Should I loose my virginity to a fat girl on tinder? Pic related

Should I loose my virginity to a fat girl on tinder? Pic related

You failed the test. You aren't real. You catfished me.

I do not understand what's going on in this thread.

I've got a fat girl willing to fuck me from tinder. Don't know whether it's a good first time

Need more pics to tell

How fat ist She exactly?
Fat Sex > no Sex
But there are limits

Looks like a nice chubby ass.

Do it. Cum in her. Get her pregnant. Hit her. She loses it. Gets depressed. Loses weight because she stops eating. Bam, a skinny fuck buddy that is too emotionally involved with you to leave you once she loses weight.

First times aren't magical super events.
It's going to suck (and not the good kind of suck) no matter who you do it with.
But seriously, don't turn down free pussy.


My first time was good though. I also ate that pussy like I saw in my porn and Chinese hentai and ended up being successful. Thank god it didn't smell stank.

older fat chicks are truly AMAZING in bed.
skinny prissy girls are awful and like go slow, i dont want to do that.

a fat chick will throw you down and take you like the last piece of pizza in the fridge!
they know what they want and they TAKE IT!!!

fatties are mad fun, trust it

Meh depends on her price per pound and if she's ugly, worst case scenario just put a bag over her head. You never know though OP, this might be your only opportunity and maybe you could be a whale hunter on tinder!

How fat is she and how fat are you? Can't expect to find a goddess looking like a fat pauper.


more pics needed for advice..

big chicks suck dick like icecream

Or she stress eats and gets fatter

Denis, is that you?

So she fucks black guys too?
I lost my virginity to a chubby girl!

I'm in the same situation, bad social anxiety but as of late I'm really tempted to get with this fat but really cool stoner waitress. Fat girls really don't bother me at all and I wonder if it's because I'm a virgin at 23. Like am I just attracted to anything or do I actually like fat girls?