Why don't you want to kill yourself?

Why don't you want to kill yourself?

Because life is a fantastic gift with no strings attached. I can do whatever the fuck I want with it.

Sweet trips

Yeah, it's a fantastic gift if you are lucky

If I thought like that I would be as miserable as you are.

Seriously, to be actually happy and safe in life is a lottery.

No doubt the circumstances we are born into are granted by lottery. However, I still believe that life is a fantastic gift with no strings attached; whereas happiness (which no one mentioned) is almost entirely dependent upon the individual's outlook.

Yep because depression doesn't exist, which completely impairs your ability to have a positive output.

Stop responding to things I didn't say. Depression exists and is crippling to every aspect of the afflicted's life. I feel for anyone who suffers from it. However, the fact that it exists does not mean that one is incorrect for believing that life is worth living in a broad sense. Your response is the equivalent of saying that going for an evening stroll is not pleasant because some people don't have legs.

But that's completely your perspective, the motivation for living is completely an abstraction, it isn't true. Sure, more people will agree with you, but that doesn't matter. Same goes with you

Sorry, same goes with *my perspective too. But I believe it way more than your perspective

I was just about to add that everyone's beliefs are "just their perspective," including yours, but you beat me to it. I choose to embrace a worldview that best enables me to lead a happy and satisfied life. I don't presume that it is best for everyone, just me. The original question was "Why don't you want to kill yourself?" not "Why doesn't everybody want to kill himself?" I simply answered for myself. I'm not trying to force anything on anyone.

>no strings attached
what about society?

Family, friends and society in general all have expectations of you. How much control you frant them, however, is entirely up to you.

You don't get to control what gets you thrown in jail or the resources required to have a comfortable living space, though.

True, but you can control how you use those resources that are available and how you function within the restrictions that society imposes upon you. If you're trying to say that life isn't worth living because it can be hard and there is no easy path to follow then I believe you're wrong. The challenges (in my opinion), as unpleasant as they may be at times, are part of what makes life interesting AND worth living. You seem to be arguing that because there is no utopian ideal for you to settle down in then life sucks.

No I am saying your idea of having entire control of yourself with no strings attached is a complete illusion that you have accepted because confronting the reality of a society that has near total control of your lifestyle and personality is too dangerous and daunting, so you have become a passive happy go lucky retard who just takes what they can get and calls it their dream in retrospect.

No need to launch a personal attack against me. I haven't harmed you. And I do have complete control of myself and how I respond in life. You seem to be confusing having control of oneself with having control of one's environment. We have limited control of the latter but complete control of the former. I also find it odd that you see my view that we should assume responsibility for our own happiness as passive while you see your view that everything is beyond our control so we should just give up as active. And again: I responded to the original question (and later directly to you) and answered only for myself. I'm sorry you took it personally.

No you have the ability to accept society's controls and step in line by making their goals for you your goals. You are simply the combination of your genetics and your environment and you can't control either. You don't control your happiness, you accept your societies ideals of happiness upon yourself, thus you are a passive agent lacking direct control. You are the one crying about personal attacks and confusing multiple different anons.

I do want to. I'm just too much of a pussy to actually do it.

Tried it three times about two years ago, now stuck paying medical bills.

If you're going to try and kill yourself, make it count faggots. The hospital bills alone will make you wish you had tried harder.

I can see the number of unique posters in this thread as well as anyone. If you choose to be miserable, so be it. I never presume that I can live another man's life better than he can. Sorry for assuming your gender in case that's the type of thing that triggers you.

>choose to be miserable
I don't choose the economy, laws and punishments that are making us all so miserable.

I doubt you actually live your own life very well, you are trapped here with the rest of us after all. I am glad I assumed you are a faggot because you keep proving what a faggot you are.

because i dont live in africa or mexico

Stuff to do, lives to ruin, etc.

I haven't fucked a robot yet.
