Is there a more preachy movie?
Is there a more preachy movie?
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>invents lying
>creates religion/god
Top kek kino
Yes, Paul. And now, Sausage Party. Fucking hell I was not expecting r/atheism - the animated movie
damn, louie has really gone to hell
Who is the girl in the middle
Fedora Atheist the movie
>Dude God is a lie made by men lmao
>Nevermind that book that describes the birth of the universe, we conveniently remove it from the script
>Dude religious people will believe everything LMAO
Not only was this preachy... he even edited the interviews to make himself look like he 'won' every debate
Jennifer Gardening
>describes the birth of the universe
Goyim detected
God didn't create shit he just rearranged the chaos that was already there
Ricky Gervais would be totally tolerable if not for his constant cringy rants about atheism
This. Reboot when?
God Isn't Dead 1 & 2
>atheism is invariably obnoxious meme
Just admit you're all annoyed that nobody acknowledges you didn't believe in God before it was cool and move the fuck on.
Most modern flicks preach diversity and vibrancy and pozz
>dude there has to be a god.. How do you explain waterfalls and animals?
I am a Christian, all of my friends are and I never met a preachy Christian in my entire life, actually everyone tried to do their best for the others, while fedora atheists in school were basically bullies and one of them actually tried to kill his own mother.
I am an atheist, all of my friends are and I never met a preachy atheist in my entire life, actually everyone tried to do their best for the others, while fedora Christians in school were basically bullies and one of them actually tried to kill his own mother.
Today you learned how absolutely worthless anecdotal evidence is.
There doesn't have to be anything but the literal translation of genesis says god brought order to the world not that he created it
>Sausage Party
what happens?
Seth Rogan is an athiest jew so it's what you should expect.
No he wouldn't.
The Purge: Election Year.
Holy shit the liberal pandering was horrible in this one.
Except he's telling the truth and you're not
and his constant output of mediocre B-movies, yes.
Except yours is made up and his obviously isn't. I've never met an atheist that didn't have a chip on his shoulder.
the problem with the story is that people can't really react to contradictory information.
If I told you you had no dick when you obvious did, the movie has no way for the characters to process it an obvious lie contrary to existing information.
This what Sup Forums has been raped into.
Maybe they can smell the christ on you and go feral?
No but seriously are you retarded?
Go tip on reddit. The internet has exposed your 'community' as a bunch of morons
Wouldn't they just assume they've gone insane?
This is a Christian website
I don't know they didn't make it clear. If anything they'd assume you're insane.
Sup Forums was always pro christian, go to Sup Forums if you do not believe
ITT: buttmad christfag autists who defend their pathetic belief by spouting the fedora meme like its an argument or something
>birth of the universe
Except Christians didn't make that meme. Atheists on reddit did
To be fair "he" was the editor from Borat who was just wanting it to be funny, but yeah, it was fucking abhorrent in the context.
Worst is when they would outright remove someone's response and make it look like they just sat in stunned silence
>Ricky Gervais
>Jennifer Garner
>Jonah Hill
>Louis C.K.
>Rob Lowe
>Tina Fey
frankly not he's a douchebag about everything
he just manages to have some general idea about how to be funny but it went to his head within minutes of getting recognition
Shit that's one of them plotholes I've been hearing about ain't it?
Is that the Shrek font?
You'd think so but you'd be wrong
Anyhow, the meme evolved into a defense tactic for christfags
Daily reminder only third world shitholes and usa cares enough about religion to make it a problem for anyone.
So what, the universe created by itself? And how? Did we descend from monkeys? Do you seriously believe in it? If we were monkeys how there are still monkeys around?
Bc we only evolved from the monkies that raped pigs. That's why we and pigs are so similar
>you'd be wrong
Incorrect. Reddit atheists brought that meme down upon themselves with their cringeworthy "faces of atheism"
Atheists made atheism a laughing stock. Not Christians
surprised he got away with taking the concept of liar liar
>So what, the universe created by itself?
We don't know yet. But this question would also apply to a god.
>Did we descend from monkeys?
Humans and modern apes descended from a common ancestor.
>Do you seriously believe in it?
Virtually everyone outside of America does, including the Catholic church. Even inside of America, it seems only a minority of you reject it.
>If we were monkeys how there are still monkeys around?
Same way you guys came from England but there are still English people.
Read this.
Woops forgot image.
>If we were monkeys how there are still monkeys around?
are you being retarded on purpose or are you showing your double digit IQ because mom lets you play with her computer
I tought that was a costume. Got damn. JUST
>the atheists can smell Christ on you
So not only are you admitting he's real but has a distinct scent to him coating his believers?
