I defy you to name a more overrated director than this piece of shit.
His movies are all terrible, but somehow he's still considered 'on of the greats'.
I defy you to name a more overrated director than this piece of shit.
His movies are all terrible, but somehow he's still considered 'on of the greats'.
He's hit or miss, but has his own vision which I admire
inarritu, russell, abrams are the first 3 that come to mind.
burton is overrated though but not nearly as much as some people.
historically godard still takes the overall crown.
Burton has been considered a joke for a long time by anybody who isn't a complete pleb.
Have you seen Frankenweenie?
Agree. Only legit good film is Sleepy Hollow.
I've seen all of his movies other than Dark Shadows. Frankenweenie was watchable but it's not good enough to redeem Alice In Wonderland and Charlie and the chocolate factory. Big Eyes a step in the right direction but ultimately very middle of the road.
>Pee-wee's Big Adventure
>Edwrad Scissorhands
>Batman Returns
>Ed Wood
> Mars Attacks!
Yea fuck you. This streak is absolutely incredible even if he did lose it immediately after.
If he made nothing but Ed Wood he would still be responsible for a 10/10
Protip: You only dislike him now because every artsy movie maker for 20 years has been ripping off the style of film-making he created in the early 90s.
When was the last time he even made a movie? Get over it.
All of these can be enjoyed by video game players.
The man is not an artist.
M Night Shamalamadingdong
snyder and uno farto
>implying video games aren't art
Stanley Kubrick. He just adapted novels, he had no original ideas. He only cared about shot composition. He didn't introduce any new film techniques, he just used ones from directors who weren't mainstream and the internet didn't exist so he thought he could get away with it. He only casted meme actors. He was literally, by the dictionary definition, a hack.
Video games are the opposite of art. Their very existence is destroying art.
wtf is big eyes?
Also he didn't direct it but Nightmare Before Christmas is amazing.
90's Burton was incredible, but he's really fallen off recently
Oliver Stone
The spoopy omg so quirky vision?
Black and white spirals all over the place, weird characters all up in your face
Batman was alright
He has some good stuff, more in the early stages of his career. I'll agree though, that lately everything he's put out is one note trash. I like Nightmare, Coraline, Batman, and Big Fish all quite a bit. Nobody really considers him one of the greats, so idk what you're talking about.
So it becomes bad if someone you don't like enjoys it?
Coraline is great
Check out this dumb fucker
>His movies are all terrible
I call it the "Hot Topic" effect.
Hey there son, look like you could use a reply. Here, take mine, it's the least I can do
Ed Wood is fucking great
It is inherently bad if the content enables an enemy of art.
>I defy you to name