Yet another SHIT movie Sup Forums tricked me into watching. It is incredible how Sup Forums can genuinely express love towards extremely terrible films like this one. Implying I will ever ever take a single advice from this board ever ever again. From now on I join shitposting train. Bane?
Yet another SHIT movie Sup Forums tricked me into watching
essential high school cinephilecore thread?
But people here dislike Oldboy.
Oldboy is my favourite movie of all time.
U must have missed that part where he killed all those guys.. that was badass m8
I thought the first and last parts were quite good it was everything between that underwhelmed.
You talk too much for my taste.
Agree, and the "twist" was so fucking predictable, and then that over the top drama. Fuck I hate this movie.
What do you expect, the japs made it.
Only weeb fan boys like this movie in my experience.
it's popular so I hate it: the movie
Oh wow I'm surprised, I thought you will defend this film. After all it was some threads on Sup Forums that made me watch it, some were commenting on this film being incredibly good, and not a one person but many.
That's Citizen Kane.
I liked it. I thought the main guy gave a great performance.
You should try to make it less obvious that you want more people to post in your thread op.
The origibal oldboy us trash
But the remake is kino
Good ole Sup Forums, with your totally non-contrarian opinions.
>Sup Forums tricked me into watching.
Thinks Old Boy is shit.
You're an idiot.
overrated in a lot of places but not a bad movie by all means
>Yet another SHIT movie Sup Forums tricked me into watching
Jesus OP how Summer can you be?
First off no one tricked you into anything you entitled child.
Second Old Boy is a classic.
If you don't like it, cool, but don't act like a childish cunt and blame Sup Forums for your bad taste.
>2016 AD
>I'm just watching Oldboy for the first time
Just how underage are you?
I'm 25 and I've watched it for the first time this year too, didn't really care about movies until like half a year ago.
>Le Korean Cinema
>Is just really edgy shit that will impress le edgy 12 year olds
Prove me wrong.
>Oldboy is first Park Chan Wook movie I watch
>Absolutely loved it
>First Blu-ray I bought
>Laugh at the idea of Will Smith being Oldboy in the remake
>Buy the other movies
>Watch them all and Oldboy falls to #3 behind Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance & I'm a Cyborg
>Watch them after years last week
>Oldboy is genuinely the last movie in my favourites
Really surprised me, but I enjoyed Thirst a lot more the second time around (the flying scenes were still a bit retarded though), I'm a Cyborg is still and will always be my favourite (and I couldn't believe the lead girl was the main sister out of Tale of Two Sisters), Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance and Lady Vengeance still hold up, and Lady is particularly brutal, especially the scene where they show all the kids getting killed and the parents reaction, just what the fuck.
Oldboy isn't a bad movie but desu it's the one I picked the most faults in after watching them all.
>muh hypnotism
>I only watch Korean revenge thrillers so Korea only makes revenge thrillers
Silly pleb.
What other option is there? Kdramas? Even the Chris Evans movie was edgy shit dark grimy shit. It was one "damaged" from being Suiciiide Skwad.
Attack the Gas Station, The Tower, The Good, the Bad, the Weird, Sunny, 100 other popular movies from different genres I couldn't be bothered listing.
>Brendan meme imagery
>oldboy is a classic
>>has the gall to cry summer at anyone
This is satire right
You're not actually some cancerous meme parasite that just left Sup Forums and now believes hes Sup Forums, do you?
>Donnie Darko
>Fight Club
>Old Boy
What others movies do edgy teenagers drop after entering nu-male stage? Will you love them again after RLM tells you it's okay to?
This is one hella post
true detective
nolan's batmans
pulp fiction
what are you talking about
Sup Forums has always called this Sup Forums trash
GoT, Breaking Bad
> Weeb fanboy
> The movie is in korean
Oldboy is kino no matter what you fucking contrarian believe