This is pure sci-fi Kino
This is pure sci-fi Kino
I'd rather watch:
>the martian
Than this meme b-tier shit.
That is the most reddit tier list I've ever seen.
OP, I agree. Moon is a future classic. Very good kino.
Very much so.
Shame it had such limited theatrical release
It's pretty good. Sam Rockwell did a stellar job at delivering the feels.
It was pretty good, but somehow I wanted more. I was waiting for the other shoe to drop and it never did
You said gravity twice you reddit fag. That list is terrible.
Are you sure that's not because the movie was simple? Nothing more needs to be said, it was just isolating and lonely
Will he ever make a movie this good again after warcraft?
We shall see
It's actually worth rewatching.
It wasn't worth seeing once
Director is full poz, disregard
sequel when? I want to see the shit storm on Earth when he gets home
>Dat soundtrack
>Dat acting
Great movie, too bad Jones' last two movies have been complete shit.
Don't act like Source Code was any good, it wasn't.
This, although I feel maybe that's the point. I wanted a little more something
Instant classic.
I can't come up with one thing I didn't like.
I didn't like the white protagonist though. They could have at least diversified it a bit.
You don't care for the differently cloned you shitlord?
Gravity is pure shit
dumb gimmick movie
dumb ending
>>the martian
meme movie
Yeah agreed. At least one of the clones should have been black
Am I the only one here that thinks this movie is average at best?
I hope so. My tolerance for bad fantasy is pretty high so I kinda liked wc. Could be a pretty cool sequel if they ever greenlight one
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Why would there be any sort of issue? The moon mining business seems to have been in full effect for over 10 years and having clones of the guy who started the program wouldn't be an issue.
Gravity could have been good if it wasn't a summer blockbuster and if it wasn't Bullock and Clooney, two actors with zero acting range. Bullock is nonstop screaming and shitty acting, while Clooney is monotone and calm shitty acting. No middle ground.
That would have been gold.
>find nigger clone
>never acknowledge it's weird
i was skipping scenes, and when i got to part when he discovers they were cloning him, turned movie off, did i missed something? how come everybody love this movie?
It's pretty cruel to torment people like that. Do you think people were aware of his/their situation? And if they were don't you think their feelings would change when they hear the story from him?
Clones were discovered incredibly quick so it wasn't a real twist. You're also a faggot so there's that.
i really like it. people who hate on it for being derivative are kind of being unfair IMO. Rockwell's performance is just as much reason to watch as the story, maybe even a bigger reason.
I haven't seen source code, but i've heard it's bretty gud and I love based Jake. Is it actually worth watching? be honest no memeing
Yeah, they would bitch on facebook for a week and then forget all about it.
So you have real live humans working there, what do you do if someone dies? Fly another spaceship up there with someone new? What happens when another dies? Endless supply of worker drones who don't know or need to know anything.
So you saw what? 15~20 minutes?
Fuck off
Watch source code. It's good clean fun
Not him but if you have seen MOON with the commentary track I suggest you watch source code if not it will be just another action movie with a twist.
u mean action Kino Kino Kino Kino Kino Kino Kino Kino Kino Kino Kino Kino Kino Kino Kino Kino Kino Kino
lay off the booze user
>lay off the kino user
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The clones ARE real live humans and they deserve better then the shit life they get. I think people would understand that when they heard his side. Also he knows that the corporation sends up hired killers to the moon to kill renegade clones, a person has the right to not get murdered by his employer.
They're pretty quick with sending them killers to.
Better AI, more miners. Im sure it could still work without opting out on morality.
>source code
yes, I enjoyed it more than Moon, the less you know about it before watching the better
+1. i felt like it could have used about 20 more minutes of build up. the reveal was a bit abrupt imo.
What I didnt like at all was how nonchalant the characters were after the big reveal. They acted like it was meh no big thing when I felt it should have been a huge fucking deal.
that was the best part. They were confused and in denial.