Sup Forums! Weird question. When I do a 'wake up stretch' I get this weird sensation in my dick...

Sup Forums! Weird question. When I do a 'wake up stretch' I get this weird sensation in my dick. It's not at all painful. It's insanely hard to describe. It's like a tingling sensation. I can only assume it may be hernia related? What do you think?

thats just a fresh rush of blood to the dieck

You think? What does that mean? Do I have shitty circulation? I'm fairly active.

yeah maybe
i think i know the feeling you mean because sometimes when i sit down on the ground for too long and stand up my dick is tingly. Sometimes it actually falls asleep kek. it feels weird as fuck

If you post moar of same girl I will tell you about your condition.

It has to do with the lymph system. Post moar of girl or learn no more.

Dawg I dont have more of the same girl. I just save any pictures of dimes I see. Also, I don't believe you haha.

I have some beautiful women saved on my phone. No nudes. What you got?

You can believe what you like. now fuck off

post them anyway

Real original, young buck.

Because you were semi civil.


You might have a mild nerve inpingment in your back. Any "saddle anaesthesia" or odd sensations is worth getting checked out by a doctor to rule out possible Cauda Equina syndrome.

OPs girl is Demi Rose Mawby for all the fags asking

Really appreciate you taking the time to respnd. I lift and do manual labor on the side. I have minor but fairy regular back discomfort. I wouldn't call it pain. I'm not super concerned, but am really curious because this is a new sensation for me. If it persists I will talk to my doctor and/or chiropractor.

That being said, I have Crohns. My specialist always told me there was a greater chance of back pain/inflammation.




these are great

>Actual doctor here
Please present to my ED with this complaint.
I want to laugh at you in person.

Could be a transient nerve impingement.
But it's a million years away from cauda equina.

No idea what an ED is. Elaborate and chill out.

No problem Sup Forumsrother.



I have aids and crohns, but I think this is something else.