>keeps fucking Steve anyway


Other urls found in this thread:


Except it didn't?

>mgtow faggots literally triggered that a girl in a TV show made a normal choice and stayed with the hot popular stud instead of downgrading to the angsty virgin nerd


Didn't he save their lives with his 420noscope bat twirling swing?

Did you see his baseball bat moves? I'd let Steve fuck my ass on the spot while the Demogorgon cries in the corner.

That's why the show is great, cause people in it act like people. In real life she would have stayed with Steve, especially cause he ditched his two toxic friends and seems to have undergone a genuine personality change. I mean, he's cool with her hanging out with the other guy even though be creeped on them.

Also, in every other show the mother would call the police, they'd say we're working on it and she's stay home stressing on the couch, eating ice cream. In Stranger Things she drives to the police station and yells at them cause her son is missing.

stranger things is absolute kino

Not to mention he went to try and work things out with Jonathan and ended up risking himself to help them fight the demogorgon.

literally the least interesting part of the show b

comfy levels overload

>In real life she would have stayed with Steve
It's true, I know from experience of being the loser


>steve is the bad guy because he broke some creeps camera

>mgtow faggots

Actually, aren't you the mgtow faggot here? Any normal, mentally sane person subconsciously identifies with the hero of a story, not a side character. But because you have never felt the touch of a woman before and completely gave up on ever doing so in the future, you don't feel hurt at all by this. Unlike any normie who watches this and naturally identifies with the main character.

Cucking implies there was ever anything romantic between her and the other faggot. There wasn't

This. All these lonely permavirgins who think the second a woman shows even the slightest bit of kindness to them it means they want the dick. I thought the whole "survivors of trauma getting together" trope was something this board hated but i guess not when one of the survivors is a socially retarded caveman

Normal people are used to the main character getting the girl. You permavirgin NTR fetishists are a tiny minority here.

look at this angry virgin everyone look at it and laugh

ha ha ha ha ha

>Normal people are used to the main character getting the girl

I said that. Why are you arguing with me by rewording something I said?

>Bitter virgin lashes out when forced to self reflect


>not rooting for steve

>I said that

What? No you didn't. You said lonely permavirgins were the only ones who expect the MC to end up with the girl because she showed him the slightest bit of kindness.

>caring that much about a woman thinks
>oh no, what if she doesn't want my dick
You're not meant to be that much of a fag, user.

Until the day you can read women's mind and know exactly what they're thinking, stop being a fag

I said that trauma survivors getting together is a trope. I said that permavirgins generally go *against* the MC getting the girl but this time they wanted it to happen because the MC was a dopey looking loser with a shitty life.

Next time you even harbor the thought of replying to me, try working on your literacy first.

I hope you're talking about Nancy, because Steve was based.


Steve literally did nothing wrong

>seems to have undergone a genuine personality change
Except he didn't. Steve was always a good guy, he just had the good sense to stop things before they went too far, then actuall make up for his wrongdoings (and even the things he wasn't directly responsible for but was complicit in).

Team Johnathan complain that Nancy is just fulfilling the prophecy of boring middle class life, but Steve is a legitimate responsible and kind person. Johnathan is just an angsty, brooding manchild.

I thought it was pretty well implied that Nancy chose the safe path, to spend her Christmas with her generic boyfriend and parents who don't love each other and looked sad in the closing scene, while Jonathans family genuinely love each other and are having a great time.

>Johnathan is just an angsty, brooding manchild.

>I choose to be poor and live with a broken single mother because at least i'm not a boring suburban FAGGOT

yeah okay pal

Making fun of a guy's dead little brother crossed the line.

Did you forget about that part? That is not something easily forgiven, nor does it make him kind or responsible

this show was very predictable but this was unexpected
good decision for me

>You crossed the linnnneee
Typical beta manchild response. So the worst thing he ever did was say something mean to a guy who literally stopped looking for his missing brother so he could take creepshots of his waifu?

