In what ways was this man tortured during the occupation of Naboo?
In what ways was this man tortured during the occupation of Naboo?
He wasn't allowed to speak, write, pantomime or any other such way to make his thoughts and feelings known to others, you could almost say...
Disrupted. Yep.
Yoda!!! I miss you!
They should really have shown the countless war crimes that were committed throughout the series, many of the queen's handmaids were undoubtedly spitroasted by hard robot usb sticks
subtle, hearty kek
I heard he didn't get to make a single phonecall
He was forcibly raped by robo-cock
Sio Bibel was raped by gangs of gungans
Nemodian sex slave
He got damaged man.
Did you ever hear about the tragedy of the Sio the disrupted?
Ventillation Shaft?
Pencils jammed underneath his toe nails.
Also where were bibblebros for my 4am tossed salad and scrambled communications thread?
>tfw TFA was such a piece of shit and devoid of memes that it invented yaddleposting
He was forced to strip and degrade himself for the Neimodian occupiers.
>He was forced to strip and degrade himself for the Neimodian occupiers.
What did he mean by this?
They invaded his anus with a communications disruptor
A server disruption? This can only mean one thing
They kept handing him communication devices and then quickly blocking all communications. At a certain point every time this happened he'd convulse and yell INVASION!
He couldn't save is asshole from being invaded by droid cock any more than he could save his planets communications
this man was tortured before the occupation of Naboo, this is a trick question
Look at this man, he looks like he's been tortured his entire life.
20 minutes into negotiations and he gives you this look:
It can mean only one thing.
>in a call with Mom
>cell signal gives out
Post Bibbles
He was made to watch Batman v Superman on loop.
Except Batman v Superman was fucking epic.
>meticulously trimming bibble's beard in MS paint
>wife walks in
>hey anony whatcha--
>gives me a bewildered look
>hold on im busy
W-why is the picture kept in a sleeve?
Exactly the same thing happened to me.
>stands up quickly and closes laptop
>ruining a numbered test series print of yaddle's headshot
Oh god that's hilarious user
My wife always seems to come around to my side of the table when a big futa dick is on my screen or just the word COCK in all caps on some image
it's faster to make oc in
just use a big brush on the eracing tool and removeeverything around the head. image you want to add head onto
2.make new layer
3.copy paste bibble's head on the new layer
go find the quickest way to generate memes and upvotes elsewhere
inefficiency breeds shortcuts, shortcuts breed errors, errors add charm
I enjoy this meme.
Because a galaxy far, far away is literally communications hell.
It can only mean one thing. Ejaculation
>tfw you remember when posting an image with a watermark would get you laughed out of the thread on general principal
This is a beautiful new form of prequalposting. Keep doing God's work, Sup Forums
>I remember when the whole >tfw no gf shit was new and annoying and the worst thing to happen to this board
>I'd kill to have those days back
Time ruins everything
>thinking I'm on Sup Forums when posting this
i need to go to sleep
>It's 2PM
what is my life
>tfw i made the first >tfw no gf post
sorry bud
>admits to being Sup Forumsirgin cancer
get the fuck out faggot
>he thinks i'm proud of the boards i'm stuck on
Your words hurt nowhere near as much as the mental anguish i inflict on myself, friend.
>seeing someone on facebook share a screencap of a greentext story you wrote almost a decade ago
The internet is a constant source of terror for me.
>tfw no communications
>tfw no one ever disrupts your communications and invades your tight boipussy
thanks doc, but this visual disruption can only mean one thing
He was anally raped by a pack of Gungans.
>Come back to this thread after a few hours
This can only mean one thing
>tfw you cant sell your space anvil
Made me kek
They put a big load of stuff up his butt
communication disruptions wasn't only a problem on naboo
Why do gay anons pretend they can't find someone to fuck them?
They've gone up his ventilation shaft.
Because a galaxy far, far away has bad signal.
True that famalamslamjam
a quads get can only mean one thing
A blocked ventilation shaft can mean only one thing