Does Sup Forums like Gilmore Girls?

Does Sup Forums like Gilmore Girls?

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it was one of my favorite shows but when i rewatched it i noticed Luke had the same prep list on the grease board for for 6 seasons. DROPPED


It is my understanding that the posters on this board predominantly, if not exclusively, identify as males and use the gender pronoun he.

With that in mind, and to answer your question, no.

sup reddit

No, but I bet you do and masturbate furiously to cunny.


Gilmore Girls is great.

Rory is such a stupid cunt at the end of the show

Who would win in a fight?

Gilmore Girls or Golden Girls?

Gilmore may be younger but Golden is feistier

Honestly its a cheery light slice of life show

The ensemble cast they had was top notch

Tfw no lorelai gf

does waifufagging count as liking it?


>two girls at work constantly talk about Gilmore girls when it was still airing
>desperately want to join the conversation but im a dude and don't want to look like a fag
Pretty comfy desu.

Let's get a closer look at those feet senpai.

>Rory is perfect.jpg
yes Rory is the perfect whore. The show is so redpilled on women.

You have Paris who loves to be whore
you have the two other sluts in HS
you have the mother who sleep with random men, while telling herself that it is worth it
you have the best of all the whore. Our nice little Rory who spend years milky the servitude of some beta, before going for >le random rebbelous dark soul muh existential problem who treats her like shit and she loves it

then she gets bored, as usual, and dumps the little shithead, only get to be fucked by >le billionaire manchild who is devoted to her and ready to be tamed by her

the best part is that she refuses him, as usual, only to be fucked by yet othe rbetas in her life

iirc the dialogue was actually pretty good?

met her and she was stupid. Was on the set for a shitty indie movie with her and Kal Penn. The movie was shit but I got to chill on the set and drink their booze/ eat from their food trucks. Also, Kal Penn like peanut butter and banana sandwiches.

>Also, Kal Penn like peanut butter and banana sandwiches.
Who the fuck doesn't?

>give me a foot rub, user

Very distinct and charming. Bitches talk fast.

>met her and she was stupid.

what are you trying to say? men can't like gilmore girls because it's not manly enough? goddamn are you 12 years old? fuck off reddit

this is accurate. not to mention she consciously cucks dean for like 2 seasons straight

>he wasn't a neet 5-6 years ago and watched gilmore girls reruns all day while drinking mommys boxed wine

Lorelei. I don't think Rory is attractive.

/Lorelei/ master race

Don't get me wrong, Rory is a real sweetie, a real cutie, but Lorelei is feisty vixen

looking back the girls were hoes but everything was covered in a dreamy murrica setting