So I posted this yesterday afternoon but I had to leave before I could actually read peoples critiques

So I posted this yesterday afternoon but I had to leave before I could actually read peoples critiques.

I made a video recently with the full house theme using gears of war 1 cinimatics. I was hoping to hear what Sup Forums thinks.

Also YLYL thread

Its not monetized so inb4 greedy scum.

Other urls found in this thread:
























i had some chortles throughout, it was better than i expected

Thanks, Means a lot.

Honestly, just use the real yellow letters from the Full House intro. The ones you use are throwing me out of the full house vibe

Sorry I was wrong, I thought they were Yellow for some reason. Just looked it up, they are white. HMMMM maybe the older episodes are in yellow text

Yeah, I feel you. I was trying to match an early season intro which had the white letters.

It happens. Maybe a different editing team took over for a few seasons?

Why are they all kikes?

This is the one I was trying to shot for shot.

Who knows, best of luck to you :D


Thanks :)


























They were workcamps


