Is there anything this man can't do?
Is there anything this man can't do?
Why didn't they give the rest of the Dc universe to him?
Not fill his movies with expository dialogue.
He doesn't want to be remembered as a man who made only capeshit
The Prestige and Interstellar are his lowest? Rotten Tomatoes is such a flawed concept
be posted by someone that isn't a chronic shitposter that also cries about shitposting he doesn't like on /qa/
Are there any other big-budget directors as good as him?
He makes solid movies and Sup Forums just cries about it because he gets attention.
He truly makes atleast above average movies consistently, none of his movie are sub-par.
But I bet he doesn't know how to make scrambled eggs eh
In all fairness, his movies are poorly written at times, but that's not entirely his fault
Nolan hates technology. He has no phone or email
Pretty bad industry to get into if you hate technology
Nolan is pretty much two face. He can work flicks and films and succeed at both.
When you don't get constantly shit on on Sup Forums I'd say you have gained success.
make a good movie.
>Rotten Tomatoes
Insomnia sucks
It's stupid to say he doesn't like technology.
He doesn't like today's faceless human interactions through short texts and emojis
He prefers to meet up with everyone in person if he needs them, and if he doesn't need them, then "them" can't reach him.
>the two best films are rated the lowest
"""Film""" (((critics)))
show instead of tell
third acts
female characters
have an imagination that's actually an imagination and not just a literal facsimile
human emotion
the funny thing is the prestige is the only real example of a nolan movie without most of nolans flaws, and unsurprisingly its a masterpiece and by far his best movie.. regardless of what any retard aggregator might tell you.
>interstellar is good
redditmdb """"movie"""" buffs everyone
It is
And at the very last better than the rest.
The Prestige was based on a book so that explains that