>high schoolers are fucking shitters especially when around their friends
>high schoolers in the 70's no less

call the police

How did it? She was with him to begin with and he had a character arc in which he reformed himself, he also beat the shit out of the monster

Her feelings towards Jonathan were completely platonic and always were.

All of Steve's actions were completely justified and understandable in his situation, it's his friends who were cunts

Chad ALWAYS gets his girl

>implying there are no lines to be crossed
You're exactly the kind of beta that's gonna get your head kicked in some day

You won't get the girl in the end either

>this is the implication he gleams from that post

Life will be difficult for you. I wish I could say I feel bad about that, but I really don't.

>the guy in the OP image is actually Steve
What the fuck is this what passes for a Chad in 2016?

it's all relative, user.

Okay, I won't make a new thread about this but you know what really boiled my blood?

The dude was taking photos of her while she was undressing and had photos of her missing friend (the same dude whose brother is missing) and she treats him like a poor wounded rabbit :(

Steve was totally right to smash his camera to fucking pieces. I'd do the same shit too, fucking creep. Then when she seems the photo of Barbara sitting alone, nobody in their right fucking mind would ever NOT go to the police.

I hate this sort of "woe poor me, please pity date me ladies I'm an emotionally torn up loner" that this character pushed. Pretty sure it was a self insert from one of the writers. I can just imagine that's how many of the depraved and defective Sup Forums users see themselves: poor misunderstand loners who just need a woman to pity them and fix them up cuz they have self diagnosed social anxiety and depression :(

Honestly, I don't mind her ending up with Steve so much as I mind the fact that she 'ended up' with anyone at all. The earlier episodes established her as some vapid highschool wench who's only meaningful plot points would revolve around her relationship status, but as the series went on she developed a far stronger and more meaningful character which transcended her whole 'dating thing' and lent her a sort of rare independence you don't often see attached to highschool girls in television.

By drawing so much attention to the 'will they won't they' aspect of her interactions with Jonathan and spending so long lingering on that shot of her with Steve, they're just reaffirming that the only real quandary or development she's gone through in the end is just 'which boy will she end up with'. Regardless of whichever she'd ended up with, I would've been left feeling frustrated because I feel like her character conclusion could have been so much more. What happened to her self-denial? Her attempts to fit into a suburbia lifestyle she despised? Her disenfranchisement to her parents or the fact that she apparently used to be some geek who roleplayed as an elf with her brother? All of that is dropped in favour of highlighting the whole 'Jonathan vs Steve'. It's a tired old cliche of 'one girl hops between two guys and can't decide which one she'd rather plow' that's so overused in every popular series lately.

He did make fun of Johnathan for his brother going missing

I bet his wrists aren't even 7" the fucking beta twink

>Life will be difficult for you. I wish I could say I feel bad about that, but I really don't.
Isn't that exactly what I said in the comment you just replied to

Great comeback bro

Your statement followed a completely incorrect interpretation of the post you were replying to, so it doesn't hold much water, I'm afraid.

>You crossed the linnnneee
>Typical beta manchild response.
Making fun of someone's dead little brother is pretty damn irredeemable. It wasn't simply "mean", it's basically taking the most traumatic thing that has ever happened to someone and saying you don't give a fuck.

>All of Steve's actions were completely justified and understandable

Definitely untrue. Sure, some of his douchey actions like repeatedly sneaking into her room despite her asking him not to or getting her as drunk as he could so he could fuck her could be put down to typical highschool levity, but he did some shit that was downright irredeemable.

Despite the recent scare of a child going missing (a child who was very close to the girl he's dating) he's perfectly content to just abandon Barbara to do whatever despite her being on his property in the middle of the woods. He doesn't give two shits when she goes missing, even going on to joke about it and then revealing he's more worried about his parents finding him with beer. He doesn't want to give any info about her disappearance to the police even though it might help in finding her. He doesn't waste any time mocking Jonathan despite the fact that the kid's just lost his little brother and using the excuse of 'well he just had bad friends' is a pretty piss-poor excuse when you realize he's the one enabling the two of them to be assholes in the first place - he's literally the only friend they have, he could leave at any time.

