What went right?
What went right?
Deadshot? I'm going with Deadshot.
Harley was fine as a joke dispenser and nothing else.
had potential but turned into generic action capeshit #223595921
>Waller when her lines weren't complete shit
>the fingers when Enchantress transformed in the boardroom >costuming
>the technicolor parts at the beginning
>el diablo/jay hernandez is perfect and easily the best part of the movie
>margot robbie/harley quinn mostly works.. not entirely. inconsistent.
>will smith playing will smith works here
>jai courtney (incredibly)
>viola davis (performance wise.. character wise waller is butchered by the dumb script)
>the soundtrack is good but a little too obvious.. and is used fucking terribly
>the first act is entertaining and sort of interesting despite being bad and repetitive
>ayers direction is competent but butchered in editing
>rick flag is good, but joel kinnamans performance isn't
>katana a cute
everything else ranges from bad to fucking horrible. 4/10.
>saw it at the fancy dinner theater by myself
>went with to pleb AMC with my friend yesterday
>might catch a matinee with a six pack and a burrito next week
>>will smith playing will smith works here
It hasn't worked since Hancock.
This three characters.
>we need to assemble a team together to do something good
>like what?
>like escorting me up two flights of stairs to my helicopter
El Diablo's Devil Trigger was dope.
It proved there are a lot of tasteless plebs here again and that /film/ is needed
The Casting
The Soundtrack
The Costumes
The Aesthetics were able to keep up and not feel out of place with Synder's visuals
I liked how the slipknot escape scene was done. The only part of the movie that felt tonally like what the rest of the movie was trying to be. Shot well, wasn't edited choppily. Was like an oasis of competent film-making in a desert of horseshit
good timing of the release and horrible summer season for blockbusters.
for the movie itself, harley/joker and deadshot.
Also, how big is Jai Courtney's head Jesus
lel I thought the same thing
Also what exactly was she doing in the city? She only said the very obvious fact that the witch was changing humans into an army.
Deadshot was the pleb magnet
Joker, Diablo was were Kino was
>We've got a top assassain
>A pyrokinetic
>A genetically mutated super strong croc
>A magical woman
>Yeah, I guess we'll take that girl with a baseball bat too.
Enchantress wild form made me diamonds in cinema.
>>Yeah, I guess we'll take that girl with a baseball bat too.
It's cause she's crazy and hot, that's all.
>tracksuit and overall attitude of slav
Just saw it. It wasn't as bad as 26% rotten tomatoes, but not as good as Marvel movies either. Overall 6/10 meh.
this + its proven that there are a lot of underage here.
>trying to find logic in a movie like this
Or in any superheor movie, for that matter.
Don't forget a diamond thief with knives that return when thrown...
>He burns people, he eats people, he, wait-
>He is a vital part of the team
>He's just a diamond thief?
>He has sharp boomerangs
>Has he got superpowers?
>How does he catch the knife boomerangs?
>He saw the flash once
The characters were the best bit easily. We needed more scenes like the one in the bar because outside Deadshot, Harley and Flagg, they hardly interacted with each other.
The way El Diablo confronted Enchantress made it seem they were a tightly nit group, when really they'd been working together for about half a day.
Two of which had shit development and were overall shit characters. I cringed when they made Diablo the big "save the day" guy.
El Diablo, until he turned into fire monster.
The casting of Amanda Waller.
They explain this in the movie. Boomerang's there because he's had experience with metahumans (Flash) before.
Why did boomerang come back when he didnt had to worry about the bomb anymore?
Hiring a bunch of trailer makers to edit the movie, act 1 was a total fucking mess
Well you've put me in a difficult position here, user.
What went right?
>El Diablo
>Enchantress swamp black design, not the one doing all the machinery bullshit
that's it
Because he's a boomerang
Why is will making his son's face in this pic?
The performances were pretty good for what they were given aside from Cara, Kinnaman and Leto.
The rap sheet sequence was alright considering I saw that as something that was criticised. I just wished that maybe characters apart from Harley and Deadshot got more time with it.
That's it really.
Deadshot, Boomer, based Diablo, and Harley were all fun as hell. Even Croc was surprisingly good, though I'd have preferred him to be a little more imposing. Also, Enchantress was weirdly hot and some of her scenes were legit cool and spooky.
Margot robbie in booty shorts
I'm going to go see it in 30 minutes. What am I in store for? Will it really make me think?
It's a mess of a movie.
Incredibly poorly cut and edited, you'll walk out feeling like you've just seen a 2 hour trailer.
boomerangs always come back
wil smit is wil smit in every roll he does.
"Wooo!" ~Wil smit; every roll he did
Me and my friends really enjoyed it. So did everyone else in our showing judging from their expressions.
Dumb Sup Forumssp/ posters
My honest score is HONKA/HONKA