Ever wonder how many people browse Sup Forums but NEVER post, or ever reply to other posts?

Ever wonder how many people browse Sup Forums but NEVER post, or ever reply to other posts?

We would never know. Hell, I bet one of them is reading this, smug and shit-grin smilin' in their comfortable, semi successful life just sitting back and feeling something great from these words.
Fuck you, yeah you. You fucking piece of shit. How dare you lurk and never post? What are you, a perfect human with no opinion or message to aimlessly spout through subconscious ideas in a waking state? Eat some horse shit you goddamn wizard, for I will never have the privilege to read your response and that's more than likely getting you off right now. God damn asshat.

Wow, this is spot on OP!

>help I've fallen and I can't get up reroute from 411 hotline and save life because of post

I feel personally attacked.



. .

You think someone would do that? Just browse this board and never post?

Lol sorry

It's a fact though.. Most visitors are lurkers.

No one ever responds to me anyway. Why bother?

And yet you are probably the first person to tell a newfag poster to "lurk moar."

I love the lurkers. They don't do stupid shit like "hey my gf broke up with me go ruin her life" or ask what the hell is a moot.

Poor them is afraid to get called a newfag

Oh man my soup is ready

First time I've said anything on here, I'm only here because Reddit is down. Sue me.


>It's a fact though

Rearn something rew every day raggy

You'll be receiving a letter from my attorney in the mail!

730775329 is rite u no
Im a fan of his posts and search 4 them on here , he never responds tho
idk wat i did

My IP sniffer tracked down your post the second it laid ground in this thread. We've been waiting for a few days for this opportunity and it was worth the wait. You're seriously a gullible piece of shit, buddy. This thread was a team effort to get you and it worked. Thanks for allowing us to get your IP address and please have free time for a visit within the next 72 hours, Alex. You think the site is down all of a sudden? A mere coincidence? Wake up, pal.

i could not find the I aint clickin that shit nigga pic in my folder so have this instead. oh and I AINT CLICKIN THAT SHIT NIGGA

how do i reply to a post like an oldfag?

What are you, a chicken? It's a smiling lady.

What is that... is that squidward fucking a twink butt? What are you, gay?

i sent a plane over ur house 2 send u a sky mesage
it may be dark out rite nao but go check. do it
4 me

then get back to me



Balls and wieners
>wasted 7

is thre




someone said 'lurk moar' and ive been lurking ever since

Get back to lurking faggot. Nobody said to get out of your internet shell so why don't you stay inside of it and don't even consider stepping foot into the real world you autistic motherfucker.

wat do u say

Thanks man I left a tips

>tips bob marley fedora

First time posting as well.
Still don't know how to greentext.