How and when did you loose your virginity Sup Forums, how old were you?

How and when did you loose your virginity Sup Forums, how old were you?

16, was at my girlfriends house, her dad went inside the garage to work on their car, we went in her room and fucked until her dad almost walked in about an hour and a half later, only thing that saved us was the fact that he had to go to the bathroom

Was 15, with my gf at the time, I couldn't fit it in (I'm not huge just didn't know how to), we lay naked and tried again a different time, took about 4 tries before I could actually cum.

16, chubby 18 yo goth girl rode me in her car and proceeded to cheat on her boyfriend with me for the rest of the summer.

Didn't end well.



Nice jewish sl00t

Alright. Give me a second, I'm going to go ahead and post this to bump the thread.

>be me, 16 some years ago
>be friends with a medium sized group of typical teen dorks
>goth girl is in group, dating the "leader"
>guy is total douche
>but goth girl is hot
>goth fashion, black hair, slightly chubby but made up for it with a huge rack and ass
>job opens up at her job (small family owned restaurant) at the start of summer break
>get it because babby's first nepotism
>eventually get closer and closer to her because we spent nearly every day together and didn't see other friends a lot because summer
>eventually we get physical one night in her car
>just making out and groping
>this escalates over time
>breast play is common
>then oral is common
>then fucking is common
>then she gets terrified her bf will finds out and feeds him and the rest of our friends a bullshit story about how i threatened to kill myself if she didn't fuck me
>only my best friend sticks by me because i had been keeping him in the loop as this went on
>other friends pressured her to go to the cops and get me charged as a rapist
>i can only imagine she didn't because text messages between me and her show her suggesting the sex

I moved away not long after.

Im 25 and still havent seen boobs irl

lemme smash your gf and ill tell


>be me, age 14
>neighbor girl's grandparents live across the road
>she's also 14, 6/10
>comes over all the time for video games
>rides same bus home
>her grandparents aren't home, we go to my house
>my mother and father both owned their own businesses, rarely home before 6-7pm
>get into my room
>she asks, "want to try sex?"

at 22 with a hooker.
im 21.

I gave a pity fuck to a girl from college just before my 17th Birthday, she seemed like a nice girl. Had a bit ofna rough up bringing- trouble at home and a few ghosts of her past. I felt bad and she was sweet on me. On lunch break we decided to go back to mine, ended up making out- things gotna little heated. Got a call from someone in class- fuck it. So I did- for about half a day; albeit with no experience like a fucking warrior. She literally couldn't walk properly the next day.

Turns out she was fucking crazy, psycho. Like literally. Gave me the baby scare, stalked me, made up everything from before that, carried around a fake ultrasound scan of her apparent kid that died to get attention, thencaccused me of stalking her- all the while stalking me. She made up stories of ironically, fake stalkers to get my attention, was making pretend phone calls infront of me; I shit you not, she literally had it go off in her hand mid-way through a 'call'.

Anywho: moral of the story Sup Forums- don't throw it away. Some people aren't worth it and although pussy is pussy. Pussy causes drama, you just got to find the pussy that is worth it.

12. He was 17. He was rough and came inside. I hadn't had my first period yet.

lucky bastard.

>be me
>skinny as fuck with no ego whatsoever
>happen to row at my HS and we have to wear pretty tight uniforms
>it's a coed team and some of the chick start giving me eyes
>random girl walks up to me in the hall and starts coming onto me hard
>asks if she can come over. Never spoken to her before
>turns out she friends with a girl on the team
>immediately start making out the second she walks in the door
>go down to basement and she ducks my brains out

Yeah, totally lucky, except for the part where I was labeled as a rapist and lost all of my friends sans one, and was totally stabbed in the back by a girl I thought I was in love with.

But lucky, sure.

I cry for you, amigo

14 with gf of same age, we were dating for around 9 months when we did, then we kept dating for another 3 years. The amount of sex steadily went down, get out early when you see the signs

Didn't come here for the feels, user. Sort yourself out.

16 it was a friends with benefits kind of thing

You're a wizard, user. Disregard females from this point and instead acquire currency.

17 at a party. Fucked an Assyrian chick. Pubic hair was..extremely coarse. She was 27. Never got her name.. She's most likely a terrorist now.

