Who is the best movie scientist of all time?
Who is the best movie scientist of all time?
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Dr. Pavel
Pretty much this board's messiah
Not a scientist.
Batman's a scientist.
its a tie between these two...
One invented a time travel machine, the other invented a method for capturing interdimensional beings ... that's about a big a break through as you can make in science.
Although I think its more important to the human race if it was discovered that an after life exists for various reasons.
Batman is a ninja
Dr. Paveel Heaj
> reminder that women invented a version of the proton pack that actually can be used to damage ghosts, not just contain them
white boi btfo
> Rockstar
> Neurosurgeon
> Quantum physician
> Stars in his own comic book
This, 2bch
Batman's an engineer.
I don't acknowledge reboots...
Hokey inventor =/= scientist
This fucking movie is absolutely bonkers.
>Women have the capability to irreversibly damage the soul
Nothing new here.
Henry Wu wins cause hes Asian and he made fucking dinosaurs bitches...
not even the best scientist goldblum has played
>turns himself into a cancerous fly man
>best scientist
pick one
No contest.
tv counts?
Effectively explored the afterlife.
not bad
I'm intrigued by this (mostly because of the cast), I take it it's worth a watch?
Kid built an atomic bomb for Christ's sake.
Do non-human creatures count though?
Dr Zaius Dr Zaius
That was literally the worst part of the movie. Killing ghosts is so goddamn retarded.
>> kid was nowhere near as good as Val
what was his endgame?
its pure, undiluted kino. be careful, because nothing else will ever match it in sheer 1980's over the top insanity.
I wasn't aware one was needed
In that case, I'm in.
Scientists or not, I fucking love these guys.
I want to see a movie about old-school computer science nerd.
I'll probably want to scratch my eyes out after 20 minutes, which is why I hate TBBT.
Dr. Adolph Rush
try to get the blu-ray with all the extras the laserdisc pressing had. its coming out this month. it has the mostly complete version, but not the original workprint. its a damn shame it was overshadowed by ghostbusters and star trek that year.
Best tv scientist coming through
1984 was a good year for sci-fi movies
Dune, Terminator, Last starfighter, and some others like the ones you mentioned
fuck yeah, those were all great movies. i was 5 then, and saw Last Starfighter with my mom, Gremlins, Firestarter, and Dune with my cousin and her then boyfriend who was so into the movie he didnt even make out with her, and she was hot.
i wish the local botique theater would have some saturday matinees with scifi movies or something for people that want to see something they never got to see on the big screen.
I have a theatre like that near where I live, this weekend they're playing The Thing, Escape from New York, and Big Trouble in Little China. I'm keeping my eye out for a Buckaroo Banzai showing, I'd even like to see Dune there.
Batfaggot is everything, is there anthing he doesn't have mastery in?
Fucking stupid shit.
dealing with parents
If you guys jet to post capeshit every day, im posting this.
the one by me only plays some pretentious shit like some hi fallutin oscar bait, or projections of ballets or shit like that. I've begged them since i was a teenager to put on shit people want to see, and if they are using the place as a tax dodge, then underprice the seats. I would shit to see Buckaroo Banzai on the screen or some other fun movie like that. i should start nagging and bitching at them again this week.
jeffrey combs is amazing in everything
do it, what do you have to lose? Squeaky wheel, man. The theater I go to does the same thing, they put on a bunch of local loser shit and hipster nonsense most of the time but weekends they put on the crowd pleasers. Last weekend was all the Indy movies for example.
GOAT coming through.
Perfect poo
wilfred brimley
Why create a thread with the answer in the Op? Candy ass
not really since it doesn't work as it is supposed to
Really Dr. Emmet Brown, but what about Jon Osterman/Dr. Manhattan
>El Debarge is the punch line to your 5 minute shrug and mug gay panic dance scene
jodi in contact
Yeah, this. But Egon comes second!
>damage ghosts
killing the joke of not being able to damage ghost but only capture them, thus calling themselfs ghostbusters
sony is full of idiots. I hope they pay you well, shill.
hold on to your butts how come no one mentioned sam jackson?
I'm going to keep it up. this was a theater where i grew up, and just like the one i live by now. but sunrise is really nice, and just got restored. it was kind of run down for a while, then some old folks with money threw some at it to bring it back to class.
i don't get it
>no black people listed
was blankman a negro scientist?
Yes, he built all his gadgets