His final scene should have been him scrubbing away the slut graffiti from the cinema sign because it's such a normal, down-to-earth resolution to a plot which was supposed to be as normal and down-to-earth as possible. Amongst all the paranormal and surreal shit happening (which Steve isn't involved in at all until shoehorned in at the last minute), Steve as an antagonist is a reminder that there's some pretty shitty people in the real world as well. The image of him cleaning the sign is him realizing he's become one of these shitty people and then attempting to clean up his act.

I like how you've completely ignored the parts about prioritizing being a creepy fuck over investigating your brother's recent disappearance and the fact this is set in high school in the seventies.

I know you don't talk to people at school but most kids are pretty fucking blunt and direct about making fun of people for some big trauma, especially if the subject in question is made fun of in general preceding the event.

It's set in the 80s dumbass

Besides the fact that it says it is set in 1983 November, the synth pop and Spielberg ET/Goonies/Akira vibe didn't give it away at all?

Is this damage control or are you just retarded?

This guy is absolutely right

1983 is the 70's numbnuts

Who cares? Nobody wants that hungry skelly with no tits or ass anyway

So it turns out my interpretation was correct, you're a moral relativist who thinks it's ok because it's "set in high school in the seventies", therefore there are no lines to be crossed

Regardless of Jonathan's flaws, it doesn't make what you said here any truer

Nah he's talking bullshit
>All these lonely permavirgins who think the second a woman shows even the slightest bit of kindness to them it means they want the dick.

This is true, but when women want the dick, they ALWAYS show kindness. So it's a logical fallacy to claim that you're a permavirgin if you think any woman wants the dick ever. It's just a fag mindset.

And the stupidest thing is that in the show there are scenes where she CLEARLY wants Jonathan's dick. They are clearly romantically involved, but are interrupted at least once

It's kind of obvious she'll leave him for the "angsty virgin nerd" next season though if you really didn't get the hint, this is 80s stuff.

>>Despite the recent scare of a child going missing (a child who was very close to the girl he's dating) he's perfectly content to just abandon Barbara to do whatever despite her being on his property in the middle of the woods. He doesn't give two shits when she goes missing, even going on to joke about it and then revealing he's more worried about his parents finding him with beer. He doesn't want to give any info about her disappearance to the police even though it might help in finding her.
Did you watch the show? he literally tells Nancy later when he goes to speak to her at her house that he told the police the full story because finding her is more important than him and his beers, His character has a consistent redemption arc.
>the kid's just lost his little brother and using the excuse of 'well he just had bad friends' is a pretty piss-poor excuse when you realize he's the one enabling the two of them to be assholes in the first place - he's literally the only friend they have, he could leave at any time.
He was saying that shit in anger to the creepy weirdo who'd been taking photographs of his yard and was potentially banging his girlfriend, his response was just to go for low hanging fruit to try and get a rise out of the guy. Have you ever been in any kind of verbal escalation bordering on physical? You say all kinds of deep cutting shit out of anger

nothing steve did was even remotely unreasonable or irredeemable, he's just a standard teenager who's immediate concern for himself eventually gets trumped by his own better judgment and isn't actually all that bad of a guy

When it comes to women if you ain't a Chad, prepare to be sad

Thanks for the spoilers assholes

>Johnathan is just an angsty, brooding manchild.

I'm fine with Nancy and Steve ending up together, but really? The guy who has a panic attack at the prospect of his parents finding out he had a beer is more mature than the guy who takes a job while in high school to support his family?

>takes a job while in high school to support his family?
Cuck movie. You should ditch any other human being the second they become a burden to you.
>ruining your future because of the family meme.