>Be me, 13yr girl
>I appeared to be at least 16yr, big tits and ass, long brown curly hair
>Dating best friend
>She oddly looked just like me
>practical self-cest
>Had been dating for like, 6 months at this point
>Go to anime convention
>Share hotel room with one bed, just to two of us
>When we realized this, we decided we should take advantage of the situation at least once that trip to have sex for the first time, with each other
>When it was late, after going to a rave, we settled in for the evening
>Took a hot shower together and explored each other's bodies
>Making out as the water cascaded down our bodies
>I bent her over and fingered her pussy
>She started moaning loudly
>Used my other hand to over her mouth
>I turn her around and start kissing her while turning the shower off and opening the door
>I led her out of the bathroom by her long, wet hair
>I dragged her over to the bed, and we rubbed our pussies next to each other
>She put a condom on the handle of a hairbrush and stuck it up my pussy like a dildo
>It felt fucking amazing
>She immediately went down on me while sloppily sucking and licking my clit
>Came after a long time and switched
>Started sucking on her clit
>Realized that she was just barely still on her period because of a faint taste of iron
>Gags and doesn't know what to fucking do
>Decides to continue eating pussy like nothing happened
>All is going well, she's fucking loving it
>Suddenly cries out in pain and asks me to stop
>We weren't sure if I had hurt her somehow or if the problem was on her end
>She goes to bed angry with me
>Wake up in the morning
>She won't look me in the eye or talk to me
>Ruins the rest of the trip
>Tells me and all our friends that I am a horrible lover

And then, many, many years later...

>Claims that everyone she fucked is terrible at sex
>Is diagnosed with an issue that involves over-sensitivity of her clitoris and vulva
>Has to take medication to have normal sex or masturbate


15 years old chubby slut off of some app like tinder meet her, first "date" of my life walk around a mall goto dicks sporting goods go into some kinda locker/changing room was literally just a door and a room with a singular bench succ/fucc leave never text her again, Did i do good Sup Forums?

>Loosing your virginity
foolish mortals.

Aw shit nigger my grammar is terrible tonight sorry boys.

oh look, it's chad

ps: fuck off

I've never seen a jewish fetish. Wow.


Ironically the girl's boyfriend was way more of a Chad than me.

Checked triple dubs.

I was 17, I asked a girl to come over and we fucked. It was the first time for both of us so it was a little awkward.

That's not a thing faggot


Oh it was about a week ago. I'm bisexual and wanted to get my ass fucked so I met up with a "straight" guy who fucked me in the butt. It was not that great because I was nervous, and there was no emotional connection at all, just pretty awkward.

A week before that I fingered a girl, one of my friends, but that doesn't count as loosing my virginity

Um, obligatory tits or gtfo.

But seriously tits


Edit; I am 21 and a boy

Green text FACTS:

>be me, male, white, 7/10 i think
>lost virg at 24 years old with hooker, awful
>discover i cum faster than a F1 car
>a failure catching girls, horrible game, feel like shit
>decide to change
>failure at changing, some action now and then
>get a GF
> train my mind to cum normally
>finally "cured", dump GF
>keep dating, but very few
>game growing strong, becoming better
>some 1 night stands
>finally confident, good game
>pick up girl, 2 years ago, current GF
>super good fucks, lots of chemistry
>dump her, too many fights
>"user i love you"
> trying to make it work somehow

tl;dr i was a loser but got better



God I hate bitches


15 years old, on my 15th birthday actually. Me and my second girlfriend were messing around in a park that we always went to for fun time. Ended up going all the way that time. I didn't cum, but we only fucked for like 15 minutes before we had to go


Age 7.

Prostitute at 17. Btw Sauce??

Was it consensual? If so why are all women sluts? (I'm memeing. jealous that I didn't get 12 year old pussy)

18 and drunk at a party fucked a dirty slut sjw, was with her for years, didn't feel anything or cum cause of rubber

mfw virgin in college full of hot chicks that just make me feel terrible about myself, i'll rather have it full of ugly bitches so i would have and excuse to not get laid other than im ugly and insecure as shit.

Stop being so insecure, the only reason anyone's better than you is because they act like they are, the reason they get laid is because they don't give off the insecure vibe, I walked in on a decent looking broad in the laundry room when I was staying with my ex at college, it was obvious she wanted to get fucked, ask a bitch out for coffee or something, don't even have to take her out have her come to your room first, college girls is easy mode slay that pussy