Is this RacistKino?
Is this RacistKino?
Other urls found in this thread:
" So just keep your mouth shut about stuff you don't understand nigger "
Jesus raimi
Green Goblin was a racist and anti-semite. He literally only hated Parker because he was Jewish.
>" I offered you friendship, and you spat in my face like I'm a dirty fucking nigger"
>"The one thing they love more than a hero is to see a dead nigger."
confirmed for not watching the one and only spidey
>impressive... for a nigger
Watch the director's cut idiot.
>Is this what you want Mr Stark?
>Would you like to kiss my pretty lips?
>Do you want to feel me all over?
>Do you want to make my tight little hole pucker and quiver?
>I know you can't resist such a beautiful young boy like me
What does Raimi think of Marvel's Spider-Man now?
I honestly don't see what's wrong with that.
this meme has Sup Forums written all over it
You would know wouldn't you? Why don't you go back?
sup Sup Forums
Don't you remember the scene where Peter calls the pizza guy a sandnigger when he gets fired?
This doesn't even begin to touch the racism in Raimi's films.
>That scene where the black actor said "Woah, he stole that guy's Pizza"
>Spiderman stops what he's doing and turns around and says "Oh yeah, just like you stole that malt liquor and a pack of swishers from that Korean convenient store owner. Jesus I thought the L.A Riots were bad. You niggers never change."
What a weird reference. It wasn't even timely.
literally nothing
RacistKino list
1. Birth of a Nation
2. Spider-Man
3. Spider-Man 2
4. Spider-Man 3
5. Army Dog
Where does Robo-Dog fit on this list?
>t. Varg
spoilertag that shit user, you're going to fucking summon Robo-dog
>"My name is Max. My world is fire and blood. Once, I was a cop. A road warrior searching for a righteous cause. As the world fell, each of us in our own way was broken. We all knew it was the chinks to blame, those coin-slot eyed commie fucks. They started this apocalypse and we slit the throat of each rice goblin we found in the aftermath until they were extinct."
What did he mean by this?
>"I would rather betray the world then let the world betray me. Especially if it involves betraying japs. God I hate those fucking bushido bastards so much. Even worse than the gweilo. I wish all nips would take their samurai swords and stab their own guts out."
Did this take anyone else out of the show?