What the fuck is this shit?
What the fuck is this shit?
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It's called milking.
left - hard work and committment
right - photoshop
>Forgetting about the Sarah Connor who has had the most screen time, and is GOAT with it.
fan fiction
is this even good?
no meme
no 'muh waifu'
Agreed, the gun looks like a damn toy.
>You can't change the future apart from that time we did.
>And then we told a small child about a phone app.
Oh shit! I remember when they did this. My brain must have just forgo..wait what was I saying?
That's not how proportional arm length works
>using 9mm against terminators
good luck
>>using 9mm period
/k/ is fun
it ends in a cliffhanger, but still worth watching once.
what has /k/ done to me
I don't know but they are both very hot
Lmao no. The only people who liked it were waifu fags.
pls no bully.
it's really bad
they decreased Emilia Clarke ass in this poster
>Linda Hamilton a believable female action lead with intensity
>Emilia Clarke a fatass with no acting range
There is only one clear choice
mother of _______
>That neck
>That Body
yeah, no.
>mfw i have no idea what you're talking about
Someone pls post the webm of Emilia Clarke firing the gun from genisis
It comes down to AK vs. HK
To be fair T1 Sarah was soft and looks a bit like whatsherface.
Then you remember that TG Sarah was supposed to be raised since childhood by a Terminator and still looked like all she did was consume mallomars to prepare for the Future War.
I know, but they where obviously going for her non-psycho self even if it doesn't make sense.
Fuck this gay earth.
and the right pic is even shopped to make her body look better
>and still looked like all she did was consume mallomars to prepare for the Future War.
Seriously, how is she MORE doughy than the Sarah that was a waitress in LA, living on tips and left over big boys?
I mean I'm a pretty sensitive nu-male cuck that acknowledges his privilege and all that faggotry, but jesus christ tubby, you're a professional actor, act like a fucking professional and hit the gym when you're reprising the role of one of cinema's greatest, and legit, strong female character.
Yeah, Lena Heady was /fit/ as fuck and dedicated. I did not feel like she engorged herself on biscuits in between takes, like Mother of Burgers.
Caloric Intake
Right has nice tits
I want to milk Emilia Clarke's juicy titties
Linda Hamilton is way better for the role but she is not nearly as fuckable
T1 = T:SCC > T2 > TG > T3 > TS
Watched this the other night, not dreadful. Bad direction, bad digital, but it was executed with competence and the story was really solid on a base level, as a commentary on the franchise, and as a canon reason we can see numerous people play these characters and it all fits. Sadly the Reese character was so poorly written that it turned him from tough but innocent into a bit of a bitch, who is constantly both wrong and whining in some fashion. Sarah depiction was fine, which is bad as it needs to be great to be even okay. Arnold's arc was alright given they can just CG him from now on. 6/10
actual order
lmao Why you so wrong?
>Sup Forums is so retarded we get to have terminator genisys threads in late 2216
what a time to be alive
emilia clarke is fucking disgusting too jesus christ
>T1 = T:SCC > T2
Putting that garbage above T2 already earned you a life sentence but daring to put it as equal to T1 earned you solitary.
I bet you like Taylor Swift
Right is shopped you poor fuck
God bless her she is adorable
Damn, Emilia Clarke looks like THAT
No, switch T1 and T2 and then switch T3 and TS.
I can settle for switching T3 and TS, but T2 is a much better movie than T1 was.
I can't take your post seriously, though I do agree with it
no......glad this is the state of Sup Forums
people arguing over trash
When will you realise that it's T1 = T2 > irrelevant garbage
>T:SCC > T2
actually pretty suitable, if you know the war is coming and there will be no more sweet confectionary being made ever, wouldnt you take every opportunity to gorge yourself silly on it?
I know this is going to sound snobby and elitist, but T1 is objectively better than T2 in every way. And I DO mean objectively, it is more well-made from a technical and film-making perspective.
If you prefer T2 as a child/teen, then you have heart. If you prefer T1 as an adult, you have a brain. This is also true for Alien and Aliens.
>And I DO mean objectively
You are objectively retarded.
Stop posting your bullshit.
>Cal. 9mmx18
As "muscular" as Linda Hamilton is, I could still probably kick her ass at that point. Like it's actually really hypocritical that Sup Forums wants to talk shit about Gal Gadot when this bitch is just as skinny and being praised for it.
What is retarded about that quote? Lots of people misuse the word "objectively", and I wanted to stress that I actually meant that T1 was superior to T2 from an objective standpoint.
T2 fanboy detected.
Lol. What does wonder woman have to do with Sarah Connor?
People are criticising gal because of her awful accent, hey inability to act and because she looks like a skeleton when compared to the source material and also Linda Carter.
Wonder woman in most of her apperances has been a tough, muscular and busty chick. Gal didn't check any of the criteria.
Sarah Connor in T2 on the other hand is on good shape considering she is locked in an asylum and paranoid as fuck. Not to mention all the meds she's on.
Continuing to be objectively retarded doesn't help your lies, kid.
At least she's got tits now.
It's how it is right now. In the 80's you found more sexy sharp features, while today we get more of the more round cutesy girls like Emilia Clarke and Alicia Vikander. Of course the former works much better in a action movie, and it doesn't help when you can't act well either (Emilia Clarke).
Ok, just an objectively pissed of T2 fanboy here. Nothing objectively to see here.
Nah, it's a steaming pile of dog shit
It is trash.
>is this even good?
Better than any of movies since James Cameron.
will there ever be a valkyriefu as perfect, bros?
>mfw 2 sarah conners are gonna battle for the iron throne
Ding, ding, ding!
Ladies and gentlemen, Hollywood presents progress.
Everything that's wrong in our time: The Picture
T1 is perfect techno-noir-horror movie. T2 is perfect effects driven action movie, probably best sequel ever, but not as good as original.
True, Emilia's tits were made for milking.
>Linda Carter
all my hnnnng
even the fist episode is a chore yet alone having it end on a cliffhanger
I've preferred T1 since I was ten years old.
I'm a cynical genius.
All that is evil.
The first few episodes are lame but quickly becomes amazing. Season 2 is god-tier
She got casted on got for being pure eye candy
I guess the fame got to her head, and she allowed herself to get a bit fat and stubborn. She probably thought everyone loves her for her mental talents, the usual delusion.
Not long until she becomes the next chloe moretz meme, she's a stubborn womanlet.
Kino as fuck 10/10 series
God she was so fucking hot as Valaria.
>we're shitposting on Sup Forums still
I guess the did stop skynet after all