Is he "our guy"?
Is he "our guy"?
If by "our" you mean Reddit, then yes
Idk who the fuck is he
He's a prick
His wife is ugly
he just made some top kino, so yes.
Can someone explain the Zod's neck thing? What is the origin?
an awful bvs script he wrote with the immortal like "tell that to zods snapped neck" and it only took him 20mins to write!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stuckman decided to try and write a vetter version of BvS but was high school level bad
it is worse than high school level of bad.
He tried to improve Zack Snyder's clusterfuck but somehow made it even worse. Sup Forums relentlessly mocked him for it and his response was pretty much "I made it in a few minutes... I'm not bothered by you guys laughing at me! I wasn't being serious! pls no bully I'm dead on the inside. :^("
Didn't RLM joke about him being a prick then he proceeded to remove RLM from his featured list in his Youtube Channel, then cried on a facebook video about how the joke didn't "affect" him?
He is such a sheltered pussy ass bitch.
Yes. He's a nu-male bitch
Wait, what video was this?
that video is gold
a little girl's level of maturity
Please link
He seems to have anxiety and crippling self esteem issues.
So yeah he's definitely our guy.
Where is the video
What makes it funnier is that the ''I only made it in X amount of minutes'' was mean to illustrate how quickly he could write a better script.
BvS is still horseshit though.
You'd have to ask Zod's snapped neck.
it's not.
thanks for reminding me
Daily reminder
Kermode > TGWTG >>> YMS > Stuckmann = RLM
I took a film class in highschool and I remember being taught not to use descriptions when describing a scene.
You would just out stuff like
>Enter scene
>Person enters
>exit scene
Just basic shit because if you add a bunch of useless words it just clutters the script.
HAHAH please get out.
Ghostbusters RE:View, I believe.
To be fair, lots of great screenwriters have used ''useless'' language in their scripts. John Milius's script for Apocalypse Now has a descriptive line in the very beginning which goes something like '' if seen in/through a dream,'' something like that.