Shame, Jews have a pretty awesome God. Like I guess I'm vaguely Christian, but the old testament God of vengeance is the one I pray to. I don't like how most Christians treat Jesus as a separate God, know fuck all about the holy spirit, and then try to shove together this whole holy Trinity bullshit. There's one God, it came down to understand humans in the form of a man who was Jesus of Nazareth and then decided to absolve humans of sin forever and remove the animal sacrifice requisites for forgiveness by performing a single human sacrifice. It's that fucking simple, and after that God either died (I mean they nailed him to a piece of wood) or had enough of our shit (I mean they nailed him to a piece of wood) and he's laying low for awhile until idk
Neat concept, atrocious execution
>We don't know yet. But this question would also apply to a god.
And you are wrong.
God is not a creature and never had a beginning point, being eternal according to Deut 33:27.
>Humans and modern apes descended from a common ancestor.
No evidence of this, tooooo many missing links.
>Virtually everyone outside of America does
>Same way you guys came from England but there are still English people.
You stupid on purpose or just to annoy people like the average fedora tipper does? If creatures EVOLVE why monkeys are still monkeys and not human beings? That's something that science never answered
>Deut 33:27.
I shit on your bible, stupid christnigger.
Quran is GOAT.
>Quran is GOAT
You have officially reached a level of autism only the likes of chris chan have met
Yeah, yeah, fuck off, kike.
Right after you, shitskin arab
At least I'm not a pathetic cuck. Where's your second cheek, by the way?
I don't care about it being preachy, but how did that premise make any sense to anyone? What mechanism prevented everyone from saying things that weren't true up until that point? Being right actually takes more work than being wrong, lying is more natural than truth telling.
Nothing funnier than Christians on the internet.
Who cares? You might as well reason out why Bill Murray relived the same day in Groundhog Day. It's just a comedy premise.
Meanwhile fedora tippers like you are just pathetic
Oh no what happened to pepe
He looks like he ate too many berries
>he actually believes in god and that this planet is somehow special
Mohammad was an insane warlord who fucked a prepubescent girl. Islam is a cancerous ideology that is destroying Western civilization. Kill yourself.
>Western civilization
By western civilization you mean all those faggots and degenerates, right?
>Mohammad was an insane warlord who fucked a prepubescent girl.
>complains about faggots and degeneracy
>believes in a religion that says it's a-okay to fuck animals
>religion that says it's a-okay to fuck animals
Go fuck a goat, Ahmed.
It's funny that christfags have to fantasize and lie about Muslims having sex with animals to relieve their suppresed sexuality.
>accuses Christianity of being repressed
>believes in a religion that says people who have premarital sex should be violently punished
>accuses Christianity of being repressed
Is not that why altar boy was fucked in the ass?
>believes in a religion that says people who have premarital sex should be violently punished
So close!
So you're being a hypocrite, you retarded sandnigger. Islam is far more sexually repressive than Christianity.
>So you're being a hypocrite
Amazing counterarguments, Ahmed. You've really shown us that Islam isn't cancerous filth. It truly is the religion of peace.
I can't wait to drink your tears when Trump becomes president.
Monkeys are NOT still monkeys. Those monkeys we evolved from aren't around anymore. The chimps came from the same (now extinct) monkey we did.
name a good preachy movie for me user
>Amazing counterarguments
How should I reply to non-arguments?
Like "Mohammad was an insane warlord who fucked a prepubescent girl." What's wrong with that? How would YOU reply?
>Trump becomes president
Nothing will change for me.
>the [truth] is near
So... Some monkeys evolved into human beings while others still are monkeys...? Why aren't they still so primitive then. It's not like me and my cousin are two different species. Am I evolving into something more evolved than a normal human being? Why aren't there billions of different species of humans...?
Nah m8
Nigger, what country do you live in? This is some third world tier education there.
>Sup Forums defends Islam
We need Sup Forums now more than ever.
I was not serious :^)
waking life
norte, the end of history
>Why aren't they still so primitive then
You're aware that there's a continent full of people living in mud huts and aluminum shacks who all have AIDS and Malaria, right?
>Why aren't there billions of different species of humans...?
There aren't "billions" of species of ANY mammal. But if you open your eyes, there are dozens of different species of human, including mixed breeds.
Bc natural selection that guides evolution aren't affecting us anymore now that we can change the world to suit us.
And the monkeys still living in trees didn't need to be more like us to get by. Nature isn't trying to excell. just getting by til your kids are old enough to take care of themselves is good enough.
Narrated Abdullah ibn Abbas: There is no prescribed punishment for one who has sexual intercourse with an animal.
Abu Dawud 38:4450
haha what the fuck do they not have schools in your country or something?
>if I describe it like a total braindead fuckwit that will make the science wrong!
not surprising. that's the state that bans science textbooks
I know you are a unbeliever :
Ask yourself first
Whos is the authority abu dawud?
Why did abdullah ibn abbas narrated this excerpt
It could easily have been forged or made up just like the bible. So your lil quotation is without any merit to. Thinking person havint said that. Shut your bitch ass youndumb nigger