames and stay the fuck off Sup Forums and Sup Forums.
If the OVERALL score is 60 or higher it's considered fresh, are you really this goddamn retarded?
congrats on spamming images no one cares about.
Your favorite company's movie's suck ass and it's time to get over it.
>is a nigger
The INDIVIDUAL scores are either fresh or rotten, you fucking retard. If it's above 6/10 (as all the ones posted here are) then it's FRESH, if it's 5.9/10 or below, it's ROTTEN.
I can't believe after numerous years of shitposting with RT scores, Sup Forums faggots like you still don't understand how the fucking site works.
what did he mean by this?
My god, I thought I was the only one. Armond's a terrible reviewer.
anything to fit my narrative about how DC is being cheated against by Disney.
You don't understand how Rotten Tomatoes works, do you?
They determine whether each review is fresh or rotten by its content not its fucking score and the ratio of good reviews to bad reviews give the overall score. You're so fucking dumb, literally kys for the planet.
>They determine whether each review is fresh or rotten by its content not its fucking score and the ratio of good reviews to bad reviews give the overall score. You're so fucking dumb, literally kys for the planet.
Who? Literally back up your fucking argument you goddamn retard.
I mean in all fairness since he's just a troll that goes with the opposite of popular opinion for every review they may as well start scoring all of his as opposites
When will /r/DC_Cinematic fucking leave?
Are you serious right now? You can't even follow rotten tomatoes simple retardproof system? No wonder you believe DC movies are good, you're their target audience- retarded man-children.
>They determine fresh or rotten based on interpreted sentiment and disregard the actual score that uses a universal metric
>Can't even back up his statements
Literal retard
>You can't even follow rotten tomatoes simple retardproof system?
You've just shown that you can't, actually.
>He also compared Hannah to Kick-Ass because they both have a young female character
Does he completely dismisses the cinematography and the soundtrack of Hanna? If so fuck this retard
>he thinks review scores are a universal metric
DCucks are hilariously dumb.
In the original post it outlines that a score of 60+ on the TOMATOMETER is fresh. The TOMATOMETER measures the overall score of reviews by comparing the amount of good and bad ones. There, I spelled it out for you you fucking moron.
Disney shills
Is Armond's critique lost in his method?
I assume he believes he's more than a mere provocateur/contrarian.
>In the original post it outlines that a score of 60+ on the TOMATOMETER is fresh. The TOMATOMETER measures the overall score of reviews by comparing the amount of good and bad ones. There, I spelled it out for you you fucking moron.
>They determine whether each review is fresh or rotten by its content
Literal fucking retard.
armond white does this shit as an academic exercise you tools
>flip a coin
>if it's heads you bash it
>if it's tail you praise it
>if the film is good technically, you bash it's social commentary and politics
>remember to use at least 10 phrases from your latin dictionary
Very shill like of you
so who are these mysterious editors on Rotten Tomatoes who decide which review is fresh and which is rotten? 3/5 is 60%
Are you serious? There's no contradiction there. You're trolling right? Or are you this fucking dumb?
Stop being a fucking retard.
Disney shills in full fucking force
Don't like me calling you out :^)
You're a fucking retard because you've yet to prove your original statement, and are now trying to claim you were talking about the consensus, not the individual reviews. Because you're a fucking retard.
>he doesn't realize BvS and Man of Steel is conservative kino
calm down Chris, your gay Captain America movie is coming.
It's ad-hominem. So I win.
don't worry, your kike """Wonder Woman""" movie is coming too
>this is what shit skins that want to steal actual white culture for their capeshit propaganda want you believe
Go spam about how shitskinman is totally badass you fucking numale piece of shit
Hello Warner Shill
>calls someone kike
>shamelessly shills for disney the biggest kikes in the world
There's no magical screening process. It says it plainly on the site that for each review, 5.9 and lower is "rotten" and 6.0 and higher is "fresh".
What a stupid prick.
>Wonder Woman is a kike
Nah, if they aren't smart enough to pay off RT reviewers they aren't smart enough to pay shills.
It's clearly talking about overall tomatometer scores there, the fact that you can't understand that is hilarious. Below the rotten rating they even go into what's considered certified fresh where they specify it's an OVERALL score of 75% or more.
You truly are a fucking idiot.
>raging about shitskins stealing white culture
What are you talking about?
Armond is intellectually superior to you, and he's black, does that make you mad?
Read the fucking "about" page yourself you illiterate fuck, I'm not doing your homework for you.
>kikes can't be conservative
Kek no wonder you retards are so up in arms you literally have no idea how the site even works.
That's something a Warner shill would say
He's gay, you faggot.
Transformers 2 IS better than Transformers though
Did you even watch them?
They're basically the same film but the second has less quick cuts and coherent action with bigger explosions where you can actually tell who's winning
Dude's a hardcore contrarian.
Suicide Squad is the "our guy" of film and there most certainly is a critical bias and bandwagon against it
Honestly how many of you Armondposters own an MPC account or are actually PLEASUREMAN?
Be honest.
This, Armond highlighted why critical consensus was bashing it in his review.
>our guy
Post your top 10 to prove you're Sup Forums and I'm talking about real Sup Forums(picture related) not Sup Forumss version of Sup Forums
>hipster shit
>real Sup Forums
That's because BvS was such a pile of shit that every DC movie from now on will be under a microscope unlike Marvel.
All of Marvel's movies have quality control and are competently made.
DC's movies are fundementally flawed with horrible scripts, terrible casting, and literal trailers in the middle of their movie.
DC shat their bed with this universe, and now they have to sleep in it.
Even if the get to the 10th movie in this Universe, it will always be under a microscope ready to be hated because of how god-awful Snyder's films really were.
Nope. Snyder's films are just too smart for the general audience. His films tell so much through visuals, but the masses are too dumb to grasp it and prefer dumb exposition.
Thats what I thought. Stick to Sup Forums or Sup Forums, outsider
stopped reading there
Shills would shill more in response, can't waste that 5 cents a post. Btw if you haven't seen suic-
>king of /tv
>liking Gi.Joe 1 & 2
>liking Transformers 2
Does not compute.
Who the retarded fuck that crowned him ?